A Little Bit of Heaven A+ for making me ugly cry throughout the entire thing
this thread is why i hate half the active members on this site
everyone should use spotify
start a fire by ryan star "oh you make me such a mess, why can't this just last forever?"
I thought there was going to be a screenshot to a comment you made. Highly disappointed.
this woman's work by kate bush
can you get a restraining order for someone over the internet?
men have nipples so i can lick them
tinypic is the best guys, stop with this madness
he is so perf
i am completely okay with seeing your face everywhere
cook for me sometime
****ing cutest cat ever, i want it
i will try to change for you, baby
idec my attitude is ruining the world because i don't like a show about ponies
video girl by jonas brothers
I am freezing about 95% of the time during summer while sitting in my room with my door shut (to block off the air from the air conditioner) and my window open. I usually sit in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and have a blanket on. I do not want colder weather.
The show is just awful. I tried watching an episode with my niece and I felt like I was losing so many brain cells while doing so.