Bye! see you later in July! ^^
Have fun on your vacations! =D
But..doesn't Sora becomes a Lion in Pride Lands? XD it's funyn how Donald in changed into a bird and Goofy a turtle XD!! that made me laugh alot!
As I must say..Goofy hates me..definetly..
Darn it when he didn't try -_-U...sooo many good characters to play with and we just had to be stuck with Donald and Goofy..
Yeah it is a pretty good place though..but I still wished that King Mickey could have joined the party! T__T
In KH1 I visit HT and Traverse Town so I can buy stuff at the shops and all that. But in KH2 I visit Beast's Castle quite alot XD and Halloween Town too =D
Hmm...I would say I only liked Ansem because of his battles, he was an amazing character and a good challenger.
OMG yeah Halloween Town owns! I love that place and actually that's the place I mostly visit in KH1
Yeah that part was also cool XD but that Behemoth was funny
Yeah same here. But my fav part in HB was when I fought Maleficent when she turned into a dragon XD it was fun
Yeah, well that's the place I like a little, and I also liked the Library, when I first got there I was kinda confused but then I managed to get through it XD
It looks like it but its not.'s more like a big circle hall with two big stairs, the fountain? remember?
Hmm..I'd like to be Cloud or Dante =D
Yeah me too! =3 specially the Great Hall
Awww Sara too? D= oh well..Goodbye! I never liked goodbyes either T--T hope you enjoy life.
I think Repliku's comment pwned mine @___@ I guess your right..
Speaking of that I remember in KH2 that Goofy was hit in the head when a Heartless shot at a giant rock..when I saw him coming back I was like: WTF!?! he just got hit by a giant rock which could have caused him brain damage and survived!? XD
I do that alot too! XD
LOL Specially swinging on the Vines XD. Wisdom: LOL yeah he was easy but the second fight I ad to put Caps Lock on it cause I didn't know when he was gonna shoot that acid thing on me. DX BUT! I liked the first fight cause I fought it with Riku *--* *Loves Riku alot*