Loooove this contest. Anyway, here's my entry, Lydia! Spoiler
Kitty Pryde. Love her sosososoososso much, and despite her role being bigger in X-men 3, it was still small and she's just amazing and they should have focused more on her.
Is getting pretty annoying. Comes a time when you're just like, "wow, everything s/he is claiming to be happening isn't really happening, so maybe we should just stop and realize we're defending someone who doesn't deserve to be defended."
General Forums for world of warcraft. ...I don't know. I am seriously on there all the time for hours on end o_o
Play WoW with me, pretend to be a girl, and let's see if how many times you are asked to show your tits for a certain piece of gear or spot in a raid, or just for the hell of it.
I shouldn't have fallen for a taken man. HAR HAR HAR But then I think I don't even really like him, and it's all in my head. Because I mess around with so many people and whenever I see them with another girl it makes me jealous to no end. I DUNNO
Way too many boobies, but I suppose it was an okay movie. People hyped it up way too much, so I was disappointed.
AW, I JUST FINISHED GETTING CAUGHT UP ON IT. Locked myself in my room for three days and watched season 6 and 7 but ugh, the clown one ._. i was seriously so freaked out. But the clowns were seriously in there for like four minutes? Er, the scary ones at least. The entire thing does take place at a clown restaurant, so nvm.
I have no idea what my phone is right now, but it's really a piece of crap and it stops working for hours on end. I am trying to get my mom to buy me an iphone, because in five months I'll be able to pay for it on my own, sooo, I'd rather get it now so I can get rid of my basically dead one.
××× i'm a paper doll, you can t e a r m e u p, × All of this was making the black haired girl, but she listened to every word they said; took in every single syllable. What she was dealing with now? It was beyond what she could have ever imagined. Tatum could have dealt with finding out that there were others exactly like her. But this? How could something this..serious be hidden from the majority of the population? Allowing her mind to run wild, she thought of how little hunters there could possibly be in the world. × "Well...that's a lot to take in," she murmured, loud enough for everyone to hear her. Tatum still couldn't place her head around it. She understood, but at the same time, she didn't. What they were talking about were in the childhood stories that her aunt and uncle read to her after she came to live with them. They were make believe. They weren't supposed to be real. It was hard to believe that Casper the Friendly Ghost was a reality. Though, were they supposed to hunt all of them? There had to be some good in them, deep down.. × "So we hunt these now?" She asked, although the answer had already been stated. But who was Azazel? Had she blocked out their description of him, or had they just not stated one? Part of her didn't want to know - at least not right now. This was too much, and she was beginning to feel sick. None of this was settling well with her. On top of not talking to any of the others, this was just making her want to pack all of her belongs and head home.
ho hey by the lumineers
Any news? :3
walking around naked for the rest of my life and MAYBEEEE being able to get the guy i want cuz i'm so hot i'm lame
Heart Swells / 100-1 by Los Campesinos! "By now it's just the three of us. Me. Your shadow. Your echo. I do not believe that I've ever felt any more alone."
Granted, but as a result of not having class, you decided to head to somewhere fun but instead got into a fatal car accident. I wish I could teleport to people I want to see at that exact moment.
humming bird by alex clare
Spoiler best games
seriously i'm not trying to be rude, but tell me that is not your actual voice
I want Bolin on my tits.
××× i'm a paper doll, you can t e a r m e u p, × Tatum glanced around the bar at everyone who was speaking with one another. It seemed as if no one got along with each other, but maybe that is just how they were? A little dysfunctional family. They all had one thing in common, and they had known about it longer than the rest of them. Maybe their fighting, or the hostility towards one another was out of pity? They felt bad that the person was experiencing the same thing that they were. × When Lenny walked out of his room, Tatum's attention was directly towards him. The girl might have seen him once or twice and spoke to him maybe once. She was slightly annoyed by the fact that he had brought them all the way out there and then hid himself away in his room. Right now, she could be sitting down eating dinner with what little family she had left. It wouldn't be ideal, but at least her powers would not be dangling in front of her. At home, she was able to cover up what bothered her the most. Here? That was a different story. The whole reason she was here was because of her power. × Ignoring everyone's comments towards Lenny, Tatum stood up and walked behind the bar, grabbing a small glass and a bottle of whiskey. She poured the whiskey about a third of the way full into the glass before returning to her previous spot on a bar stool. Her gaze went back to Lenny, and she scrunched her nose at him, slightly annoyed how he hadn't bothered to explain anything yet. Hearing Scott's comment to him, she let out a stiff laugh. "I'm Tatum, Lenny, in case you forgot." She was hoping he hadn't.