i remember the first legit party i went to. we ended up drinking while watching television. ik ik i'm such a badass
You have a 37% chance of survival. You could survive, but only with help and given the right conditions. sigh i would prob just shoot myself in the head so i don't have to deal with it
Spoiler so we convinced my mom to let us bring in a stray kitten that was hanging around our house, so cute ;-; we named her noelle ok and WOW I AM SO SORRY I LOOK LIKE SUCH A DUMBASS BUT I CAN'T TAKE PHOTOS TO SAVE MY LIFE AND I WANTED TO JOIN IN POSTING PICTURES IN GLASSES
You make me so excited to go back to school.
stop being so girly then, gosh
study so you at least know some of the answers and don't have to spend a bunch of time flipping through your notes finding them
oh good lord, i just posted how today was the worst day ever because of this
worst day evr because tumblr is down ;~;
boyfriend by raelynn lol new favorite song
I hope it's nice. I'm glad I got into it - it's just I don't get along with girls that well, but it's okay. I just hope that whoever I share a bathroom with (there's two bathrooms in the room, so two share each) isn't a messy person, or at least cleans up after herself, since there won't be a janitor cleaning it up for us. :C I currently live in a 4-person house with nine people.
Just found out, as a freshman, I got into the brand new suites that are opening in January 2013 for my college. I also found out I have to share a room with three other girls. Three. Girls. shoot me now (but other than that, having my own private bathroom and a kitchen and a living room is so sweet)
I pretty much always feel like running away to Europe and starting completely over.
congrats. :3 i am going back to college in a month after taking a year or so break, lol. it's weirdddd, but i am so excited to go.
khv has always been tumblr :C
i think i might cry if i never see jonas brothers live.
happy birthdayyyy.
23 by jimmy eat world ;-;
328 .
You missed me!