ok w/e, forsaken is the hottest out of all the ones that have photos
People who don't have a photo, please submit one so I can make a good decision.
No. :c I use the same password for everything. My life would be ruined if anyone found it out.
omg .
disclaimer: i do not own anything. no copyright infringement intended. -------------- now i know why i always...
hurricane by ms mr
Suck it up. No one likes me and I'm still here.
i'm pretty much convinced there's a killer living in this little opening across from the bottom of the stairs. seriously making sure i live in a one-level house when i'm older so i don't have to sprint up steps.
aren't herpes usually on the outside of your mouth? like they look like cold sores or something or do people just call cold sores herpes to make fun of people?? seriously confused about it right now but too lazy to google where mouth herpes are
no but i love her tongue so she can do whatever she wants with it more tongue:
silent lucidity by queensryche
Spoiler 4evr and evr
××× i'm a paper doll, you can t e a r m e u p, × Looking up when everyone began to introduce themselves, she laughed to herself. It was odd how she had an idea of who they were, but there had never been formal introductions. Though, it made sense. Neither group had made the effort to get to know each other. Part of Tatum didn't want to go through that effort if it wasn't going to get her anywhere in the end. × That's how she felt about this entire situation. They were all acquaintances, and despite them being together for a while in the long run, that was probably the furthest any relationship of Tatum's would go. She couldn't allow herself to get any closer. Something big was coming and if anything happened to another person she cared about, the nineteen year old girl honestly might go insane. × "I'm Tatum," she muttered quietly, hoping that the others had heard her. It might have been the first words she had said, but she wasn't quite sure. She had spoken to Lenny, but how often had he been outside of his room? For all she knew, the others could have thought her for mute.
is it soon time for new polls??
××× i'm a paper doll, you can t e a r m e u p, × No one had ever known about Tatum being..well, special. At times, she had blocked the memories of finding the powers out of her mind. She even went to the extent of covering her entire body in clothing just so there would be no more accidents. It had scarred her, and the only way to help her forget was to make sure it would never happen again. And even now, knowing that it is impossible to forget who she really is, she still wears all the clothing. She feels naked without it. × When Lenny found Tatum, she was shocked, surprised, and an awful lot confused. How had he known about her? She had gone to many lengths to keep it a secret, but somehow he had found out. It scared her a bit, but the only thing that he had told her was that he could help. And she believed him. Leaving what family she had left behind, she went along with Lenny, ending up at a bar called the Roadhouse. It had only been a few days since she arrived. × Snapping out of her thoughts, Tatum glanced up at the sky through one of the small windows in the bar. It was bright outside, causing her to squint her eyes from the glare of the sun. Turning her head away, she looked around at the teenagers surrounding her, some older than her and some younger. Maybe some of them weren't even teenagers? She was never able to tell a person's age just by looking at them and the fact that she hadn't spoken a word since her arrival did not help the case. She felt like she had finally found somewhere she could fit in, but she was wrong. Tatum didn't know it was going to be like this - people disliking each other and every new person that joined. To be honest, she just wanted to forget these past couple of days and go home. × But she couldn't leave. There had to be some reason why all of this was happening now. Three people, including herself, were brought into this "family" (if that was what you could even call it) recently. Lenny hadn't explained a single thing to any of them, new and old, and she could feel the tension in the room because of it. Some part of Tatum didn't want to hear what this was all about, but she felt like she had to know. There were other people out there exactly like her, with these mysterious powers. They were made for a reason, but what was it? × Grabbing hold of a section of her long, black hair, she began to tightly braid it, all of her attention focusing on making it perfect. But when she heard Adam begin to shout, she jumped slightly, letting go of her hair and watching the braid slowly fall out. Blowing it out of her face, she looked at the boy, wondering what his actions were. Tatum did not know how long he had been there, but she knew it had been a few years from overhearing others talk. Listening to the rest reply to his comments, she kept quiet, not having anything to contribute to this conversation. She didn't know what was going on, and she didn't want to say the wrong words, resulting in a fight.
um here is a picture of my perf cat he's a maine coon and apparently he is supposed to be like 5x the size of what he is now and omfg i looked some of them up a lil bit earlier and they are seriously the size of humans omg Spoiler and here is me, i don't sleep and i don't think i look almost 20 either??? i look so young Spoiler i look like i have a lazy eye but i swear it's my glasses
i'm crying
everyone loves me.
Pepsi, but I would prefer if I never drank either ever again.