what the hell is it
oh i am so torn between prince plumsy and bohemian rhapsody. ;~;
because everyone hates everyone
obviously you care if you felt the need to reply to me?? but rly the only reason i got annoyed is because i am pretty sure people don't go around saying famous girls look like boys just because they don't like them so they shouldn't do the same for boys ok
Plums repped me. It wasn't even really an introduction post because I had been on the site for like two months almost and the hack happened and I had to create my account all over again.
u rly gonna delete your old comment so you could post thisjust stop because idc if ydc
um because they use hair product, it makes them look like a girl? and wow, brb going to tell all the male swimmers out there who are hairless that they look like girls.and also implying wearing foundation makes you look like a girl. okay. everything you posted is irrelevant because they still look like guys, or half the teenage female population would be lesbians for thinking they're hot?
yeah because they don't look like girls, ty goodnight
Spoiler wow look at all that long hair, omg. you do realize that the reason they are "primped up" is because they have STYLISTS who do **** for them. their eyebrows look pretty bushy. and porcelain skin? lololol, ok. i think that might be called photoshop
sorry but you're stupid if you think they look anything like girls
but they look like gods
i just want to see my post count with it including all my spam zone posts
i like how khv is the air nation because the fandom is extinct
ugh i remember i begged my parents to get me harvest moon for christmas SO MUCH and so they did, and i played it for an hour before figuring out it was awful to me
Is spam actually good? Like, what is it supposed to be?
i've lost a few brain cellshelp
i was just going to quote this without putting anything, but then i remembered i was nominated for something /:
I wasn't sure if I wanted to submit this one, but I feel like it's better than all my other ones so yeah. :c lol
Impressions?Can we run away together and get married?Do you watch television?How did you get into making music?