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  1. Krowley
    Lea watched as one by one, his team mates began to attack the others. Arctus, Luther, and Vallus began to attack the people close to them in a spontaneous act of rebellion. If something happened on their individual trek, that was understandable, but even the ones from his own party were sparring out. What seemed like sportsman-like comradery was disproven from the amount of force each person was willing to use. Lea looked to Koa, who was trying to maintain the peace. He looked at each duo's battle with confusion before turning around to Krista.

    The girl was trying to hide a small smirk as her eyes grew abruptly sharper. Lea's eyes widened to the frightening realization. "You.. you're doing this aren't you?" Lea drew out his chakram in a flash of fire and pointed it to her. Her eyes quickly grew wide eyed again at the weapon being pointed at her.
    "W-what do you mean sir?..."
    "You can drop that right now!" Lea's voice was harsh and booming, his pupils shrinking to show his willingness to strike. "They didn't start acting this way until you got here... Well, they were kind of acting this way- but not to this degree!"
    The blonde girl closed her eyes and sigh. "Fine. Personally, I think I was overselling anyways."
    Lea gritted his teeth. "So everything you told us was a lie wasn't it?... You were just stalling for time, weren't you?"
    "Oh, it was all true. Every word of it. " Her small and fragile voice was now smooth and cunning.
    Lea was growing impatient as his allies fought around him. "Then why tell us the truth? Who were you stalling for?"
    Krista looked at him with his her piercing green eyes. "For my special ability to take effect. For example." Lea's hand began to slowly lower as he struggled to keep the weapon pointed up, his hand eventually betraying his mental command.
    "The ability the Uniform was after was my necklace," she showcase the glowing green stone around her neck. "It gives my power over the hearts of men. It takes a little longer on- ahem- 'older gentlemen.' It's why I couldn't get that old geezer to obey me." She smiled as Lea's arm shook while he lowered his weapon. "My power increases in close range, which is quite unfortunate for a group mostly populated by men," she smirked.
    "Nequa," Lea grunted, cursing her name.
    "Oh that old hag has nothing to do with this. This is more like... my own personal mutiny. Once I gain the strength of the men from your group, I'm going to overthrow that which. One by one, they will bow to the new queen bee!" she clapped her hands lightly. "Boys, playtime's over. Come guard your queen!" she commanded.
    The eyes of Vallus, Arctus, Luther and Lea all turned white. They had turned into an almost zombie like state as they rushed to guard her in a quick movement. They were now eqger to obey Krista's every command.

    She looked to Koa and clapped her hands again. "That means you too four eyes." Koa remained unaffected, much to Krista's dismay. "I said, be a good lapdog and GUARD YOUR MASTER!" she boomed.
    There was still no effect.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 15, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley

    "Whoa whoa, take it easy fancy pants, we don't want any trouble right Ralph?"
    "Me?! They're the ones talking about licorice!"
    "Well, while we're wasting time chatting here, the race is about to start." She looked to the group. "And that stuff they're saying about me is all wrong. I get a little gltichy sometimes and all of a sudden everybody hates me. You know what, let's start over. My name is Vanellope... And I believe you met ol' booger breath here," she kid, nudging Ralph.
    "When he crashed into the game I kinda borrowed-"
    "BORROWED his gold coin to use as a gold coin to enter the race."
    "It's a medal. And I need it to go back and not be treated like a bad guy anymore!" Ralph blurt out. "That's why I've been helping this little rotten little cavity train to race. She wins and I get my medal back."
    "But the problem is security's gonna be tight. King Candy said that glitches never race. But I'm gonna change that. So you're either with us! Or against us!" Vanellope barked.

    Post by: Krowley, Oct 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley

    As they reached Diet Cola mountain, King Candy's guard could be seen patrolling the perimeter. The mountain was very large in exterior.
    With all six of the characters reconvened at the mountain, there seemed to be no sign of a 'glitch' in sight.
    From a small part of the mountain, Ralph was seen pushing out a small little girl's cart. The sugar themed cart was covered in a delectable assortment of cookies and sweets, as the small girl in the driver's seat match the description in the wanted poster.
    "So you sure you know what you're doing, kid?" Ralph asked pushing her along.
    "Of course! Racing's in my code!" the small girl cheered. She smiled as she fiddled with her steering wheel before spotting the group.
    "Uh-oh! Five-0!" the girl alerted Ralph as the giant man panicked. "Cops! Where! I'm not going to the fun dungeon!- OW!" in the scurry, the girl drove right into Ralph's shin and kneeled down. He clutched his ankle tightly as he looked up to the sight of the party. "Oh great, it's you guys," he claimed unhappily.
    "You know these guys Ralph?" she asked, slowly letting her guard down.
    "Not really. Just some mallet mashers I met in the Arcade station. What do you guys want anyways?"
    He looked down to the flyer to see the girl's face on the paper.
    "Hey wait a minute. You're working with that King guy aren't you! You're trying to lock away my only chance at getting my medal back!"
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 9, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley

    Gay people

    Gay is putting more than 3 colours on a flag
    Gay is loving that you match that one person's genitals
    Gay is synonymous with European
    Gay is leaving that closet you for some reason walked into
    Gay is that one guy in n sync that wasn't Justin timberlake
    Gay is cupping your hands together to draw out a single syllable word
    Gay is doing that cool thing people are afraid to do
    Gay is being comfortable with your shirt off
    Gay is staying at the YMCA because it's fun
    Gay is that one Katy perry song. (Not that one, the other one)
    Gay is winning numerous indie film awards for having two stars being the same gender
    Gay is fighting for your country by the sea
    Gay is Magneto and Professor Xavier just hanging out
    Gay is liking piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
    Gay is anything that sparkles or twinkles (water counts)
    Gay is picking rock or scissors instead of paper.
    Gay is also picking paper
    Gay is NASCAR. (Since they never drive straight for long)
    Gay is wet spaghetti
    Gay is bliss

    But most importantly. Gay is a group of men at a steel mill who work hard. And play hard.

    Post by: Krowley, Oct 9, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Krowley
    "Koa and Aeira are right," Lea was thankful he had gotten the more level headed members of the group. "These people are organized. They have assignments and objectives. Our first objective was strictly recon. Something that due to circumstances, became unavoidable." He looked over to the girl. She was standing quietly, with her fingers fidgeting with each other.
    "Whether or not you're innocent is still in question." He took the key tracker from Kiara to see if there was any nearby weilders heading to their position. The radar was blank save for the girl's. "Looks like we aren't being tailed. But don't think I've let my guard down. I know you'll have other way to avoid detection." He offered Krista a seat as he continued. "And don't try anything brash. There's 8 of us and one of you."
    "O-of course. What is it you want to know?"

    Lea thought for a quick moment. "if my estimate is correct, there are 13 of you, correct?"
    "Fourteen." She replied.
    "Fourteen?" Lea repeated
    "Nequa chose thirteen of us to represent her. Five of them are her strongest followers."
    "Why isn't Nequa part of the thirteen?" As far as Lea was concerned, the leader is what led the group.
    "Nequa's champion is the Alpha. Know one knows who he is but her and Delta."
    "Oh man, I'm gonna have to start writing these down." He scratched the back of his head and looked back.

    "see what happens when we all just calm down and talk things out?" He joked. "So uhh... whose taking notes on all this?..."
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 9, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley
    "Well, we did some death racing, met a nice program named tron, and managed to overthrow an evil program to return order. You know; keeping the peace and all that," he smiled. Noticing how fighting former allies must have felt, he tried to console her. "You know, we had to fight some of our old friends too. From recent to the beginning of this evil mess. Whoever this Sho guy is must really be trying to mess with us. He even partnered with people we rarely worked with. It's taken a toll on all of us." His train of thought was interrupted with the sight of ignis almost striking down Stratos. "Some of us more than others apparently..." Hikaru watched as Luna rushed to help the two, before being reminded of what Kaida just said. "Wait a minute, Luna's a princess of heart?! " Hikaru took a whole step back on the matter. He first learned of the princesses back in Dwarf Woodlands. The only other possible ones he could have known were the ones the bad guys were after. Snow White, Belle, Alice, and Cinderella. As far as he knew; 2 were safe and the other 2 were captured. By Aux.
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    Hikaru arrived back at the Game Central Station terminal strip. As he walled across the clean and empty Station, he watched his allies interacting with each other. Trading stories, reflcting on their battle and hardships, it was always something new to discuss when everyone reunited from their individual adventures. He took a step forward to try and join in on the group conversation. Not even making a full step, he hesitated. Drawn back by his own self doubt and own personal matter. Until this point he was never really reflecting on what happened during the events in Castle Oblivion. His own revelations and hidden truths.

    Before sinking too much into a saddened state, Hikaru thought back to what Tron said about what makes copied programs different from others. The connections made. The people met. He looked up to find Kaida and felt his doubt slowly fade. His feet no longer hesitated as he rushed to her. "Kaida! Hey!" He slowed down and smiled to her. "How did everything go?"
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Krowley
  10. Krowley
    "Thanks Tron," Hikaru waved back as they made their way back to the Game Central Station Hub.

    Space Paranoids
    World Completion Bonus:
    Aislinn completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP
    Hikaru completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP
    Kel completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP
    Stratos completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP

    Aislinn leveled up! (33)
    Hikaru leveled up! (33)(34)
    Kel leveled up! (33)
    Stratos leveled up! (33)

    The Grid
    World Completion Bonus:
    Beuce completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP
    Ignis completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP
    Kaida completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP
    Luna completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP

    Beuce leveled up! (33)
    Ignis leveled up! (32)
    Kaida leveled up! (32)
    Luna leveled up! (32)(33)

    Post by: Krowley, Oct 3, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    You shouldn't need more than ten jars.
    You're meant to stock up on jars for future encounters or dinner sidequests
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 3, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Krowley

    All players managed to cross the finish line in time for the standings to be revealed.

    1st Place - Jelly Base
    2nd Place -Swizzle Malarkey
    3rd Place -Crumbelina DiCaramello
    4th Place -Bananta Strawberry
    5th Place -Snowanna Rainbeau
    6th Place -Rancis Fluggerbutter
    7th Place -Minty Zaki
    8th Place -Jubileena Bing-Bing
    9th Place -Gloyd Orangeboar

    King Candy and his subjects clapped for the racers as they all crossed the finish line.
    "Wonderful, wonderful! Congratulations to today's winners!" He gleefully rejoiced. As the audience continued to cheer, some of King Candy's guards, whispered a few words into his ear. Whatever the news was, his cheerful smile faded into a look of shock "What do you mean she's been spotted at Diet Cola Mountain!?" he yelled almost a bit too loudly. "Hehe... as I'm sure we've known for sometime now. No need to worry though, your faithful king has things under control!"
    This caught the attention of Ananta and Base greatly.

    Meanwhile, at the Sugar Rush terminal.

    "We'll be fine," Nigo reassured. He looked back at the group of people and quickly changed his answer. "Most of us... most of us will be fine." He looked forward and walked a little further than AJ. "I'll be fine," he finally settled on. He walked through the portal behind Calhoun and Felix to find the sugary colorful world
    "It looks like a rainbow through up in here," Nigo winced.
    Calhoun scouted the area for damage, as the shuttle could be seen crashed and currounded by broken candy cane trees.
    "Well, I'll say this much, they don't call your friend 'Wreck-it' for nothing," Calhoun said as she quickly slid down the hill to inspect the shuttle.
    "Is he in there?" Felix asked hopefully.
    "Nope. Lucky for him. Otherwise, I would have slap his corpse. No Cy-Bug either. Gotta find it before it lays it's filthy eggs." She looked back to her scanner, whacking it a few times. "He came this way but the Sugar particles in the atmosphere are jamming my sensor. Can't get a read on it..." she looked back to Felix for some answers.
    As she did, Felix began to explain the Turbo story to both her as well as Steel and Glen who has yet to here it.

    While calhoun and Felix continued to inspect the shuttle, a few of King Candy's police henchmen approached the party. A tall and slender éclair, and a short ctocky dougnut watched them carefully. They wore cop uniforms, along with the sunglasses to match. "Excuse me folks. We're looking for a gltich running around. You haven't seen her have you?" They handed Steel a flyer showing the picture of some one by the name of 'Vanellope Von Schweetz." She had long raven-black hair with candy sprinkled over it in a high ponytail, a noticable overbite, as well as large, round ears and a small pink chipmunk-like nose. She was wearing a mint green hoodie, with a brown skirt that resembled the wrapping of a peanut-butter cup, multi-colored leggings, and small black boots.
    "That little girl has been a menace to this game. She threatens our very lives... If you have any information on her, please contact us."
    Before the two could question the group more, their walkie talkie interrupted.
    "Attention all units, glitch spotted at the diet cola mountain. Repeat; Glitch is near the Diet Mountain."
    The cops looked at each other and began to race off, leaving the picture with the group.

    Calhoun returned with Felix and looked at the photo in Steel's hands. "This little rugrat is a menace. The police force here really is a joke..."
    "That girl doesn't look all too threatening to me. Even if she is a glitch."
    "What's so bad about a glitch anyways?" Calhoun questioned.
    "Well they aren't supposed to exist. They're corrupted copies of programs that could infect the rest of the game," Felix explained.
    Calhoun scoffed. "I already have one virus to worry about. My mission is to find the Cy-bug and kill it. Your mission is to find your Wreck-it pal. That's all we came here for. I don't need to meddle here anymore than I have to." She marched off angrilly, following her faulty scanner.

    Felix hopped over to Glen, AJ, Steel and Nigo. "I know we have a mission of our own, but maybe you guys could help find the girl. Not to exterminate her of course. But maybe to an explanation on the whole mess..."

    Post by: Krowley, Oct 3, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    [VOLUME 1]

    Back at the home base...

    Lea's group and Kiara's group reconvened at the home base. Both parties seemed to have experienced different experiences from the expressions on ther faces. Lea noticed tne notable addition to Kiara's crew was looking down as she walked with them. A young woman with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She almost reminded him of a girl he once knew in Castle Oblivion. He was not exactly the most sympathetic to that past girl's situation. He hoped he could at least help this new girl in her's.

    "I see we have much to talk about... Who's your new friend?"
    Post by: Krowley, Oct 3, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    I know now... without a doubt, that Kingdom Hearts is
    A LIE!


    Post by: Krowley, Oct 3, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Krowley

    With Nigo and AJ entering the frey, Sergeant Calhoun put her fingers to her mouth and let out a loud whistle. The building that most of the soldiers were gunning towards let out a powerful beacon. The soldiers were yelling cease fire as the current game session had apparently ended. The Cy-bugs were captivated by the light blue light pulsating from the building and were flying towards it. Their beady green eyes turned to blue, hypnotically flying towards the light without question. The light was hot as the sun. Enough so to have the bugs disintegrated like vulnerable moths to a flame. The bugs were vaporized in seconds.

    "ATTENTION. RETURN TO START POSITIONS." A booming digital voice declared that the game had ended and the computer players were to reset.
    "Alright pussywillows, back to starting postions!" Calhoun cried out, having her soldiers return to her. She held still at the sight of AJ, Nigo and Felix, holding her guns at the unarmored players. Felix held his hands up nervously from Calhoun's intimidating stare. "I'm Fix-It Felix Jr. ma'am! From the gae... Fix-It Felix Jr!..."
    Calhoun lowered her gun. "What the heck are you doing outside your game short stack? Now state your business!" She held her gun firmly.
    "Oh.. I'm looking for my colleague. Wreck-it Ralph," Felix informed.
    "Never heard of him..." She looked at Steel and and Glen. "And I'm taking it those two jokers aren't from this game either? I mean just look at 'em! Looks like they've never held a fire arm in their life."

    Nigo quickly threw away his gun as to not be insulted.
    "Well ma'am, we saw a bunch of ship markings go from this game into Sugar Rush and we-"
    "The shuttle... of course!" she realized, recalling the soldier and cy-bug inside the shuttle blasting through the gate. "Your screw up from a friend must have been the one inside it. And in Sugar Rush of all places... Cy-Bugs would chew up that game faster than a chicken hawk in a coop of crippled roosters!"
    "What was that now?" Felix asked.
    "What are you, thick? There was a Cy-Bug on that shuttle."
    Felix didn't seem to get what a Cy-bug was despite all the deceased bug carcasses around him.
    "Do you even khow what a Cy-Bug is?"
    "I can't say that I do, ma'am..."
    "Cy-Bugs are like a virus. They don't know they're in a game. All they know is eat, kill, multiply. Without a beacon to stop them.. they'll consume Sugar Rush. But you think they'll stop there?"
    "Yes!" Felix declared proudly. Nigo simple held his forehead and shook his head.
    "Wrong! Viruses do not stop! Once those Cy-Bugs finish off Sugar Rush they'll invade every other game until this Arcade is nothing but a smoking husk of forgotten dreams." She prepared to move out of the game on her own as she ordered one of her lieutenants to take over in her absence.

    "Wait, ma'am. We're going with you!" Felix interjected.
    "Like fun you are, short stack. You die outside your game, you don't regenerate. That goes for the rest of you!" she yelled at the now four members of the party.
    "Well, neither do you, ma'am. And it is my job to fix what Ralph wrecks. And I cannot ask you to risk your life cleaning up his mess No flex on this one ma'am. We are coming along with you."
    Calhoun looked at the five of them and sighed. She didn't have time to argue. They just had to move fast.
    "Fine. But keep up soldiers. I slow down for no one..." With Calhoun leading the way, Felix followed with great loyalty.
    Having never really spoken to Steel or Glen, he simply looked at their armor. Was nice to see he wasn't the only one hiding his appearance for a change.

    "Off to Sugar Rush then." he told AJ.

    Post by: Krowley, Oct 2, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley
  17. Krowley

    With most of CLU's guards de-rezzed, CLU was now faced with a difficult choice. Surrender or retreat.
    He only looked at Rinzler with a look of disdain. Tron was unable to see his vision and needed to be forcefully reprogrammed. As the four party members stood and guarded Tron, CLU yelled out towards him. "I did everything. Everything you ever asked!I know you did. I executed the plan!
    "As... you saw it," Rinzler muttered out.
    "You... You promised that we would change the world together! You broke your promise! And so I had to reformat your purpose! To help you remember!"
    It seemed this version of Tron was once friends with CLU before the villain took over.
    "I took this system to its maximum potential. I created the perfect system!" CLU declared.
    As Rinzler had gained enough energy, he got up to his feet. "The thing about perfection is that it's unknowable. It's impossible but it's also right in front of us all the time.
    You wouldn't know that because our user didn't when he created you. I'm sorry, Clu.
    CLU was displeased. "I don't need an apology. I need your obedience. Now destroy those programs!" he pointed at Kaida in particular to represent all four of them.

    Rinzler didn't move.
    "YOU FIGHT FOR ME! You-" Before he could continue to berate Rinzler, a crashing sound was heard. The sound of pixels shattering like glass. CLU's eyes were opened wide as he look down at his chest. Rinzler had just thrown his Identity disc at CLU's source code, watching as he was deleted before their eyes. With a look of horror on his face, CLU fell to his knees and looked to Rinzler.
    "Rinzler... Why?..."
    Catching his disc, Rinzler walked forward and took back his rightful administrator disc. "I fight for the users." CLU finished deleting, as pixel swept away like virtual tear drops into cyberspace. "And my name... Is Tron."
    CLU's guards stood at attention as the true ruler of the Grid had returned.
    He looked to the other four and thanked them appropriately. "I can't thank you enough." He held his disc in front of them "I suppose you're here for the password then. Well you've more than earned it, allow me to link to the Space Paranoids. There's another copy of myself who will help link the appropriate password for you." The renewed Tron stepped in the center of the arena and held his disc flatly over his head as a beacon of light rained over him.


    Hikaru watched Stratos talk with Kel and Aislinn. Tron's words really hit a spark with him in knowing what the future could mean. There were always more and more people willing to help. Their power helped him through some difficult battles. He was proud to have fought alongside them.

    (Hikaru's Frienship level for Kel, Aislinn and Stratos went up by 1!)

    He snuck in a small smile as Tron's disc began to react behind him.

    "It's time," Tron warned, lifting his disc to activate the beacon. Just as it did in the Grid, the beacon rained over him, allowing the password to escape from his mouth, while the same was happening in the Grid. One after the other both Trons revealed the seven word password for each of their worlds.

    (Note* You can only hear the name with your world color in it)

    Password recognized. The seven maidens that will open the door to darkness.
    Password recognized. The seven maidens that will open the door to darkness.





    Hikaru took mental note of each of the names in his head. He didn't recognize any of the names from his travels. He had only seen princesses like Snow White, Alice, and Cinderella. But where were they on this list? "Don't suppose you recognize any of the names?" he asked Stratos.
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 29, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley
    GIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format.
    Not Jraphic Interchange Format >:(
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 28, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Krowley

    Felix looked around at the scuff marks, hopping around from scratch to scratch, banging it with his magic hammer. The scuffs began to lessen as Felix repaired them. "Oh no, oh no! Good thing security's not around to see this. They'd lock up Ralph for sure..." He stopped to take not of the markings. "These don't look like Ralph's smashes though... Hehe. I should no. I've been picking up after that man for 30 years!" He smiled jovially, before having it fade. "I really should've appreciated him more. I mean.. sure he's a bad guy. But that's his job. I didn't realize how much we needed him until he was gone..."

    At this point, X was still scanning at the marks. "Looks like something heavy did the damage." He pointed to the Hero's Duty game portal. "Came from there," he bluntly pointed out.
    Felix scratched his head. "How do you know that friend?" X looked at the game description for Hero's Duty to confirm. "Says here it's a war game. If a big machine did all this, odds are it came from here." He looked around the gate. "Also it's the only part of the room that wasn't touched."
    "Good eye friend!" Felix smiled, repairing the last of the scuff marks.
    "I'm not your friend." X replied coldly.
    "Well what am I supposed to call you?"
    X took a moment of pause as he tried to think of something to be called. X was something very negative in his mind. Anytime he tried to think of something more suitable, he just kept thinking of the blue haired kid. That he just felt like number two compared to him. "Nigo is fine."
    He looked up at hero's Duty, and gestured the others to move toward it. "Let's move, Canbasback," he ordered, leading AJ to the portal.

    Note - "X" is now noted as "Nigo"


    Nigo entered the portal first as there was nothing but war ridden damage all around him. Everything from cybernetic corpses to damaged weapons could be seen for miles. Nigo took a deep breath, as if getting a nice whiff of war. "Should've picked this one first." He looked around to find soldiers firing their guns at the robotic insects. Not far off, he saw the wolf kid and the scarf kid taking pot shots at some of the insects. In an effort to join the action, Nigo picked up a gun and began sprouting plasma shots at the insects from behind. He took close aim and began picking off their wings. It didn't damage them until deletion, but it least it grounded them. Which ended up being pretty off putting considering they crawled faster than they could fly.

    "They move fast for big bugs," he complained, shooting their legs off too. He continued to shoot at the thorax and abdomen until he got a good view of the head, and took the final shot. Green ooze splattering off it's head as the bug finally fell. He stayed in place before joining the others. Waiting for AJ to catch up.

    4/5 posts
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 26, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    North Side...

    "Normally I'd agree, but she hasn't ecactly been easy to track. The realm of darkness acts like a never ending road. We've been trying to find her for a few weeks, but just as we think we've got a lead she relocates. It's been a real hassle..." Lea continued to walk onward as the rest of his party conversed with each other.

    South Side...

    "Just tell me does he have contact with people outside of the realm of darkness. Can he leave? That is all I need to know and then we will escort you to someone else to decide your fate.
    "W-well..." She was still a bit shy and intimidated from Kiara's increased Hostility. "I don't know if he has access to the realm of light. None of us do... That's why we stuck with her. Otherwise I would have tried to find another way." She gripped Luther's arm feeling a little safer as she hid behind him. She looked at his eyes and blushed a bit. "I-I don't mind being your prisoner. I just want to be with good people." She looked down feeling a bit embarrased and loosened her grip. "Sorry... You just remind me of..." She shook her head before beginning to cry again. "So can I come umm... Kiara was it?"
    Post by: Krowley, Sep 26, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena