North side... Lea scratched the back of His head as he walked. The rest of his party continuing to ask what their next move would be. "If he's part of what I think he's part of then we're gonna need numbers on our side. Best thing we can do now is head back and regroup. Lot of things we have to tell the others. What has me most worried are that people are trapped in pods and that this Nequa gal seems to be a lot smarter than I let on." He took a deep breath as he walked faster, leading the other back to the cavern. "Long story short, their leader may very well be one of my former teammates... or possessing her... it's unclear right now. But since she's in the realm of darkness and found some crew mates of her own, that means she might be trying to make her own band of..." Lea held his tongue before continuing on. If he talked about thirteen darknesses, he would have to go on his own storytelling venture of his time in organization XIII. Something he didn't want to get into. "Point is, we're stronger as a group. Not saying these guys are strong, but from my experience; cocky folks usually have the metal to back up their steel..." South side... The blonde girl wiped tears from her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. "Krista.. my name is Krista." Sniffling through her sleeve, small tear droplets could still be seen from the corner of her eye. "I'm such a crybaby... I know this looks bad, but you seem like such nice people. You deserve to know the truth." She sigh as she looked down; ashamed of what she would have to say. She looked up at Melus and the others and spoke. "What UNIFORM- I mean.. the old man trying to abduct me was saying, was that I worked for their master. It all happened so fast.. I was trapped with my boyfriend; Stephen, in the realm of darkness after our world was taken from us. We both wielded weapons called a keyblade. We kept each other safe. But then those.. creatures with the yellow eyes attacked us. Miss Nequa called them heartless. We were able to fawn off the little ones. But then they kept getting bigger. And harder to get rid of. We were barely surviving as it was." She gripped her hands tensely. And then we met her.. Nequa. A lady with purple armor. She told us that she was forming a society of lost keybladers in darkness. Said that heartless were drawn to the keyblade and that we would all stay safe together. And that's when we decided to join her. For a couple of weeks everything seemed normal. We made friends, kept shelter. It was almost like living in a group home y'know?" She folded her arms, closing herself from crying again. "And then things changed. We were given codenames. Said it would protect our identity or something. Stephen was labelled ROMEO. I was labelled JULIET. At first I thought it was kinda cute. We were a couple after all." Saying 'were' instead of 'are' caused her to take a pause. "One day she gave us assignments... targets we would have to kill to stay in her society. My target was Romeo.. stephen's was Juliet." She began to talk through her tears. "Like some kind of sick hunting game... people were paired off to kill each other. We started as 26 and were culled off into 13. Before I could talk Stephen out of it, he had.... killed himself." Tears rained uncontrollably down her face, eyes turning red from the loss. "He wanted me to live safe... he sacrificed himself so I would live. After all the targets were destroyed, I was given the number 12. But I didn't want to live in a place like that. How could I?! They took the love of my life away from me!! So I ran away... and that's when uniform tried to bring me back." She looked at the group of people in hopes that she could try and strike a deal. "Can I go with you please?... I'm not very strong but if you want I can tell you everything I know! Pinky promise!" She looked to kiara hoping to get on her good side. " that includes uniform! I didn't talk to him a lot! But I know his strengths and weaknesses and everything! Jus to please.... please take me with you!" Krista seemed desperate as she got on her knees. "I'll do whatever you ask.... just don't make me go back there."
I thought my Facebook feed leaked onto KHV
Looking at Tron, Stratos asked, "so uh, just what is the arcade anyway?" Ton stroked his chin as he tried to explain. "I don't know how to explain it properly. But to put it into terms, I'd day the Arcade is a community. Digital worlds brought together to please the User." "Please the user?" Hikaru asked. "The ones who control the system of course. It helps give our lives more purpose.... But you know... I can see why Sark would want to leave that world behind. The thought of some one controlling your every action, may to some seem... unwanted." Hikaru himself wasn't exactly excited about the idea of being a digital slave. "But I don't see it that way. The user doesn't use me as a puppet. But as an extension of themselves. To fight where they aren't able. From the youngest child to the oldest man, I serve to fight on their behalf. Before Sark came along, the games were just about fighting and recompiling elsewhere-" "You can respawn! I mean... recompile," Hikaru said relieved. "But again, Sark made that impossible for us. He made the game deadly. As the administrator of this system, it was my responsibility to keep peace. And after this ordeal, I assure you, I will never let my control fall into the hands of some one like Sark again." He held his hand over his chest where his heart would be. "And while that is much power to carry, I take solace in knowing that just across the arcade is a duplicate of myself to do the same thing. The right thing." Hikaru held his arm. He was just a duplicate himself of some one. "But... doesn't that make you feel a bit... expendable?" "Of course not. While it's true, we may have been strung from the same source code, it does not mean we are identical." "But that kind of sounds like you are..." Tron shook his head. "The secret to what makes us so different, is this..." He gestured to the world around them. "The world and people you meet. The ones you make you stronger, and the ones who let you change. Some upgrade faster than others, while some choose to stay as they are. As programs who are confined to this arcade, we are given the option to choose. And that is why I choose to believe I am not a slave to the users." Tron's disc began to glow. "I fight FOR the users!" In the Grid, CLU was aggressively firing his canons at the group, who seemed to ignore them and was fixated on Rinzler. Luna and Kaida reprogrammed their scouting discs to earth, showing a glowing brown color while the rest of their team also prepared their final onslaught. Ignis had already upgraded and Beuce magnified his next attack. With Rinzler's overclock ability, he was prepared to counter and prepare his own massive damage. "Finish them off Rinzler!" CLU yelled from his tower. As Rinzler prepared his discs, a flash of light blue began to flicker on his circuitry. Quickly flashing from orange to light blue for a split seconds. In Rinzler's mind, the words of Space Paranoids Tron began to echo in his mind. I fight for the users! While it was only a second in his head, Rinzler hesitated, and received the full force of the party. Kaida and Luna let loose their scouting discs as Rinzler was knocked back. Ignis' cross slash put the last bit of pressure on him before setting off Beuce's seeker mines, and exploding Rinzler to be blown back in mid air, landing on his back. SP Tron was beginning to connect to him. All his experiences and memories were being seen by Rinzler as he muttered out names. "Aislinn... Kel... Stratos... Hikaru..." I... Fight for the users..." his words trailed as Rinzler collapsed and lost consciousness. The arena doors opened, as CLU had taken an elevator down quickly to confront the group. Behind him were a small militia of black guards, obeying his command. "Programs, consider this fight officially over! You were entertaining at first, but now you are a glitch in my perfect system!" He looked at the passed out Rinzler. "It appears Rinzler is being contacted by his other half in Space Paranoids. No matter. I still have Tron's ID Disc. And so long as I hold it, this system is still mine!" He snapped his fingers as the black guard took battle position. "Game Over. Prepare to be de-rezzed." MISSION START
As the towering Sark leaned over them, he gritted his teeth. He was at his maximum potential and was being worn down, by what he considered to be lesser programs. In the battle's second rotation, Stratos laid another bombardment of Seeker Mine that struck Sark's feet, causing him to lose balance and try and regain vision. There was little time to, as Kel charged in with a powerful and explosive punch to the chest, knocking him back. Sark charged forward passed the smoke, causing Hikaru to react. "Oh no you don't!" He took his stand and unleashed a torrent of water, causing his circuits to fry, and his arms to glitch out. Sark was being overpowered. All he could do was shield his eyes from the onslaught. Before he could charge up and recover more health, Aislinn had already readied her next attack. "Nice try," she said with a bit of a wicked smile. Slashes of light were made from her cross slash, wearing down the large program. "Insolent little- AGHH!!" Before he could finish his insult, Stratos had already launched his fourth set of Mines, completely depleting his MP. Passed the smoke from the explozive mines, Kel made uppercut slashes past his legs, chest, and eventually; his head and a powerful hit to the helmet, cracking it. Sark's patience was nearing it's end, his hand extending to crush Kel before he could land. A desire that was immediately shut down from Hikaru's pillars of light he summoned from his faith command. Blinded by the light, Aislinn rushed in for a powerful hit to the leg, finally causing the titanic Sark to fall onto a knee. Catching his breath, thoughts raced through his mind. He tried to speak between gasps. "You... you are all basic! Insignifant! Outmoded! Your code is corrupt and infects us all!" From behind the party, Tron walked forward. "The only infection I see here is you Sark!" He held his scouting disc in front of him, as he prepared the final blow. "I AM COMMANDER SARK! THIS SYSTEM SHALL SUFFER WITHOUT MY GUIDANCE!" Light begin to glow from from Tron's disc as he blankly and without hesitation stated. "Running Executable." With those words, a beam of Light fired at Sark as he began his deletion process before their eyes. His data being de-rezzed pixel by pixel. "I.... am..." were Sark's last words before fading. "Obsolete," Tron finished, grabbing his scouting disc and turning to the group. "Thank you all. Aislinn. Kel. Stratos. Hikaru." He noted each of them as he offered the scouting disc. "All of Sark's functions have been put back into my disc. Once I access the terminal, I'll be able to get the password for you. It was a deal after all!" he smiled. "Unfortunately, to access the terminal, my counterpart, must also be within range." The group looked confused. "Sorry, what I mean to say is this game is connected to 'The Grid.' Another game in the arcade. Until they finish the game, I'm unable to access the administrative controls. I'm more than happy to answer any questions you still have while you're waiting. FIX IT FELIX JR "Why not? It gives me something to do," AJ replied. X looked down on himself and shrugged. "Doesn't sound very driven. But I'm not one to talk. Between you and me, I don' even know why I'm in the Mark of Mastery. My token for entry was my identity. My appearance, my memories, everything that made me who I am- I mean... who I was." He looked at his gloved hands. "Now everything that I am is just a reflection of someone's own personal experiences. He took down his hood and looked at AJ. "Who do you see when I look at you without the hood?" Spoiler His appearance was that of Hikaru, but he still kept the same tone and voice as someone with an unrecognizable deeper voice. "I look like the kid with blue hair right? That's why I keep this hoof on. I don't know why I look like him. Is he a friend or an enemy? Am I a copy of him or is he one of me? It's just... frustrating. Not to have or know... anything." He put the hood back on and looked at AJ. "That's why I move on. To find out the truth. And finally get some peace of mind. I mean... I don't even know my own name." The two of them had exited Fix-it-Felix Jr's game and were right in front of the Hero's Duty terminal. Game central station was covered in powerful dents and scuffs. "Yikes. What happened here?" X asked. Boss Battle • Rinzler R O U N D 2 Rinzler> Rinzler> Rinzler> Rinzler> Kaida > Ignis > Beuce > Luna > Kaida > Ignis > Beuce > Luna > Cannon 1 > Cannon 2 1,500/2,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Doused - 4 Cycles) Cannon 1 - 250/500 HP Cannon 2 - 439/500 HP Beuce Ignis Kaida Luna Group Bonuses 42/56 HP 5/10 MP 77% CG Aeroga - 4 Cycles Spoiler: MAGIC Blizzara Seeker Mine Thundara Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Hi-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Thunderbell 2/3 Osmose 6/6 Magnify 5/5 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES Battle Cry Dodge Roll Magic Lock-On Item Boost Second Wind Damage Syphon MP Haste Second Chance MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) -Black Mage Abilities- Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste+ Curse of the Black Mage Ground Combo: 100%, 1 hit Air Combo: 100%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 44/68 HP 5/5 MP 105% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 2/2 Fire Strike 1/1 Vorpal Blitz 2/2 Strike Raid 1/1 Cross Slash 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Basil Fairy Godmother Mushu Bambi Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Combo Dodge Roll (20%) Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Second Wind Explosion Second Wind (Skull Noise) -Soldier Abilities- Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Ground Combo: 250%, 10 hits Air Combo: 160%, 4 hit Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 60/60 HP 4/5 MP 80% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Stopga Cura Seeker Mine Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS April Showers 3/7 Reluctancy 1/7 Powerline 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Combo Combo Plus Dodge Roll (40%) EXP Writer II Second Chance Second Wind Explosion Ground Combo: 190% 8 hits Air Combo: 100% 1 hit Total Dodge Chance: 40% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star 56/78 HP 5/8 MP 26% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Cura Aeroga Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Ultra Potion Ether (x2) Elixir Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Break Time 7/7 Splatter Combo 4/4 Barrier Surge 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES Air Combo Plus Aerial Sweep Blend Cheer Combo Cover Damage Syphon Dodge Roll (20%) Explosion EXP Writer II Guard High Jump Item Boost Second Chance Ground Combo: 190% 8 hits Air Combo: 160% 4 hit Total Dodge Chance: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Pale Cascade Cheer +1 Valor +10% Strength
Boss Battle • Commander Sark R O U N D 2 Commander Sark > Commander Sark > Commander Sark > Commander Sark >Stratos > Kel > Hikaru > Aislinn > Stratos > Kel > Hikaru > Aislinn 1,750/2,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) Aislinn 1.1 Hikaru Kel Stratos Group Bonuses 29/60 HP 8/8 MP 75% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aerial Slam 3/3 Zantetsuken 0/5 Fist Bump 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Combo Exp Writer II Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Cover Aerial Sweep Damage Syphon Second Chance Blend -Soldier Abilities- Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 htis Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 11/56 HP 8/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Curaga Blizarra Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 5/5 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Bambi Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES Blend Exp Writer II High Jump Magic Lock-On Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Cheer Cover Combo Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Aerial Sweep Lucky Lucky MP Haste Battlecry Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 25/56 HP 9/9 MP 85% CG Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Phoenix Down x2 Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 0/5 Splattercombo 1/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Mushu Marahute Fairy Godmother Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Combo Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Exp Writer II Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Second Wind Tribute Damage Syphon Second Chance Explosion Aerial Finish Blitz 220% Ground Combo, 8 hits 210% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 40% -Ninja Abilities- Sync Blade Magical Lock Reload Boost Smokescreen First Strike Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Wrath of the Warrior Dragon Blaze Resonance Blade 21/56 HP 4/8 MP 79% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Fira Cura Stopga Aqua Splash Seeker Mine Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Judgement 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Blend Guard Item Boost Exp Writer I Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Combo Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Battle Cry Cheer Second Wind Gift Cover MP Haste Tribute Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Exp Writer II Aerial Finish Reload Boost -Ranger Abilities- Mage Gunner (+100% Projectile Magic damage) Rapid Fire Extended Clip Barrage Grounded 220% Strength + 100% Magic Combo 11 hits Total Dodge: 30% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around The Sun Pink Elephants Hunter’s Mist Lucky Lucky 10% Cheer +2 Valor +10% Strength Boss Battle • Rinzler R O U N D 2 Rinzler> Kaida > Ignis > Beuce > Luna > Kaida > Ignis > Beuce > Luna > Cannon 1 > Cannon 2 1,500/2,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Doused - 4 Cycles) Cannon 1 - 0/500 HP Cannon 2 - 400/500 HP Beuce Ignis Kaida Luna Group Bonuses 42/56 HP 7/10 MP 57% CG Aeroga - 5 Cycles Spoiler: MAGIC Blizzara Seeker Mine Thundara Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Hi-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Thunderbell 0/3 Osmose 6/6 Magnify 5/5 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES Battle Cry Dodge Roll Magic Lock-On Item Boost Second Wind Damage Syphon MP Haste Second Chance MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) -Black Mage Abilities- Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste+ Curse of the Black Mage Ground Combo: 100%, 1 hit Air Combo: 100%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 44/68 HP 5/5 MP 55% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 2/2 Fire Strike 1/1 Vorpal Blitz 1/2 Strike Raid 1/1 Cross Slash 2/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Basil Fairy Godmother Mushu Bambi Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Combo Dodge Roll (20%) Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Second Wind Explosion Second Wind (Skull Noise) -Soldier Abilities- Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Ground Combo: 250%, 10 hits Air Combo: 160%, 4 hit Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 60/60 HP 4/5 MP 40% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Stopga Cura Seeker Mine Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS April Showers 1/7 Reluctancy 7/7 Powerline 2/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Combo Combo Plus Dodge Roll (40%) EXP Writer II Second Chance Second Wind Explosion Ground Combo: 190% 8 hits Air Combo: 100% 1 hit Total Dodge Chance: 40% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star 56/78 HP 5/8 MP 26% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Cura Aeroga Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Ultra Potion Ether (x2) Elixir Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Break Time 7/7 Splatter Combo 4/4 Barrier Surge 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES Air Combo Plus Aerial Sweep Blend Cheer Combo Cover Damage Syphon Dodge Roll (20%) Explosion EXP Writer II Guard High Jump Item Boost Second Chance Ground Combo: 190% 8 hits Air Combo: 160% 4 hit Total Dodge Chance: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Pale Cascade Cheer +1 Valor +10% Strength
Boss Battle • Commander Sark R O U N D 1 Commander Sark > Stratos > Kel > Hikaru > Aislinn > Stratos > Kel > Hikaru > Aislinn 2,020/2,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) Aislinn Hikaru Kel Stratos Group Bonuses 20/60 HP 8/8 MP 20% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aerial Slam 3/3 Zantetsuken 5/5 Fist Bump 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Combo Exp Writer II Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Cover Aerial Sweep Damage Syphon Second Chance Blend -Soldier Abilities- Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 htis Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 56/56 HP 9/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Curaga Blizarra Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 5/5 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Bambi Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES Blend Exp Writer II High Jump Magic Lock-On Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Cheer Cover Combo Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Aerial Sweep Lucky Lucky MP Haste Battlecry Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 56/56 HP 9/9 MP 30% CG Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Phoenix Down x2 Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 5/5 Splattercombo 0/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Mushu Marahute Fairy Godmother Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Combo Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Exp Writer II Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Second Wind Tribute Damage Syphon Second Chance Explosion Aerial Finish Blitz 220% Ground Combo, 8 hits 210% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 40% -Ninja Abilities- Sync Blade Magical Lock Reload Boost Smokescreen First Strike Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Wrath of the Warrior Dragon Blaze Resonance Blade 56/56 HP 6/8 MP 42% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Fira Cura Stopga Aqua Splash Seeker Mine Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Judgement 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Blend Guard Item Boost Exp Writer I Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Combo Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Battle Cry Cheer Second Wind Gift Cover MP Haste Tribute Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Exp Writer II Aerial Finish Reload Boost -Ranger Abilities- Mage Gunner (+100% Projectile Magic damage) Rapid Fire Extended Clip Barrage Grounded 220% Strength + 100% Magic Combo 11 hits Total Dodge: 30% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around The Sun Pink Elephants Hunter’s Mist Lucky Lucky 10% Cheer +2 Valor +10% Strength
CLU sighed at the programs defeated before his eyes. "Even when given a handicap, these programs still don't meet up to par. That incompetent punk didn't know what he was talking about when he offered me these programs... Note to self; have a stern talking with Sho Minamimoto." He spoke loudly enough for the party to hear him in the arena. "And as for the quarrelsome quartet... I believe you've outlived your entertainment value... RINZLER!" He called out, the program in sleak back did followed his echo as he looked to the overseer. "Prepare for the final round!" CLU wrned, causing Rinzler to take position as CLU continued talking to them. "You see this world is very special... This is an upgraded version of the Space paranoids; another world in the arcade." He continued talking as he typed away on his keypad. "We are connected by a terminal. And this terminal can only be accessed by both versions of Tron... That's what your after right? Access to the terminal so you can learn of the password. As I understand it, it is the key to opening the Door To Darkness." He looked down at Rinzler who was in position, while the programs of the party's former allies begun to fade. "And this world's version of Tron you see has been repurposed.. into Rinzler. By myself of course," he claimed with pride." So if you really want Tron AND the access to that terminal, you're gonna have to show me just how badly you want it." CLU hit the enter key, having several cannons show up around the group. "Welcome to CRITICAL mode!" Boss Battle • Rinzler R O U N D 1 Rinzler > Kaida > Ignis > Beuce > Luna > Kaida > Ignis > Beuce > Luna > Cannon 1 > Cannon 2 2,000/2,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) Cannon 1 - 500/500 HP Cannon 2 - 500/500 HP Beuce Ignis Kaida Luna Group Bonuses 56/56 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Blizzara Seeker Mine Thundara Spoiler: ITEMS Potion Hi-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Thunderbell 3/3 Osmose 6/6 Magnify 5/5 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES Battle Cry Dodge Roll Magic Lock-On Item Boost Second Wind Damage Syphon MP Haste Second Chance MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) -Black Mage Abilities- Spell Upgrade Fast Magic Status Plus MP Haste+ Curse of the Black Mage Ground Combo: 100%, 1 hit Air Combo: 100%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 68/68 HP 5/5 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 2/2 Fire Strike 1/1 Vorpal Blitz 2/2 Strike Raid 1/1 Cross Slash 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Basil Fairy Godmother Mushu Bambi Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Combo Dodge Roll (20%) Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Second Wind Explosion Second Wind (Skull Noise) -Soldier Abilities- Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Ground Combo: 250%, 10 hits Air Combo: 160%, 4 hit Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 60/60 HP 5/5 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Stopga Cura Seeker Mine Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS April Showers 7/7 Reluctancy 7/7 Powerline 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Combo Combo Plus Dodge Roll (40%) EXP Writer II Second Chance Second Wind Explosion Ground Combo: 190% 8 hits Air Combo: 100% 1 hit Total Dodge Chance: 40% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star 78/78 HP 8/8 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Cura Aeroga Spoiler: ITEMS Mega Potion Ultra Potion Ether (x2) Elixir Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Break Time 7/7 Splatter Combo 4/4 Barrier Surge 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES Air Combo Plus Aerial Sweep Blend Cheer Combo Cover Damage Syphon Dodge Roll (20%) Explosion EXP Writer II Guard High Jump Item Boost Second Chance Ground Combo: 190% 8 hits Air Combo: 160% 4 hit Total Dodge Chance: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Pale Cascade Cheer +1 Valor +10% Strength
Hikaru sped alongside his friend as they attempted to apprehend Sark before he could reach the terminal. The red circuited program hopped off his ship and raced to the terminal. It was a circular platform that he was racing for. Running as fast as his coding would allow, he reached out his hand with a smug grin on his face. Yess!" "We're not gonna make it!" Hikaru grimaced. As Sark reached forward with each step, a lighcycle came out of nowhere, with Tron hopping off it, landing smack in front of Sark and blocking his path. "Noo!" Sark blurted, decelerating in speed. "this domain is meant to be mine! You had your chance at admin of the paranoids. And look where it got us! Unplayed! Forgotten! Our game was headed straight for the scrapyard... But I! I saved us!" "At the cost of the very programs you aimed to save Sark..." Tron scolded. Attempting to keep his composure, Sark calmed down a bit. "You're very persistent, Tron." "I'm also better than you..." "You... could've teamed up with me. You could've been part of the greatest team in the arcade!" Tron looked down at his lightcycle team, who had managed to catch up. "I already am," Tron happily declared. Sark was no longer willing to take any more distractions. He snapped his fingers, blocking Tron and the terminal from the party of Aislinn, Hikaru, Kel, and Stratos. "Tenacious little bugs! You're time is up." A small light glimmer as he grew to a whopping twenty feet. "Prepare for de-resolution!" Boss Battle • Commander Sark R O U N D 1 Commander Sark > Stratos > Kel > Hikaru > Aislinn > Stratos > Kel > Hikaru > Aislinn 2,500/2,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) Aislinn Hikaru Kel Stratos Group Bonuses 20/60 HP 8/8 MP 20% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aerial Slam 3/3 Zantetsuken 5/5 Fist Bump 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Combo Exp Writer II Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Cover Aerial Sweep Damage Syphon Second Chance Blend -Soldier Abilities- Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 htis Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 56/56 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Curaga Blizarra Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 5/5 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Bambi Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES Blend Exp Writer II High Jump Magic Lock-On Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Cheer Cover Combo Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Aerial Sweep Lucky Lucky MP Haste Battlecry Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up 56/56 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Phoenix Down x2 Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 5/5 Splattercombo 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Mushu Marahute Fairy Godmother Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Combo Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Exp Writer II Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Air Combo Plus Second Wind Tribute Damage Syphon Second Chance Explosion Aerial Finish Blitz 220% Ground Combo, 8 hits 210% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 40% -Ninja Abilities- Sync Blade Magical Lock Reload Boost Smokescreen First Strike Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Wrath of the Warrior Dragon Blaze Resonance Blade 11/56 HP 8/8 MP 22% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Fira Cura Stopga Aqua Splash Seeker Mine Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Judgement 3/3 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Blend Guard Item Boost Exp Writer I Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Combo Aerial Sweep Combo Plus Battle Cry Cheer Second Wind Gift Cover MP Haste Tribute Lucky Lucky Damage Syphon Exp Writer II Aerial Finish Reload Boost -Ranger Abilities- Mage Gunner (+100% Projectile Magic damage) Rapid Fire Extended Clip Barrage Grounded 220% Strength + 100% Magic Combo 11 hits Total Dodge: 30% -Data Form Abilities- Upgrade Firewall Fast Processor Reprogram Electric Boost Back-Up Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around The Sun Pink Elephants Hunter’s Mist Lucky Lucky 10% Cheer +2 Valor +10% Strength
In the North... "Ahh niño," Tango chuckled. "As far as these... 'evil schemes' go; I take no pleasure in them whatsoever. But this Nequa... She seems to have many enemies, yes? And if Nequa is as powerful as I've seen, than this means her adversary must be just a cut to that power." "Your point being?" Lea asked impatiently. "A challenge, abuelo- A CHALLENGE!" He declared. "Hey," Aieria's voice did nothing to hide her current mood, "Why do you have a keyblade?" "It is true, my heart is strong," he smiled, looking at his blade. "To the best of my knowledge, it would have to be because I have never lost. I like to think the gods themselves granted me with this magical blade to vanquish those who would dare cross me... And my skill with this keyblade is that of great worth. But to my misfortune I have not found some one who is quite... como se llama..." he muttered in Spanish as he searched the top of his head. "Worthy! That's it! I am in search of someone who is worthy to challenge my skill. It has been quite sometime since I matched against such a foe and I would hate to be disappointed. So here you all stand. And to none of the offense, but I am not so impressed." Before the talking could continue on, a flash of white light caused a girl in a school uniform to appear. She looked like the most normal girl in the world. Midway through high school, white shirt with a red tie and black skirt. Her hair was black and fashioned in two pink tails. Any high school boy would've thought her to be a cutie. "Oh finally! You know how this whole place looks the same, I mean geez, put a sign or something, am I right? Every time I teleport it's just darkness darkness darkness, and that's not even getting to the point where I-" "Lima!" Tango interrupted. The girl spoke quickly and without pause as if awkwardly trying to make conversation. Not playfully wicked or anything; just bubbly and bursting with enthusiasm. "What have I said about moving your mouth so much," Tango tirelessly spoke. The pink tailed girl known as 'Lima' scratched her cheek in embarrassment. "Umm... to not?" she guessed. "Incorrecto... It was that you could speak AFTER you performed your assignment." "Right... duh-doi!" she smacked her head playfully before spotting the people he was talking to. "Oh! Do we have more people joining us?" "Surely not," Tango laughed. "As interested as I am in their abilities, we must report back. Lady Nequa will surely wish to see what we have to tell her." Lima pouted. "But, but- I just got here! I haven't had time to flesh out the characters or see what kind of rivalry could start! Or.. or..." She noted the look on Tango's expression and sighed. "Right right, mission first." She placed a hand on Tango, and the other on the pod. "Until next time chicos..." he called out. Giving one last look to Koa as Lima drew focus. "And senor! Tell your bride to be to follow simple steps before tackling the hard ones. It's as easy as quick, quick, slow." He instructed before Lima blinked them both out of view. Before Lea could react the two had vanished with the pod. He scratched his grizzled face in frustration. "Alright, we learned two things here... One. There are definitely people who might need our help. And some of em might be trapped in pods... And two..." He saw the dust settle from Lima's powerful teleportation. "We may have some competition." He retreated his chakrams and looks back to his group. "Let's head back for now." In the South... Uniform quickly manifested his blade, allowing the whip to wrap around the mid-section of his keyblade before tugging it. While it didn't move Kiara forward much, it wasn't until after he lifted a leg and stamped on the whip, did the momentum cause her to fall forward. With a burst of momentum, he used her whip like slingshot and flung her into Arctus; halting his attack and causing the both of them to fall. "Bad form! Bad form all around. You call yourself a unit! Where's the strtatgety, where's the discipline! Disgraceful." He looked down at the girl he held hostage who he was prepared to shield against the brunette's arrows. "And it turns out this one's not so special either," he tossed her into the hands of Melus. "You all deserve each other. A bunch of punk nosed brats who would never survive a war!" He stared hard at the blonde girl who was now with Melus. "And to think. They put me only a single rank above you..." He exhaled lightly in displeasure. "Don't know what your evil secret is, but keep it away from me if you want. I'll find it eventually." He dispersed his keyblade and stepped back as dark energy began to form around him. A visual tornado began to form around him as if transporting him off. "And don't worry lady Xeres... I won't tell your daddy that you've been playing with fire." The tornado settled and he was gone. The blonde girl shuttered as she looked at Melus, refusing to turn around. "Please... please tell me he's gone," tears streaming down her face.
FIX IT FELIX JR With Felix repairing the last of the windows, he hopped down to thank the two. "Thanks for the concern there friend, but so long as they stay in the house, there's no way they can possibly get hurt," the handyman smiled before quickly fading. "But if Ralph doesn't come back, then they'll have to close down our game. Meaning both us and our game go with it! Same think happened to Qbert last week! Jiminy, I can't even imagine life outside my game. I've been doing this for thirty years!" X hopped down after he wasn't able to smash windows anymore. "I could smash em," he declared stone cold, as he pounded his fist against his palm. "No no no, that's not how the programming works. Ralph is meant to be the bad guy. We have to find him." X looked at his partner. "Didn't he say something about getting a medal in that gun game?" "He was serious about getting a medal?! And everyone was mocking him for it... We have to bring him back before the next game." "Good luck, because unless it's a mission, I don't plan to-" X was interrupted as the mission updated. "Nevermind, lead the way short man." Fix It Felix sprung into action as he hopped ahead, guiding the two. The black hooded man looked to AJ. "So why are you in the exam? What is your goal?"
Are you from Tennessee? Because.... Spoiler I've been court ordered to stay within the general Nashville area
SUGAR RUSH The racers all took their starting positions as they walked to the front of the line. It seems like everyone cars were already parked there. Including Taffyta's and Candlehead's ripe for Base and Ananta to ride. From the pedestal above them, sat a short man with a purple tailcoat and white vest, covered in glitter, lace collar, and cuffs. There were also two golden buttons on the back of the tailcoat. A notable feature was also his red bow-tie, which resembled a candy wrapper. He also wore poofy golden pants and purple slippers with red gumdrops at the tip that jingled whenever he moved frantically. The king's most notable feature would be his tiny, golden crown that is usually slanted atop his large head. "Hoo hoo! Hallo, my loyal subjects! It is I! King Candy!" He cheered, tossing candy at the stands of cheering people. "Thank you to today's avatars. It truly is a wonderful day of racing. It was.. but the arcade is almost closed which gives us time for one last race!" He looked at the racers. You don't have to pay to play in this one, but seeing as how you all have already paid your entries today I assume it's alright to begin!" The player's names all showed up on the leaderboard being accompanied by an announcer. Rancis Fluggerbutter! Jubileena Bing-Bing! Snowanna Rainbeau! Crumbelina DiCaramello! Gloyd Orangeboar! Swizzle Malarkey! Minty Zaki! The King himself seemed a little unsure with 2 racers missing. "Wait a minute, where are Taffyta and Candlehead!" "Maybe they were caught by the glitch!" One of the racers were panicing. "Now Now my subjects, everything is fine. Look, we have to replacement racers right there!" He looked at Base and Ananta and scanned them so their names would appear on the leaderboard. BANANTA STRAWBERRY! JELLY BASE! "See? Glitches wouldn't appear on the leaderboard. Now rest easy. My guards are on vigilant patrol looking for Vanellope as we speak. Now go and race!" He gleefully chuckled in his semi-lisp voice. The racers all ligned up as the countdown began. 3.... 2.... 1.... GO!!! MISSION START! HERO'S DUTY As Glen and Steel fought off the Cy-bugs there waas a loud explosion from the tower. A single spaceship could be seen spinning out of control from the tower and smashing through the ground as it ricocheted passed the two keybladers. For a moment, everything was in slow motion as they saw Ralph in the cock pit, trying to remove a tiny cy-bug off his face. His face stretched in pain as he was trying to get it off. The The ship continued to crash through the ground as it skid through the portal and into game central station. As TRON's team was victorious, Sark stepped back from his balcony. He was in shock from the sheer fact that his team had lost. He would have to relinquish his power over Space Paranoids back to Tron. A commanding presence he did NOT want to give back. "Prepare my Solar Sailor!" He barked at an underling. As he fled his balcony, the SOS Party was being cheered below. Hikaru slowly decelerate his light cycle as he eventually stopped. "We won?... I mean, we won! Haha! Nice!" He held his fist to Stratos. "Fist Bump! Do we fist bump? Do you fist bump? Who cares we won!" Hikaru needed a good win and still kept his fist there to see if Stratos would comply. Tron raced onto the arena and clapped happily. "I knew you could do it," he smiled. "Now we just have to get Sark to..." He looked to the balcony to see that Sark had vanished. From behind the arena, they couldsee a large flying vessel slowly take off and leave the arena. "That corrupted program! I knew he wouldn't give it up honestly! There's not an honorable line of code in him!" He took out his light cycle cyclinder to try and give chase. "We have to beat him to the command terminal! If he gets there before us, he'll be able to assign himself as the game admin forever!" MISSION START!
In the North... Tango seemed intrigued by Koa's willingness to speak. "Ahh... You speak Spanish?" He seemed to let his guard down lightly. "And as a matter of fact, I do dance. Many forms in fact." He looked to Lea. "But something tells me you are not here for a dancing lesson, eh?" Lea's attention drew focus onto the sleeping pod behind the latin man. "What's in the pod?" Tango shrugged back. "How am I supposed to know whose in there?" Lea's eyes intensified. "So there's a person in there, huh?" Tango looked back at the pod and chuckled. "Suppose I let that one slip by, yes?" He watched the others carefully in case they made any sudden moves. "Though I must say this is certainly a change of pace. Most who wander the darkness attempt to duel me. An unwise decision, for I have yet to be defeated." Lea walked forward a bit to get a better look. "What do you want with it?" "Me? Nothing. Nequa? Who knows. The purple lady asks me to locate a pod she says was hidden from the realm of light by some one. I forget his name. Some hombre sin corazón or something. Lea was curious what he meant and looked to Koa. "What does that mean?" ------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, in the South... "Sheesh, you got a real mouth on you don't yah?" The old man grumbled, catching her whip in his bare hand. The whip wrapped mostly around his wrist and forearm. The bladed whip pierced at his skin, blood dripping down his fist, only for his wounds to be scalded by the flames. He continued to grip it, as if showcasing his resilience to pain. "And I wouldn't be trying to pick a fight here little girl- I've been fighting in wars since before any of you were even born!" He threw her flaming whip on to the ground as he stared her down. "I haven't been this annoyed since... Wait a minute here." He held his grip against the girl's wrists as he inspected Kiara. "Hehe... Well isn't this a small realm. Yer Xeres' girl aren't you?" He didn't wait for a reply. "Don't try and deny it. I know those hateful eyes anywhere. Just like your old man. So angry. So full of certainty in your abilities." He spit across the path. "Makes me sick just thinking about it... He would just walk all over everyone like he was a god. And you're no different." He looked to the other three in her party. "And I take it you maggots share that same passion for whatever reason?"
Aux left the room. No words spoken No actions made. No cares given.
Noroz, Xara, D'daear and Shapur were all lined up to battle them. This was especially hard on Hikaru because he had allied himself with each of them at one point or another. Noroz was one of the first he'd met with Kel in Deep Jungle. D'daear he had fought alongside in Beast's Castle, and Timeless River. He even fought bravely with him and Kel against the Shadow Blot. Shapur he recalled briefly from the days of Pachyderm Parade and Wonderland. And the memory of Xara was still fresh from their time in San Fransokyo. At that moment, he realized just how much harder this may have been for Kel. Someone who was with Hikaru since the very beginning. Kel had also fought with Xara in Nottingham, D'daear in Wasteland, and Noroz in Deep Jungle. There were so many people he wanted to thank for so many reasons. Something that he would have to remember for later. "They're just copies... They're not real," he said trying to reassure Kel and himself. He looked onward to his soulless former allies. "I guess I'll keep Shapur distracted since I'm the only one he's fought alongside... Maybe that can give me an advantage." From what he remembered, Shapur liked to fight a lot. He was quiet, but had the heart of a warrior. The announcer's voice blared. "FINAL MATCH! TEAM SARK vs. TEAM TRON!" "Are you ready! 3... 2... 1.. GO" In perfect synchronization, all four of their enemies started up their light cycle and charged forward. "Wh-okay!" Hikaru stammered, quickly pulling out his light cycle and racing on." MISSION START! CLU held his fist tightly as he watched. "Theses programs are dead space... What in the code made me agree to using them..." He looked to Rinzler. "Rinzler!" Go down and help up the difficulty..." CLU turned on the announcement panel and made his declaration. "It seems our new programs may find Disc Wars to be a bit of a walk in the park for our newcomers... So let's give them a real challenge with Level 2!" He pressed a button on his panel which seperated everyone into seperate rooms, divided by thin transparent blue walls. "You're all strong as a unit, but how do you fair individually!" The stadium split into for smaller arenas, pitting Beuce against Anora, Ignis against Eon, Kaida against Cat, and Luna against Etrius. Rinzler was shown to pass through the walls easily as he could freely go to any arena he wanted. "And to keep things interesting, Rinzler will be a wild card! He can pass through all arenas and help my fellow programs." The crowd cheered as Rinzler made a very impressive discus throw and bounced his Disc off the wall, hitting every all the SOS party members. He then stood on a high platform in the middle of the stadium, outside the reach of any of the players. CLU was playing dirty... "And if you have the gall to beat Level 2, you get to find out what awaits you in the boss level," he smirked. Beuce: 3 Ignis: 1 Kaida: -1 Luna: 1 RINZLER: 4 Anora: 0 Cat: -4 Etrius: -2 Eon: -2 SUGAR RUSH What remained of their digital foes were melted down into digital pieces. As they watched their former allies dissolve, two bright and shiny coins could be seen not too far off from them. It seems Taffyta and Candlehead dropped them as they raced off. Ananta and Base recieved x2 Gold Coins! Not far off, a small boy with a pumpkin on his head noticed the coins that Base an Ananta were holding. "Hey guys! Hurry up the race is about to start!" MISSION START FIX IT FELIX JR "You make a good point," he said as he punch in another window. He held his gloved hand to his cheek as he called inside the building. "Hey, is anyone in the building!" "Yes!" a few quaky voices called out. X was a bit taken back by this. "Oh... well we're punching the building because you're big monster man isn't here right now." "Is Ralph coming back!" the voices asked. "I dunno, but I've already smashed like six windows," he said, punching another one. "Seven. So for now we're just going to continue with that if that's okay. If not, too bad." he punched another one in. "Eight." He looked to AJ to ask something quickly as he hung off a ledge. "So how does scoring work in this game? Is it co-operative or competitive? Because I think I'm winning..." He punched in one after another in succession. "Ten."
One thing I really love about Kingdom Hearts games is that each new release improves the scope of the player. Therefore I'd love to see new bosses feature impressive abilities as well as show how collosal they can be compared to the player. Disney The Titans from Olympus Colisuem - All of them... At Once. The Headless Horseman - Maybe if Sora or someone is on a keyblade glider, they can be racing alongside their enemy. The Shadow Blot - Just for the interesting battle and possibility of bringing Oswald the rabbit into the franchise Dr. Facillier - I mean come on, he's called the SHADOW MAN. Cruella De Vil - Put her in a car. Done. It'd be like one of those annoying cars from Timeless River, but worse Yzma - I love the idea of her throwing potions at you and turning you into different things The Black Cauldron - Just the Horned King summoning hordes against you would be neat. Square Gilgamesh - What item is better to have than the keyblade? Bahamut - I just want to see Donald and Goofy fight this thing... Sho Minamimoto - I would like to see all the noise form attacks in 3D. It's possible since the TWEWY characters have appeared before.
[VOLUME 1] - CHAPTER II - FIRST CONTACT In the North... Lea led his team of Vallus, Koa, Aeira following along the Northern path. Much of the path remained in his memory banks during his older days in the organization. "Shouldn't be too far from here." There were large assortments of earth pillars emerging from the ground as they continued to travel. An area that could be easy to get let in if they all weren't within reach of each other. "There you are my small friend..." A voice spoke out. The voice was that of a suave and young Hispanic man. Lea hid closely behind a large pillar, putting two fingers to his mouth and signalling the rest of his group to stay quiet. Motioning his hand for them to stay out of sight, he listened on, glaring at the man from the corner of his eyes. The man he was spying on, had black hair that was obviously well groomed and a thin mustache to go along with it. The man in question was sharply dressed. He wore a short sleeved red shirt, fully buttoned with a sleek collar. On his lower half were black dress shoes with the pants to match. On his waist was a long orange scarf, tied at the hip. The Latin man has just finished dusting off the mild rubble that had fallen along a sleeping pod. Roughly the size of a suburban couch, the pod was white and rectangular at the sight of it. Who was in the pod had yet to be confirmed. "Co-ordinates precisely where Señora Nequa said they'd be... It's almost too simple a task for a many of my... many talents," he chuckled. He turned his head to the pillars where Lea's group were hiding. "Wouldn't you agree my little espías?" He smirked as he stood in front of the pod leaning on them. "Not very experienced in the spying game are we niños?" Lea scoffed at being found out, and walked out into the open, hoping he didn't catch all of the members in his group. "Well at least you brought your abuelo, eh? Haha," He laughed softly as he called out to him. "So what can I do for you?" Lea thought for a moment. "You said something about Nequa... What exactly is your affiliation with her?" "Something platonic I assure you. Why? Do you fancy the magic chica? I think she is far too young for you Señor..." "You know what I mean!" Lea kept a strict face, trying to decipher the newcomer. "I'll start with something easy... Who are you?" "A straight forward man. I can appreciate that..." He drew out a keyblade that looked akin to a fencing blade and stuck it into the ground in front of him. "My real name must be earned, but for our short time here... you may call me; Tango." He looked at the rest of the pillars. "If you all plan to attack me, I'd be careful. I don't go easy... Even on the children..." ------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, in the South... Kiara, Luther, Arctus, and Melus went southbound to a large clearing, blanketed by snow. As the followed the blinking dot Lea gave to Kiara, they saw anelderly, but very muscular man. White hair on his head and scars all over his arms. He wore a military vest and cargo pants. Black laced boots and dog tags around his neck meant he had some serious military background. He was towering over a timid blonde girl who looked to be in her teens. The man towering over her spoke. "Alright you little temptress... where is it?" He summoned a very heavy keyblade at his side. The shy girl looked up to him. She was petite and slender, with big green eyes. "Wh-where's what?" She stuttered out, eyes tearing a bit. "Oh don't give me that vicitimized look... Nequa wouldn't have let you join if you were that pathetic. Now I'm not going to ask again! Hand it over!" The blonde girl looked to the ground, looking like she was about to cry. Her small hands in fists in front of her bent knees. When she lookd up again, her eyes widened with shock as she spotted the four. "What are you starin' at?" he asked, turning to face them. His expression went unimpressed. "Great, more brats, just what I need..." He grabbed the girl by the arm and dragged her to feet. He looked at them directly with his cold blue eyes. "Now move along..." He threatened, holding the girl's wrists tightly.
Tron sighed. "If I could substitute for her, I would volunteer in a nanosecond. Unfortunately Sark has my ID disc. It's the very thing that allows me to compete. After he won it from me in the last tournament, he's been using it to complete change the way space paranoids operates..." Hikaru quickly halted his cycle to note Aislinn's tragic past. "If worse comes to worse... we can do all the grunt work." He got off the bike and thought to himself. "From what I've seen, they can do as much damage to themselves as we could... and seeing as how hostile our opponents are, we could easily trick them into crashing into a wall or something." He looked to Aidlinn realizing 'crash' may not have been the best word. "I mean... all I'm saying is if we outmaneuver them, we may not even have to make contact. The light coming off our cycles could do the trick..." --------- FIX-IT-FELIX JR As Gwendolyn and Aden prepared their final assault, a large beeping sound was made. As if to signal them that their time was up. The two of them froze in mid-air and were digitized out of the game. A flash of blue light and the two of them vanished. The black hooded man looked onward with little to no phasing whatsoever. "Victory," X proclaimed as he dispersed his keyblade. "What in the world were those two doing, friend?" Felix questioned, hopping down from repairing the last building. "Doesn't matter. They're gone and so are we. Come, blondie." As X was ready to march offm the gate back to Game Central Station closed off. "No no. We're done. Let us out, tiny man." He called back to Felix. The small handyman was in a bit of panic. "Oh no! Some one put in a quarter!" X looked around. "Put it where?" "No I mean, the game's starting! And without Ralph here to wreck the building, the game can't continue!" Felix looked down at his hammer. "I've been doing this for 30 years, and I've never once missed a game." He looked up to AJ. "I know this isn't your game, but do you think, you and your friend could wreck the building for this game? Afterwords, I have to find Ralph and bring him home!" He looked to the left of AJ. "Huh? Where did the hood fella run off to?" MISSION START X had already begun trashing the windows unseen to Felix. His keyblade wasn't even out. The hooded man was just climbing the building via parkour and began punching the windows with his gloved hand. "I assumed this was the outcome." He quickly jabbed and broke another window. HERO'S DUTY The digitized versions of Karina and Leo vanished in a flash of light. A beeping sound could be heard as if to signal them away.Commander Calhoun had arrived on the seem to see both Steel and Glen seemingly fighting nothing. A heavy gun was hurled at Steel's head, knocking him forward a bit, while another was ricocheted harshly at Glen's soldiers. "Soldiers! What in the name of nebulous 9 are you two doing!" She cocked her gun and shot down another cy-bug. "Pick up the guns and fire at the bugs! Are you waiting for your momma's permission?! I said move it! We have to stall them until the beacon is activated!" MISSION START!
"TEAM TRON WINS!" The announcer declared as the arena was cleared, save for Aislinn, Hikaru, Kel and Stratos. "STAY TUNED FOR THE FINAL ROUND!" The players were picked up by a rectifier and brought back to the waiting room, where Tron stood, eagerly waiting to greet them. "You did it! You made it through the round, but things are going to be even harder in the final round... Sark's team is merciless." He opened the doors to the practice arena. "I know you didn't get much practice time, so I hope you use the time before the next match to really hone your skills. MISSION START Hikaru felt bad he didn't do a lot in the last round. "This time I'll do better!" he claimed as he gripped his fist. "So... what's a good strategy?" --------- FIX-IT-FELIX JR The hooded man watched as AJ leapt into action, standing at the ground level. Who observed as the blonde youth attacked the digital iterations of the keybladers. from the force he was attacking them at, it didn't look like he recognized either of them. Aden was very familiar to X for some reason. "H-hey, aren't you gonna help him?!" He looked back as AJ had managed to synthesize his own quicksand. "Seems to be doing fine to me." Felix held his tongue as he looked at the window breaking. "Well, some hero you are!" He jumped to the windows and began repairing them as AJ continued to duke it out against the two of them. "I never said I was a hero." He summoned his blade. "I'm far from it." He pointed his keyblade to Aden and let loose a fire spell, knocking the program onto his back. "Well... I helped." He put the keyblade over his shoulder and continued watching.