o.o................................................... X3 Haiz
Bye! have a nice vacation ^^
OMG She dead!? D: OMG I'm sad now :(
Don't think too much, you head might blow up mini-popcorn pieces x__x
OMG I'm so bored .___.
Silly Rabbit Trix are for kids :3 Okay that was random XD
Awwwwwwwwwww <3
OMG You are just like me XD
Feeling a little better..you?
Hey Jazz! 8)
When was that? O___o
I don't have Star Ocean 4, I have Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time
Hmm..I'm making a PokePlushie..Flyffables I think..there's an egg but I already named it.
Feeling better after that huge fever I had yesterday..I though my head was going to explode..You? Oh and making one of those PokePlushies! but I'm still a lil confuzzled..
Aww now you too? D: oh well..Goodbye! hope you return again.
I lost count of soo many times I've played both games .__.U
Hmm..I really don't know very well..but I think it was when Captain Barbossa drank a bottle when he was a skeleton o__o
By watching T.V XD
Hmm..I like Sora, Roxas and Riku 8D
Hey Aerith ^^ good morning