Hey everyone!!! =D or whoever is here Dx
OMG You are leaving for realz?! D:
Hey! and welcome to Kh-Vids!! remember to read and follow the rules, post lots and have fun! ^^ Hope to see you around! :3
Hey!! and welcome to Kh-Vids! remember to post lots, stay active and have fun! ^^ Hope to see you around! :3
LOL OMG yeah xD! I got to beat him like..1 week after I got to the final place in KH.
I like Riku's fight..and the last fight with Ansem (all of them)
That's it!? Dx
Maybe she's drunk? .___. Or what? what happened?
LOL Hey I know you too! xD Aww bye-bye have fun! xD[?]
OMG Hey!! =D I'm awsome and you?
I have returned...DUNDUNDUUUNZ :3 Hey!!!
I'm good ^^ and you?
Gooood Morning! :3
Lol aww it was nice to meet ya too! ^^
I'm leaving too! see ya! be back tomorrow 8D bye!
Demyx: "Run, run away!" Sora:"....Okay..?" Axel:" Got it memorized? X-E-M-N-A-S" Sora:" And then we can go see Santa!!" Roxas:" No my heart belongs to me!" DiZ: "You should share some of that hatred..with Sora..he's far too nice for his own good" Xigbar:" I'm not just any old dude"
OMG! Hey again Sox! Lol I will *---*..
Why don't ya ask Kir how to do ka-ra-teh? :3
LOL! Awww I'm gonna see The Happening soon at the movies! 8D
OMG YOU HAVEN'T!? That's like the most awsome movie evah! and Johnny sings 8D