I hope you have a good time!
you look so cute, goodness!
Confidence only on the internet. ;x
It'd be the best day of your life, because I am that amazing.
bareMinerals does not like to use the f word.
14 men, is one of them the father? And the answer will probably be no..
I think it was mentioned somewhere that they have not found something to change the amount of posts per page?
So you would not be freaked out?
50 KB is so small. Like, I seriously tried everything when making a 200x200 and saving it as .png (because .jpeg is ugly), that I just gave up and went down to 150x150.
I liked the sex and the morbid season finale. I don't really know, lol. I am sure there are animes that have both of that in it, but none of the ones I found seemed interesting to me. Like, I've definitely found a bunch of them that had both of those in it, but it just didn't seem to interest me like I thought it would, which is why I stopped looking. I figured School Days is the only anime of that nature that I'll be into.
the voiceovers got messed up. i don't know how to fix it so i said screw it and uploaded it.
I have spent, say, two years trying to find an anime similar to School Days because I did not think anything else would interest me, but I've finally given up in my search. That, and I've just never been a big fan of anime but I figured I'd give it a try?
Aw, I just started watching this last night, too. Second anime I've ever watched. *-*
Eep, don't kid yourself. You'd be incredibly excited to have me randomly show up on your doorstep one day! ..lol
Absolutely never. You like having me stalk you. ;3
It's like you can't go into a thread without it having some mention of a banned member, good lord.
You're on a KH fansite. You are already a nerd.
This is confusing. x.x It looks ugly with the constant messages just stacking up.
People might think I am joking around about this, but I really enjoyed School Days. I think you might have to have some sort of sick mind to enjoy it, but I recommend it for people to watch, just in case.
Have you not noticed he acts like this to everyone?