OH YES!!!! he's SMEXY!!!!! 8D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Johnny Rules!!!!
OMG!!!!! Sweeney Todd!!! =D!!!!!
My internet is being GAY today! @__@
Lol yeah I see you *pokes* :3
Hmm..right now I'm eating a sandwich 8D ad you?
Do you uhm..have MSN?
Who the heck will ever send me an e-mail..? ;O;...and MSN is boooring >.<
Lol me too @__@
I agree? O o
I'm confuzzled. .____.U
Lol now that's creepy XD
Lol what else would I be doing? watching porn obviously XD JK!!! This is NOT true! O o Anyway..I just got home from McDonald's xD how bout you?
Hey again Sorafan! =)
Hey Jazz..=)..I'm ok..
OMG..8D Ello once again
Hey! and welcome to kh-vids! remember to read the rules, post lots and have fun! Hope to see you around! =D
Lol OMG Yes..but since I didn't remembered the password I deleted it. So now I have this one, but I'm not new xD Lol, hey Sox! welcomez back :3
ZOMG Hi Sorafan! and thanks :D! Ma homie! that sig is awsome!
ZOMG I am back 8D
XD! OMG Don't say that! bu yeah..I have swimming practice tomorrow..and tennis on Wednesday x__x