A small ringing noise echoed across the stadium. A female announcers voice came into earshot. "Semi-Final Round complete. Team SARK wins." As the digital personnas of their former allies left the stadium, the group was left with more questions than answers. A roar fell over the crowd as the announcer provided the next match up. "Next Round. Team TRON vs. Team RAM." Hikaru looked to Stratos. "Let's just try and make it through this round." Tron jumped off his light cycle and joined his team. "Sorry you couldn't get more practice in... I wish you the best of luck. Judging on probability alone your chances seem quite high!" Tron's words were a bit reassuring at least. Aislinn, Kel, Hikaru and Stratos were put onto platforms as they were lowered into the arena. Their opponents were etched in green circuitry. As Hikaru looked at them, he felt a little guilty. Maybe they were forced into this situation and didn't want to fight. Maybe they could be reasoned with. But befre he could even call out one of them to try and make peace, one of Team RAM's players yelled at the group. "Prepare to be derezzed you turbo scum!" "Hey! Avatar with the black hair! Your ASCII is mine!" one of the girl programs taunted. Hikaru looked up and down at his partner. "I think she's talking to you" Hikaru whispered loudly. A booming male voice appeared and began the countdown. 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... GO! Team RAM immediately jetted into action forming fout lined on the grid headed straight for them. Hikaru fumbled with his cycle cylinder but eventually aligned it to assemble his cycle as he skated forward. He was headed straight for one of the anemy programs before taking a hard left, with the program moving in the opposite direction. "It's just like a glider, It's just like a glider, It's just like a glider," he kept repeating quietly and rapidly to himself. Panic was setting in. MISSION START! "Very eager I see," CLU smiled. The rules of Disc Wars are simple. Use your game discs to hit players on the enemy teams. You can dodge, or block them, but if you get hit by even a graze..." Etrius zoomed ahead and slid along the ground before slinging his disc at Kaida. While it seemed to barely phase her, a small cut was made on her ankle, causing the scoreboard to change. BEUCE: 0 LUNA: 0 IGNIS: 1 KAIDA: -1 ETRIUS: 1 ANORA: 0 CAT: 0 EON: -1 "As you can see, getting hit with the disc will cause you to lose a point, but hitting someone else will allow you to gain a point. The top two players from each team will move on to the next round..." The rest of he players dashed forward to claim their points with looks of malice and cruel intent in their eyes. MISSION START NOTE: "Warriors will have quicker throws, Hunters will have a speed advantage, Guardians are better at deflecting, and Mystics have better aim. (Cat was a warrior, Etrius was a hunter, Eon was a guardian, and Anora was a mystic. Furing this mission, fight fairly with believable results!)
Lea smiled as everyone seemed to be mostly on board with the situation. "Okay, noe that we've all had a chance to think some things through, I can get down to business" He reached into his pocket. "This is a key finder... It tracks down any keyblader within a 10 kilometer radius. Don't ask me how it works, but it involved with something to do with experimenting on a heartless and why they hunt the keyblade and... I just didn't ask questions when this this was being made." He showed the locator to the seven in the room. Now as you can see, we can see two places in opposite directions from where we are. Now here's the funny thing... There are two keyblade wielders in each spot." Two blinking yellow lights could be seen on the green screen. "So my plan is as follows. Depending if they are friend or foe, we divide into two teams of four." He gave the locator to Kiara. "Now seeing as Kari- I mean.. Kiara has been at this the longest, she'll be leading the second group while I lead the first. Judging by everyone's elemental and battle experience, I divided the teams to match your ability to work in a team." He pointed to a spot on the radar. "Kiara and her team of Luther, Arctus and Melus will follow the south path, while Aeira, Vallus and Koa will follow me to the northern point. Thankfully I know where this place is so Kiara will keep track of the key finder until we find out just who these mystery folks are." He patted Kiara on the shoulder and whispered quietly in her ear. "You're gonna do fine." "Okay, we move out in five! If you find they are hostile, do NOT engage! This is a recon mission. If they're friend, bring them back to base. Eveyone report back within 2 hours!" He nodded with an assertive grin. "Let's move out!"
Buying counterpoint. Spent 3,000 munny.
I flipped out when I saw this trailer. I mean I knew they were going to include Pixar at some point, but I'm just so happy we get it in the next game!! I'll gladly wait for 2018 if the worlds are plentiful in volume and quality.
Tron nodded his head in thanks. "You're right to be sceptical. I don't blame you if you have second thoughts. The team I fought with got derezzed in the last round. I managed to win the match, but was the last survivor unfortunately..." Tron took a moment of reflection to mourn the nullified programs.But their deletions will not be in vain. Their bravery will forever remain in my memory banks." He looked to the arena as Team Sark had just won nother victory. "Looks like Team Sark made it to the semi-finals. If we beat this next team, we can face him in the final match, and restore the Space Paranoids to it's former user friendly state." He reached into his suit and pulled out four cylindrical rods, handing one to each of the weilders. "Here are your light cycles." Hikaru looked to his partner and shrugged. "Well, I'm sure you save on fuel..." He chuckled, trying to make sense of the thing. Tron was surprised at their lack of knowledge. "You've never riden a light cycle? Truly you all must be from another game. If I wasn't so desperate for team mates, I may have had to apprehend you," He smiled. "That was humor. Users use it all the time to help lighten spirits." He demonstrated the light cycle summoning by grabbing the cylinder with both hand in a horizontal position. In a beam of light, the cylinder spilled out data to create his light cycle. "Try getting the feel of it. Wheels up in 5 nano's." He revved up as he began to circle the practice arena. "And try not to go Turbo on me if we win!" Hikaru looked at his cylinder and then back to the arena. Sark's team was playing to the crowd and reveling in their latest win. "Team Sark looks tough." The programs took off their helmets as four familiar faces were brought into view. "Xara, Noroz, D'daear, and Shapur all had wide smiles as they locked eyes with the party. Xara smirked as she closed a fist and slashed her thumb across her neck. Hikaru blinked in disbelief. "Uhh Stratos... I need help reacting to something..." High above the keyblading crew, flew over an enormousflying machine, its core giving off a bright light. The Recognizer pulses with energy as it soared above the city. The Recognizer scans all four of them as it eventually hovers to the ground and lowers it's passenger bay. A group of Black Guards with orange circuitry stand at the ready preparing to interrogate the newcomers. A black guard apprached the group with a small device in his hand. "Identifying programs..." A small blue light ran over Kaida. "Handle not found." The same was done to Luna. "Handle not found." Then to Beuce. "Handle not found." And finally to Ignis. "Handle not found." The black guard turned to his partner. "Stray programs identified. Isolating for quarantine." Before anything could be said or done, all four of them were placed in digital handcuffs. No keyhole to unlock in sight. These control programs were quite efficient and had little time for talk. The guards beamed the four of them ontot the rectifier as it flew quickly back to the game grid. Flying over the grid, the streets were empty and roars of applause could be heard from an arena they were approaching. The rectifier opened it's doors upon arrival to the digital coliseum, the black guards shoving the group into the stadium before flying off in their rectifier. CLU stood atop his vantage point as he smirked to the newcomers. "Welcome, our latest contestants!" He called out, the crowd reacting very positively. He eyed the programs closely as one of his subjects handed him a datadisc. He read it quickly enough and handed it back, placing his hands behind his back. "So I see we have a couple of stray programs. No function or handle in our game! I dare say say we have another turbo fiasco on our hands." The crowed booed and jeered at Kaida, Luna, Ignis and Beuce. Bits of trash were thrown at them, and eventual shoe being thrown straight t Beuce's head. "But worry not! The game grid helps rectify any stray trespassers. Normally, you would be deleted on sight, but you're in luck. Only a special few are granted 'Disc War' privileges." He pushed a button that expanded the arena. "Allow me to explain since you still look confused. My name is CLU. The game master of the grid. You four are to compete in a death match with four other programs. Winners move on. Losers, get derezzed." He was joined thereafter be his right hand man in jet black armor. "Manage to defeat them, and you will be able to access the password you so crave. It just so happens, Rinzler here, has the secrets you desire." He smiled devilishly, knowing what they came for. "That's what you're after isn't it? Yes, you're own game master has told me everything... A Mr. Sho Minamimoto I believe his name was. He even gifted me with the programs you'll be fighting against." He pushed another button, having four programs in the black armor and orange circuitry appear before them. They took off their helmets to a very alarming sight. The faces of Etrius, Anora, Cat, and Eon. "I do look forward to your decision..." CLU ordered. FIX-IT-FELIX JR "Ralph's gone Turbo!" Felix panicked. "Oh no no, this is very bad!" He looked to AJ and the man known as X and was confused at their lack of reaction. "Wait... you don't know who Turbo is do you?! Guess your game must be pretty knew then, huh? Well, back when the Arcade first opened, TurboTime was by far the most popular game... ..and Turbo... Well, he loved the attention.. So, when Rogue Blasters got plugged in and stole Turbo's thunder... boy, was he jealous! So jealous that he abandoned his game and tried to take over the new one. Turbo ended up putting both games and himself out of order.. ..for good. And that's why I have to get Ralph home or the same thing's gonna happen to my game. Without him, no one's gonna wreck the building!" X looked up and saw two keybladers smashing the building. "Those two seem to be filling the role fine," he blankly stated. A few stories up, a digital copy of both Aden and Gwendolyn were smashing the windows of the building. "Friends of yours?" he asked AJ, the programs catching them at the corner of their eye. X watched and seemed a bit intrigued as one of them looked familiar. Aden and Gwendolyn prepared to brawl with AJ and X as Felix jumped and quickly began repairing windows, trying to restore it's stability. HERO'S DUTY Glen and Steel were lined up with the rest of the soldiers, including a very bulky Ralph who stood next to the others in the first row. The ship took off at an alarming speed as they zoomed through the sky. The commander was barking orders at the front. She was a tough, but slender woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She stood in front of the group and gave her opening speech. "Attention maggots! I am your commanding officer; Sergeant Calhoun. Now listen up, cause I'm only gonna say this once. Fear's a four letter word, ladies. You wanna go pee-pee in your big boy slacks, keep it to yourself. It's make your mammas proud time! - I love my mamma! Consider this a test run for keeping everyone loose and limber. Remember that we are humanity's last hope. Our mission.. ..destroy all Cy-bugs. Our job is to get the gamers to the top of that building.. ..so they can get a medal and that's it! So, stick to the program, soldiers!" She cleared her throat as she knocked on the door twice. "You ready rookies? Let's find out." The ship landed quickly as the docking bay doors opened to reveal a horrific wasteland. Giant cybernetic bugs roamed the skies as they dove and charged at the enhanced soldiers. Sweet mother Hubbard!" Ralph gulped as he held his gun tight. Cy-Bug, 12 o'clock! Take it, newbies!" Calhoun ordered at Steel and Glen. "And be sure to watch it, rookies! These monsters become what they eat!" This was made apparent as Ralph had already lost his gun. A cybug had gotten a hold of it and it's arms turned into guns, firing at the rampant giant as he ran away. "Shoot the eggs before they hatch!" She continued barking. As Glen and Steel were prepared to fire, they were cut off by two of the Troops from the sergeant's squad, pointing their guns at them. Their helmets dispersed to reveal Karina and Leo, armed and ready to shoot. Leo took aim at Steel and took a few pot shots and Karina reloaded. SUGAR RUSH Taffyta scoffed. "Yeah, right... Prepared to be told on you glitches!" She reached for her whistle and blew it, summoning two familiar faces in sprinkled armor. Though it looked a bit silly, they were still threatening to be sure. Candlehead tugged at Taffyta. "Come on let's get out of here! We're gonna miss the race!" Taffyta sighed. "Aww, I always get to miss all the action. The two little girls raced off as Base and Ananta were stood to face off against digital copies of Flora and Kross.
FIX-IT-FELIX JR The black robed person followed AJ into the Fix-It-Felix Jr. gate to find the blonde boy staring up at the more than ten story brick building. There was nothing around them but a limited patch of green grass, and a brick junkyard in the rear. "Not much detail, is it?" X reluctantly spoke. As the tall building stood before them, a frantic handyman, not even reaching four feet tall was bouncing around as if he hit a power up. "Oh no, this is bad! So very very bad!" He looked at X and AJ and stopped bouncing. He approached them and looked upwords, his color pallete being of mostly light blue colors. "Excuse me friends... I'm looking for my co-worker; Ralph. He's about this tall!" He jumped up high just passing seven feet. "Kind of a smelly guy, mean attitude, giant fists... I don't suppose you've seen him anywhere have you? He's the game's bad guy and we can't really start the game without him, see? If he doesn't wreck, I can't fix!" He showcased his golden hammer as it shimmered in front of them. HERO'S DUTY Ralph looked round him as he quickly threw on a battle suit and entered a battalion of fully armored soldiers ready to depart for a new mission. SUGAR RUSH "Umm excuse me!" A teenage girl's voice blared. As Ananta and Base turned, they looked down to find two short racers with giant heads approaching them. The one who spoke had tan skin, rosy cheeks, pink and short platinum blonde hair in a bob-cut. She batted her thick eyelashed unamused at the newcomers. Her companion had short green hair pulled into pigtails, and a candle themed helmet. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but I've definately never seen you two around here!" The Candle headed one gasped. "Taffyta! What if they're glitches?!" "Well then Candlehead, that gives them even more reason to leave! King Candy says glitches can't race." The girl was rude and bossy, folding her arms. "You better get out of here fast or you'll be in real trouble if the king finds you!" "Kel.. Aislinn..." Tron nodded to the both of them. "Thi is Tron, he's a security program here," Hikaru summarized. He tried to think quickly of what he could call themselves in terms of program format. They had keys for starters. Keyblade weilders are practically security warriors right? "And uhh... we're security programs too!" He looked to Kel and Aislinn to try and catch them up to speed. "Tron says that Sark guy has been controlling this place... Maybe he could get us the access code we need?" Tron shook his head. "Unlikely. Sark wants to remain in power... There is a seven password system to open the gate and only he knows it. Sark is all about power and control... He wouldn't just give it away. And to make sure he doesn't get challenged for it, he's threatening up and coming programs with the possibility of being derezzed." Hikaru tilted his head. "Derezzed, huh?" He shrugged to the other three. "That doesn't sound too bad." Meanwhile, in the light cycle arena, one of Sark's programs had just sped in front of a competing cyclist, causing the program to shatter. "AND ANOTHER PROGRAM IS DEREZZED FROM THE PRELIMINARY MATCHES!" Hikiaru's mouth dropped a good few inches. "So uhh... where do the derezzed guys respawn?" "Respawn?" Tron looked confused. "What is... respawn?" Hikaru gulped... "That's why I'm looking for four players to elist as a challenging team.. to end Sark's reign as Grid Master!" "And you'd just give it to us?..." Hikaru asked. "Security programs mend and defend. I trust you wouldn't go against your programming any more than I would," Tron smiled. Hikaru looked to his partner. "What do you think Stratos?"
A program with the appearance of a man stepped forward onto a platform in a large digital arena. The program was tall and slender, with antenna-like structures on his head and red circuits over his body. He held his hand high to silence the crowd of cheering programs sitting in the stands. The entire setup was like that of a chariot coliseum. "My fellow programs! Today's rotation shall mark the glorious occasion of a new reign. I, commander Sark, will take charge of our newly invented light cycle tournament!" More cheers from the stands in the program. "The rules have not changed... eight teams of four shall be chosen to compete in a fast paced battle royale across the game grid arena... the winner, will be awarded new dominion as commander of the space paranoids!" He shouted to the programs. "Over my derezzed code..." he whispered to himself over the cheering bystanders. Returning to his grandmaster personality, he snapped his fingers as four pillars brought of 4 programs to rise behind him with red circuitry armor. "These four programs represent Team Sark. The current title holders that have brought me into power. Defeat my team of light cyclists, and you shall be awarded graciously... but lose... and be nullified." The four programs stood at attention to their commander. "Programs D36, E24, X20, and S22 shall take any and all challengers! So assemble your teams, but head warning, challenge the resign of dark, and face utter deresolution!" As the crowd cheered for more entertainment, a slender program with blue circuits over his body and a short cylindrical cap watched in worry. "This isn't good," he whispered allowed to himself. "I may need some help with this one..." At this time, Hikaru had followed Stratos into space paranoids as both appeared in the stands with the rest of the programs. Hikaru examined the blue circuitry over his body In awe. He hadn't felt like such a different change in style since his time in timeless river. "Were definately digital now," he mentioned to his partner. THe blue program noticed Hikaru and Stratos walk in from the game terminal and approached them, hoping to seize an opportunity. "You two seem unfamiliar... my names Tron. I was a security program repurposed for this arcade game... What's your format?" He asked in a friendly tone. Atop the highest tower in the grid, sat what looked like a dictator in a tall black chair. The program wore a black suit with yellow circuitry. He was tall with brown sleeked back hair, watching over the grid from his penthouse view. One of his minions came to report. "Master CLU... I'm afraid our rally is still short for today's tournament." He didn't seem to happy about that. "THen send out the rectifiers and grab more programs.." "We already have sir," he said nervously. "Too many programs wish to remain... undeleted though." CLU leaned back in his seat. "That's the price you pay in trying to perfect the perfect game... impossible odds, life or death, the thrill of a comeback win... that's what's going to make us the most payed game in the arcade..." his minion winced a bit at the power hungry CLU. "Sir, you're starting to sound Turbo on us..." "Don't compare me to that urban myth! Now find me more programs, or I'll put you in the disc wars!" The minion quickly raced off as CLU watched from his tower. "I know there are more programs out there just waiting to make things interesting around here..."
You can really tell they had their practise with kh 0.2 when it came to fleshing out the gameplay mechanics. I also like how the black box from chi is teased at more and more.
X scoffed at AJ's attempt at lying. "Yes. We're from... that. Now enough talk, take us to your portal!" He pointed his blade at hime. "Huh? well careful with that kid, you can poke your eye out!" Ralph soved his keyblade out of the way with impressive force. "And if you really wanna know, I don't know anything about any portal... but I'm sure you'll find one in some of the games. Now if you don't mind, I gotta medal to win!" Ralph moved pass them onto the track of the Hero's Duty game station. Above each of the game gate, was a number. The Grid: 0/4 Space Paranoids: 0/4 Sugar Rush: 0/2 Fix It Felix Jr: 0/2 Hero's Duty: 0/2 From the looks of it, there seemed to be only a certain amount of people allowed per world. X looked at each of the worlds, uncaring of which they went to. "You! Blonde one. pick," he commanded. "Where did you want go check out first?" Stratos asked Hikaru. Hikaru looked at each of the five stations. The Space Paranoids gate caught his eye as the flashy lights and colors made him feel pretty excited. "That one looks pretty cool. I mean.. it's retro right? Is retro cool?..." He was getting inside his own head again and shook it off. "Nevermind... Anyways, that world looks as good as any." He pointed to the Space Paranoids gate with a look of optimism. Shaking his head to get his bangs away from his face.
Going to Space Paranoids.
Version 2.05 Summon Modifications - Cheshire Cat: Bottle Drop and Growing Treat abilities now affect evasion. - Mushu's spitfire is altered. - Baymax summon added Drive Form Modifications - New Drive Form: Data Form
The PA system strung back into service as the new Game Master's voice blared over the voice system. "Attention, all tasteless tetrahedra! Your new GM is back! As you can see, I've made a personal adjustment to your partners. I've added in a stray weilder for the sake of keeping things all nice and even. That person gave up their identity to enter, so it checks out. And besides, thirteen, or any other prime number, isn't exactly ideal for a partnered event. Not like it matters... Cooperation is garbage!... REGARDLESS! Every pair is now divisible by two and we can get this party started!" Lights flickered over a few of the station entrances had a green light popping over them. "The Grid" "Space Paranoids" "Sugar Rush" "Fix-it-Felix Jr" "Hero's Duty" "In three of these world lies a portal... A special portal that requires unlocking.. Now I know how base and limited your brains are, so before you go jumping for that keyblade, I'm afraid these locks are digital. And so are you! So while you can still fight with those things, they have no special 'key' powers here. But hey! A weapon that's a key! I'm sure you'd be a hit at some lame-o convention!" The portals began to glow as the five new portals were open for business. "Your mission is simple. Find the password, and open the portal in three of these games. That will unlock the keyhole in Game Central Station. But I'm not going to make it that easy... I've added a couple of my own programs to help liven the fun... If you ever find yourself stuck on a problem, just remember; Each world's made up of numbers. Do the math and you'll find your desired solution." He took a long obnoxious yawn as red clocks pierced their keyblades. "12 Hours" it said. "Well I think I've given you all a fair and fighting chance... This is subtracting from my arts and crafts time. Try not to die too soon my brain dead binomials!" The PA system hung up, leaving all the portals open for the choosing. New Drive Form DATA FORM The Fix it Felix Jr gate opened up as a large mass of a man exited through. Standing at a whopping nine feet tall, he bore a muscular body, with spiky dark auburn hair, brown eyes, thick eyebrows, and a big pink nose. He wore a red-and-orange shirt with two yellow buttons up, and brown single-strapped overalls. He usually does not wear shoes. His fists were the size of cinder blocks, and he had no shoes to speak of. He looked almost like a homeless wrestler from a video game. "Oh I'm gonna win a medal. A real one! Shiniest medals those guys have ever seen! A medal that will look so good, that it'll make Felix's medals wet their pants!" he continue to grumble to himself before noticing all the keyblade wielders. "Oh, uh... hi... Is the uh... Is the arcade open already? Hehe..." He was quite awkward for such a large person, but grew quite suspicious of the group. "Hey wait. I've never seen you guys around here before..." He inspected them closer before laughing it off. "Oh, I understand! Your game just got plugged in, right? Ahh no worries, I've dealt with newbies before. Name's Ralph! I'm from the game Fix-It-Felix Jr. My role in the game is to... uhh, well... That's not important right now. What about you guys? What game are you from and how can I help?"
Hikaru returned Stratos' shake. "We've been losing a lot of people lately, but it's nice to see a returning face," Hikaru smiled. But what he said was true. Since the battle against Mizrabel, they'd lost Celio, Xara, D'daear, Gwendolyn, and Karina. He made his peace with it and tried to move on to keep going. "I know you've been with us since before the fall of Central Haven. So much has been happening, it almost feels like we can't stop and breathe. From what I saw, you helped a lot when the heartless invaded. So thanks," he nodded. "Really excited to be working with you!" From seemingly out of nowhere, a man in a black coat digitized in the center of the station. Similar to the black coat Lea had shown them earlier, this new mysterious person walked forward and looked at the board. "Alphanumeric code," he stated, translate the names in his head. This newcomer's voice was robotic in tone. Like the text to voice translators you'd normally find on a computer. "A...J..." He turned to the others. "Which of you is A.J?" He walked forward, noticing most people had paired off until he noticed a blonde haired boy who looked to be the odd man out. "I am X. For the purpose of this exam, I gave up my identity as compensation to participate. Do not fail me, and I will not fail you." He was direct and to the point. He summoned a Skull Noise keyblade and held it aloft in front of him. "Do we understand each other? A-J?"
Version 2.04 MP Restoration/Ability Modifications - MP can now only be gained after a certain amount of damage is dealt/received. No more percentages to get to the next MP bar - MP Haste now restores 1 MP if over 100 physical damage is dealt in an attack - MP Rage now restores 1 MP is over 50 damage is taken in a single attack - Second Wind no longer needs a cycle to activate. It will happen trigger as soon as you are knocked out - The "Gift" ability no longer requires MP to use ALSO BIG REMINDER TO PLEASE TELL ME WHAT STATS ARE CHANGED WHEN YOU EQUIP/UNEQUIP ITEMS
"Ohh, p=please don't be sad," he timidly asked. "Well... it may not exactly be time for celebration... but it's definately a triumph for this city," Pheobus added. The group watched over as citizens were helping to extinguish the fires of the city of the bells. The town of both the french and the gypsies alike were working together to repair the place they called home. "At long last, our people are free," Esmerelda said, watching over the cathedral. At that moment all players were brought together as both the UG and RG were now combined once more. As Quasi, Pheobus and Esmerelda were still starign over the city, unaware three extra people had appeared. MISSION was engraved on all their keyblades. Each of their bodies began to glitch out like a computer program before they all glitched out. From above the belltower, the three gargoyles; Victor, Laverne, and Hugo were watching as the six of them vanished. "Holy mackerel, did you fellas see that!" Laverne asked, adjusting her eyes. "Vanished! Like ghosts!" Victor added. "What do you expect? They're gypsies. Probably all little magic tricks and what not. I deduct point for any flashy smoke or presentation value though..." Hugo began nibbling on some bread with bits of char from the fire. "Shame they won't receive credit for their heroic action. Noe one but the three of us and the three of them knew what was going on." Victor sighed while Hugo greedily continued to eat. "I'm more upset poor Quasi didn't end up with any of the gypsy girls. He always was the cute one..." said Laverne. "I thought I was the cute one!" Hugo interrupted, his mouth full of unchewed food and loud crunching. "NO, you're the fat, stupid one witht he big mouth!!" La Cite Des Cloches World Completion Bonus: Aislinn completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Ananta completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Beuce completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Luna completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Steel completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Stratos completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Aislinn leveled up! (31)(32) Ananta leveled up! (30)(31) Beuce leveled up! (31)(32) Luna leveled up! (31) Steel leveled up! (31) Stratos leveled up! (31)(32) ALL PLAYERS RECEIVED GUARDIAN BELL KEYBLADE! Back in Shibuya, Yue was growing impatient as to where all the keybladers had gone. She stood with her arms folded and left foot tapping to try and decrease her agitation. She noticed the Reaper Game's conductor standing not too far from her and called out to him. "Megumi! Is there something wrong with the teleporter! The kids aren't back yet!" Megumi adjusted his shades and walked over to her and with the warp pad. He eyed the warp pad but saw nothing wrong. "The technology is working fine it seems, but I'll take a look." He removed the cabinet panel and looked closer to examine the internal workings. "I didn't know being their exam co-ordinator would make you so motherly. It's precious really..." "Less talking! More fixing! I can't afford to have them fail this exam... To much is riding on it." Megumi looked at the intricate wiring with delicate hands. "Well if their missions are complete, perhaps they're saying their farewells... You know how kids get with goodbye and with the players Xara and Gwendolyn withdrawing, this puts them at an uneven number. Even with your summoning of Base." Megumi paused as he removed a flat, disk-like beacon in his fingers. A red light was glowing off it as he removed it from the wiring. "Oh dear..." "What? What'd you find!" Yue leaned down to see what Megumi had discovered. "It appears some one has been tampering with the teleporter. Whoever planted this beacon control when and where the players arrive... In other words, they've been teleported somewhere else..." "So teleport them back!" "Not as simple I'm afraid. Even if I reverse engineered the device, it wouldn't tell me where they are. I can't very well teleport someone if I don't know their location." In her mind, Yue had never needed DJ as much as she did now. Megumi turned the disc over for any clues and found something troublesome. "But I do know who took them it seems. I'll send out my reapers at once to investigate. Rest assured, he will be punished." He walked passed her before she quickly grabbed his arm. "Hang on a sec, you're not getting off that easy. Who took them!" Megumi sighed. "Before you called in your favor, another Reaper Officer was in line to run the reaper's game... When I informed him his opportunity would be postponed, he didn't take it well... I suppose this is him trying to have his way now." He stood up and left the beacon with the machine. "Come. I'll explain everything as I gather the other Reapers. If his mental orientation has told me anything, it's that this reaper officer in particular doesn't like to lose... He's intelligent. Very intelligent. He likes to play mind games, so I hope those kids of your are smart..." As the two walked away, the symbol on the beacon was revealed to be (π) Meanwhile, all the players had been transported to an empty station where it looked like a resting hub. The room was line along the walls with tracks that led to different stations. Everything was offline and the place was a ghost town save for the thirteen who arrived. Almost like a grand, fancy hotel lobby. A young man's voic boomed around the room through the PA system in the center of the room. "ATTENTION ALL YOCTOGRAMS! We interrupt your exam for a special bulletin announcement. You former proctor has been pulled from duty on accounts of her inability to supply you with a proper test of skill. In other words... (It's x2) die!" A small pause was met around the room as he explained further. "Like it or not, this is how the game works now. Allow me to explain slowly to you binomials! This world your standing is is called GAME CENTRAL STATION. A digital realm that I have personally reserved for this portion of your exam... Only certain gates will open for you to enter other digital worlds. And don't forget about that always fun partner system... Your new partners have been hand picked by me and can be found on the leaderboard. Once you find your partners, try and factor yourselves some prep time. It's the only leniency you'll have in my game... MISSION DETAILS TO FOLLOW!" The PA system hung up as the leaderboard lit up with numbers. 1-9-19-12-9-14-14 11-5-12 1-14-1-14-20-1 2-1-19-5 1-10 24 2-5-21-3-5 9-7-14-9-19 7-12-5-14 19-20-5-5-12 8-9-11-1-18-21 19-20-18-1-20-15-19 11-1-9-4-1 12-21-14-1 Hikaru tilted his head in confusion. "Is this like... a test?"
Lea was beginning to grow some discomfort that everyone continued to call him 'gramps.' He was barely fifty years old, but the way he saw himself, he was more of an experienced veteran. At least that's what he kept telling himself. "Well since these introductions seem to be getting no where fast, I'll help quicken things up a bit..." He found a nice flat wall and managed to lean against it as e quickly took a room tally. "You seven are the beginning of what I like to refer to as a salvaging task force. More specifically; help rally any lost souls in the realm of darkness and give them a second chance. Whether you're aware of it or not, the realm of light isn't doing too hot right now. Timelines are outta whack, and some our best lines of defense have been scattered." He saw that his words didn't seem to be connecting much with the youth in front of him. "Basically it's like this; The worlds need people of light to save them. You guys.... are not those people. But that's not a bad thing. Heroes of light have limits. Codes. Moral high ground. But I found and gathered you all here because you can still follow those qualities without a moral high ground. Y'know? The ones not afraid to get their hands dirty." He showed them his gloved hands for visual reference. "To be honest, I did a lot in my past I'm not proud of. But thanks to some selfless kids I managed to help turn things around. I'm offering you the same deal. That while this isn't your responsibility... And you have no obligation to it... I'm giving you an option to help form a resistance. Fight darkness with darkness, and find anyone else we can to join the cause. Best way I can simplify it, is that We are here to help anyone trapped in the realm of darkness." He stood from the wall and looked around. "You all have strengths and weaknesses. Now people will either accept those strengths or exploit those weaknesses. Either way... You shoud never let your guard down in the realm of darkness. Darkness itself could sneak up into your heart like that," Lea gave a quick snap of his fingers. "So if you choose to stand and fight, you have more people to depend on... There are those who go through the realm of darkness and back, unscathed. And then there are those who must dawn the Black Coat... The coats you wear mean more than just warding off the darkness. It's a marker. To show that instead of running from the darkness, you faced it." After such a long attempt at a speech he took a pause. "So what's it gonna be? Run, or stand?"
"Nice to meet all of you," Hiro nodded. "And remember, if you ever need me or Baymax, we'll be right here." Baymax at this point was handing red lollipops to those from the UG that didn't receive one prior. "You have all been very good. Have a lollipop." The words "Mission complete" were engraved on their keyblades as They could see their hands begin to glitch out of the world. It was a very abrupt send off as all seven of them were instantly teleported to some other unknown location... Hiro was confused from the sudden disappearance, with Baymax blinking neutrally. "I am not sensing their vitals on my scanner." "I can see that too buddy," Hiro added. The whole ordeal managed to spook him a bit. "I just hope they're okay." "No signs of damage or disintegration have been made." "Yeah yeah, everyone's healthy," Hiro chuckled. "The one called 'Hikaru' withstanding. His vital signs are- irregular." Hiro looked a bit uneasy. "Is he.. sick?" "No. Just...irregular." Hiro propped himself onto Baymax's back. "Well, they're all kind of a bit off... They'll be fine though. Now come on! Aunt Cass is going to start wondering why we're not home yet!" Hiro flew off on Baymax's back across the city, feeling a little lighter after trying to avenge his brother. San Fransokyo World Completion Bonus: AJ completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Glen completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Hikaru completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Ignis completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Kaida completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Kel completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Kaida completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Xara completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Base completed 66% of the missions. Gained 330 EXP Gwendolyn completed 33% of the missions. Gained 165 EXP AJ leveled up! (28)(29)(30) Glen leveled up! (31) Hikaru leveled up! (31)(32) Ignis leveled up! (30)(31) Kaida leveled up! (30)(31) Kel leveled up! (31)(32) Base leveled up! (31)
Baymax blinked twice as he scanned the group. "My scanners indicate an increase in heart rate and blood levels." "So?" Giro asked. "They are lying," baymax reported in a blissfully dry manner. Hikaru chortled as there lie fell through. "Well, lie or not, it doesn't matter. You guys are entitled to your privacy... Anyways while I was upgrading the censors on Baymax earlier, I was looking for a way to upgrade your weapons. I don't really know the technical specs on them, but I hope this works." EVERYONE RECEIVED A NEW KEYBLADE! "So what are your actual names?" Hero asked.