Yeah! that one! that Heartless really ticked me off when I first fough it...
I agree XD specially if that Heartless is still in the vowels of Mostro > >;; (I forgot the name of the Heartless XD)
That's what I though! DX my brother is super crazy is he wants to live inside a whale XD
You are so lucky.. My brother said that he wanted to live in Agrabah and I was like: WTF!? why would you wanna live in Agrabah? and he said:" Well cause I like arabian stuf duh" Then he said:" Ok then its decided! I wanna live inside Monstro! I was like:....Why the heck do you wanna live inside a whale.. He said: Oh cause I can explore the stomach and I can also take pictures of it for science class XD
LOL Hey again ma homey 8D And yeah..DI is a beautifull place, specially sitting on that almost wobbly tree to watch the sunset
Yay for Destiny Islands? =3
LOL I would not do the flirting thing with Kairi, I would do it with Riku though =3
But..can't it just be the three of 'em? Sora, Riku and Kairi?
Yeah! but in Destiny Islands you can still train with Selphie, Wakka or Tidus =3 unless you'd rather fight Heartless then in that case then you can choose Traverse Town, but I'd prefer Destiny Islands 'cause it's really peacefull and I also love to watch the sea.
In my opinion I would say that since Kairi already has a Keyblade and all..she might start fighting alongside Sora..but what I'm thinking is what might happen to Riku
Hmm..I obtained the Final Form in the Underworld cups..
*Writes on her what-to-do-next-list* 1: Steal Sora's keyblade 2: Glomp Axel 3: Hide Riku in a box and take him with me to Destiny Islands 4: Kick Xemnas in the @$$ 5: Die Marluxia's hair in to some color that might look way better than pink.. 6: Call Zexion "Zexy" and run away (XD?) 7: Put on Xigbar some pirate clothes..since he's got the eyepatch and all..the clothes might suit him well XD 8: Become friends with Namine and ask her to teach me how to draw like her Ugh..brain overload..@___@ I'll tell the rest later..
I like Link and Dedede
Lol yeah I liked that line too
I read Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse (same story btw) I love those books! <3
Yeah I agree and same goes with Yuffie.
So do I..but Donald heals me in KH2 so I got no problem..but I meant Goofy OMG yeah! that would be pretty cool..I always wished King Mickey would join the party or Auron! he puts quite a fight or Roxas, Leon, Cloud or Tifa..but she only gives punches..
Yeah he was XD in the beggining it was a little bit difficult, but when the other battles came they were pretty easy =)
I don't really believe in Werewolves..they DO creap me out though when I see them in a show or something? but believe not really.
In KH1 and for some KH2..well..for me.