I like the cups actually, but I don't really liked to train there so I stayed more on Neverland Hollow Bastion and Traverse Town
OMG I totally agree with you Wisdom..whenever I have like..really low HP its like I don't exist to Goofy, hes just keeps fighting and doesn't even heal me with his potions..and heck I used to put alot of Potions is his items <.<
I TOTALLY hate it when Donald dies alot! he's got really low HP! that's why when I don't have any Potions or anything even MP I'm like:"Donald why did you died!? now who's gonna heal me!?"
I've started playing KH1 again but im Expert mode..so it's been busy nights for me. In Destiny Islands I leveled 1-15 Traverse Town 15-28
Yeah same here if it wasn't for Donald and his Cure ability..XD..
At least you understand too right?
Hey Jazz..:3.. And I was a little mad cause some idiots at swimming practice kept pushing me in the pool on purpose >.> But I'm better now. hehe
LOL Aww! x3 -feels loved- yayzers ok hehe And NO they are NOT fun >.<
.........Hi. I'm tired Sick. And mad.. Also had swmming practice this morning too hehe. XD How 'bout everyone here?
Way to go Tootsie! I totally agree with you in here. Especially Hypocrites.
I fell of the stairs yesterday does that count? XD *Fails at life*
I agree with you x__x he's a little idiot sometimes
Lol yeah that would be cool =D one of my fav characters is Jack Skellington so yeah if I could do that I would bring him everywhere except for The World That Never Was. I would also do the same with Riku
I don't hate Donald either just for that reason XD but Goofy IS kind of..annoying when he jumps and all. And I also agree with Kairi_girl_92 cause Goofy IS supposed to be an idiot..not some smarty-pants
Hmm..definetly Destiny Islands, Neverland or Twilight Town =D
Yeah me too =) which Sims game do you have?
Whoa! I haven't played that game in such a looong time! x3 I like the Sims game
Have those even been made yet? Cause I've seen 'em in cartoons XD
I totally agree with you! =D