listening to my christmas music playlist, but about to go hang out with my boyfriend, netflix.
happy birthday and sorry people are having the dumbest debate in your thread
baby, it's cold outside by she & him
I change it like once a year.
ho ho hopefully by the maine I AM GETTING IN THE SPIRIT
cute without the e (cut from the team) by taking back sunday
SIGH i want snow so i have an excuse to stay inside all day.
happy birthday, my favorite khv person :3
wait, people are dating on this site? tell me these are all make believe
:'C those gems are like 2k gold and i'm poor
lol, no. this is my character:
she said by plan b
I wish my first and last name used the same six letters. Seriously.
Maybe, since you can't remember him, he didn't actually go to your preschool. Maybe, he's some crazy stalker who knows everything about your life.
××× i'm a paper doll, you can t e a r m e u p, × The word murder, a noun. The killing of another human being. Their lives were all similar; Tatum had assumed that from the moment she stepped foot in the Roadhouse. But did she want to know about it? No. She had skimmed through her "life story" by only stating how she had discovered her powers. The nineteen year old didn't want them to know anymore, and she didn't want to know anymore about them until they were actually comfortable enough to share delicate details of their life with her. Who knows how long that would take, she thought to herself, an abrupt laugh followed shortly after. × Tatum tried to tune them out as they began speaking, but her listening lingered towards them, and it got to the point where it was impossible to not hear their words. Everything being said wasn't so much life stories as it was them discovering their powers. It seemed as if they had all found them the same way - at least the ones who spoke up. An unfortunate event occurred. For some reason, this settled well with her. It wasn't that Tatum was glad that the others had discovered their powers identical to hers, no. She wasn't happy with that at all. It just allowed her to know that she was not alone. That there were others out there that went through what she did. Maybe they all didn't react to it the same, but that part didn't matter. What did was that she wasn't as much of an outcast here as she was at home. × Part of her was hoping that the rest would chime in with simple descriptions of their life, just to hear Lenny's. "That's awful," she muttered underneath her breath to herself, mad at herself for thinking like that when just before she had wanted nothing to do with the others lives. But Tatum would be lying if she said she wasn't extremely curious. "Lenny..," her dark eyes darted towards him, and she gave him a half smile. "I think you should go. Us explaining how we discovered our powers or telling our life stories won't get us anywhere. But you telling us your life, maybe it would help explain everything and put it into perspective." Maybe that came off as too forward. Shaking her head slightly, she added, "I really don't want to pry and I'm sorry if I am. I just want to get as much information as possible." For some reason, all of this was bringing out a different side of her. She usually never spoke unless spoken to. But, Tatum was still slightly confused, and if Lenny was able to tell her and the rest of the group something, she would appreciate that.
"And when I'm beheaded, at least I was wedded. And when I am buried, at least I was married."
Oh good lord, Plums is the absolute most precious person ever. omg ;~;
××× i'm a paper doll, you can t e a r m e u p, × The teenage girl gripped at the black gloves that covered both of her hands. What kind of powers do you have? Her heart beat quickened, and she gave one look at Adam before closing her eyes shut. Do I tell them? she thought to herself, immediately throwing the thought away from her mind. They'll find out soon enough anyway. Just tell them. But something inside of her refused to let Tatum explain what she was; how she really saw herself. "I'm nineteen," she managed to reply, a slight stutter in her voice. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't still taken aback by this question. × Attempting to compose herself, she stood up from off the bar stool and paced back and forth. Stopping with her back facing the group, her eyes darted for something to pinpoint on - to put her into some sort of daze. Landing on a fly, Tatum watched its wings buzz furiously. It would fly from one spot to another, and then back to the previous one. She wondered what it was doing, trying to get her mind off of everything, but nothing could shake the desperate desire to explain what type of power she was capable of. × "I don't really know where to start," she began, the previous stutter she had suddenly disappearing. Instead of tearing the band-aid off slowly, she wanted to rip it off fast. "I was eleven, in New York City, and alone. I had run away, and to this day I don't remember why, but I wish I hadn't." Every memory of that day came flooding into her mind, and before she knew it, she felt her cheeks begin to get wet with tears. Still facing away from the group, though, she hoped they wouldn't notice. "But I touched a man on his arm, and I watched him die." The band-aid was off. They all knew. "I kill people just by touching them." She let out a stifled laugh. Hearing herself say that almost made it seem unreal and that this was all a joke.
I like the size of your junk but I'm not sure if I actually like you.
truth by alexander