Aux raised an eyebrow after Kaida finished her explnation. Missing a whole year of his life was not something he think he'd forget. And if so, where was he now? What happened with Central Haven? None ofit was really connecting for him. Before he could think further, a woman who was a few inches shorter than him approached him. "Looks like we will be going to the same world. Welcome to the group. I am Aislinn. Try not to be so rude next time you want to talk to someone by the way. I might not have minded but it might not get you far with some of the locals." She told him up front and blunt as she looked towards the portal. "Lets go." A blonde boy scanned him before followering her. And not even a moment after, a girl with green hair chuckled lightly at him after inspecting him. Three people just walked in a line to fully judge him. According to Kaida, Hikaru had a keyblade now, and everyone apparently had a major grudge with him. It was beginning to make him a bit mad, to the point where he lifted his finger to say something in his defense. Everyone had already left, and there was no point letting out any reserved frustration. He lowered his finger and let out deep, begrudging exhale. "Fine." He jumped into the portal, not knowing what to expect. In the Pridelands, Hikaru had already assumed an animal form, he was a very blue wolf that seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. He began running about on all fours to get used to his body. "Wow, I feel like I have so much energy!" he exclaimed, stomping his new paws on the ground. His overjoyed excitement was quickly silenced upon noticing the terrain he was in. The state of the Savannah looked far different from the way the world image seemed. The land was baron of any plant life or animals. It was like the fields were dry and dead for some time. "What happened here?" he asked himself.
Hikaru nodded back at Kaida. "Don't worry, I promise." He chuckled, trying to readjust his hair while walking with Kaida towards the portal selection. "How about this one?" she asked. Hikaru saw the image of a large rock surrounded by animals in a Savannah. His face lit up as he'd never been to a non-human world before. To this point, he'd only ever talked to animals. "Cool! I guess we'd be taking animal form then, huh?" Aux managed to walk himself over to where Kaida and Hikaru stationed themselves, "Looks like we're going to the Pridelands!" Hikaru exclaimed to the tall man. "The what?" Hikaru pointed to the world on the screen. "That world." Aux looked to Kaida in confusion. "Going to another world? What's he talking about?" "You... never went to a different world before?" "Only members of the order can permit that... What's gotten into you?" He said rustling Hikaru's hair. Hikaru tried to shove his large arm off. "What is with the you two and the tussling of my hair?!" Aux let loose a small grin before looking at the world bubble. "Well, I guess Kaida's technically a member of the order... And the idea of training away from Central Haven does seem nice. This world itself already seems so different." Hikaru looked at Aux with the same kind of caution Kaida had. "Deep Jungle... Dwarf Woodlands... Beasts's Castle? You don't remember any of those?" Aux shook his head. "Sure you didn't just dream these up." Hikaru gulped. "Disneytown?" "Okay, now I know you're making some of these up. What kind of a world is called Disneytown?" Hikaru still felt distraught that Disneytown was the last world they saw him in before Aux threw them into darkness. "Well... maybe it's for the best right now..." "What is?" Hikaru tried to hide his doubt with another smile. "Oh it's nothing... And hey, we get to help Kaida pass her mark of mastery this time. Isn't that cool? We'd all be masters together?" "Yeah I've been meaning to ask about that... Who are all these other people? Should I introduce myself or-" "NO! I mean... I'm sure there's time for that later. Besides it's nothing out of the ordinary. Just a couple kids like us trying to be masters!" Hikaru weakly chuckled. "Anyways off we go!!" He said before plunging into the Pridelands portal. Hikaru had left Aux and Kaida alone. "Nothing out of the ordinary, huh?"Aux scanned the room to find an assortment of characters. "That kid's a wolf," he blatantly pointed out. He looked back to Kaida who was still rather quiet. "And what's with you?" He crossed his arms as he towered over her. "I make you upset or something?"
Hikaru looked back at Aux who was looking around at the others like a lost animal. Looking back to Kaida, he didn't know what to reply. He hadn't formed the best way to explain everything. He was all fine and well trying to wing it moments ago, but with the appearance of Aux, things suddenly felt a bit harder. "Heh, I'm sure it can wait until after the exam." He tried to hide his worry with another smile, but he didn't have everything he needed to explain the situation. "Besides, I haven't exactly found the best way to say it." He recalled back to the recorder in the bag. "After we're done this world, do you think I could use Karina's recorder?... Maybe I can try and piece together exactly how I wanna say it." He felt awful about continuously derailing her curiosity, but maybe spending one world with his friends would help clear his head. "I know I've been kind of... ominous for a while now. There's just a lot of stuff I gotta figure out and explain. Something happened in the castle of Illusion that I'm still trying to process." He nodded over to Aux. "But I think for now, he needs our help more."
Aux and Hikaru headed to Pridelands
It wasn't like Hikaru was necessarily happy about the situation, but he wasn't displeased with it after. Being able to enjoy some time with his friends without worrying about the overall problem they faced, seemed like a nice change of pace. "I not... not happy about it," he replied to her. "Don't get me wrong, I know what he did back in Disneytown was near unforgivable but... this Aux might be different. He might even be helping us this time around," he chuckled lightly. "And even if you did fail before, this time you have two friends that will support you until the very end! You're gonna pass this time for sure!" He held his fist tightly in cheer as he smiled. "I only wish it was back at Central Haven... I had a present waiting for you in my room when you passed." he sighed. He hoped this would coax her into the reveal he planned since they started the exam. he whole situation revolving his deal with Nequa. "Also Kaida... There's something I've been meaning to tell you... About what happened with Aux." "Yeah, what happened with Aux?" a deep voice asked in a confused tone. A tall young man with a purple vest appeared suddenly from behind Hikaru. He had short, messy red hair that was hidden by a black beanie. The hat itself fashioned a white tribal lion on it "One sec Aux, I have to tell Kaida that- OOOOH, YOU HAVE A FACE!" When turning to confront the man, he was surprised to see ----AUX----, without his armor. in casual attire, just talking to them like nothing was wrong. He looked around them as so many questions raced through his mind. Where were they? When did Hikaru wake up? "Of course I have a face. The guy in the glasses took whatever armor I was wearing." He shook and rubbed the back of his head, still feeling a bit drained. "How long was I out? Last I remembered, Krowley took you to do your mark of mastery and Hikaru was still unconscious." He looked to Kaida striaght in the eyes. "So did you pass?" Hikaru's head shifted awkwardly to Kaida to see her response. While this went on, The board had changed the pairings into full trios. AJ + AISLINN + ANANTA BEUCE + STRATOS + IGNIS KEL + LUNA + STEEL KAIDA + AUX + HIKARU Yue looked to Megumi after seeing the board change. "Hey you! What the hell is that?! Why do you have rule if you're just going to break them." I felt having only one trio seemed a bit... uneven. So in hopes of evening things out, I made things simpler seeing as Mr. Noble has up and vanished." Yue looked around to see any sign of Base. She gritted her teeth before lookeing to him. "What did you do with him?" Megumi raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure I have no idea what you. If you'd like I can help you search once I've opened the next worlds..." He noted her fists beginning to clench and leaned next to her ear "Careful now Ms. Yue... I'm sure you know the power I hold. It would be a shame if this entire exam was for not." Yue took a deep breath. "Open the stupid worlds so you and I can have a chat." she demanded bluntly. "But of course," he chuckled, pressing buttons on his phone to activate the terminal
No.12 Has been ELIMINATED As Lea found the corpse on the body to be truly deceased, he felt an unwelcomed cringe settle in. In all his years of fighting, he had never seen death to this graphic level before. Doubtful she would end up as a heartless or nobody from the sheer gore and blood releasing from her body. Before the body could be examined, she slowly began to dissolve into darkness. Her body sinking into nothingness, while the only thing that remained behind was her blood. He felt an unsightly ringing in his ears as he was still shoving off the mind altering spell the girl had put on him. Upon seeing Melus in her condition, he rose to his feet and began to look in one of the crevasses of the cave where he kept his emergency supply of healing items. Running his hand past a dozen or so potions, he picked up two and walked over to Melus. He knelt down and delicately applied the first one, while he put the other next to her. "If the pain continues, feel free to use the other one," he instructed. He rose back up and scratched the back of his head. The group hadn't a minute to breathe and they had already been close to an unfortunate demise. "Geez what a mess," he sighed. Arctus was unsuccessfully trying to lighten the situation and Kiara was still holding the pendant. He took it from her and looked at his reflection in the necklace. He grimace and threw it on the ground before smashing it in with his heal. A puff of green smoke escaped the pendant as any color from the amulet faded. "I don't want to give them any more reason to come after us right now." He looked around the room to a very beaten group of people. They had won, but it still didn't do anything to help this group that had barely learned to even acknowledge their respect for one another. "I think it's best if we call it a day." He looked at the pool of blood and sighed. "I should probably clean this up. I get stuck with the icky jobs anyways," he lightly chuckled.
He scratched the back of his head as he thought. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least curious what he's like now. It feels like it's been a year after all." He put a hand on her shoulder. "And this time you have us backing you. And I promise you I won't miss a second of you becoming a master," he smiled. She didn't want to tell her everything that happened prior to him waking up. Aux's trade, the replica matter, all of it. It had to wait until a better time. "I only wish I had my present for you when you passed... Too bad it's back at Central Haven," he lamented. "Well, that's one of the first things I'll get when we take it back from No Heart!" He declared holding his fist in confidence. "And who knows, maybe while we have this time with Aux, maybe we can get some answers. Like why he would think about leaving in the first place."
Yue sighed at Kaida's question. "If it were up to me, I wouldn't... But Megumi here doesn't seem to care about the safety of our players!" Megumi adjusted his glasses before explaining himself. "I assure you, Aux in his current state is less than harmless. And I see no reason why he should be able to have the same rights as the other players..." Yue immediately jumped in with her disdain on the matter. "He's the whole reason these people are stuck in the realm of darkness to begin with?!" Since their prior meeting in Beast's Castle, Yue had grown a bitter grudge towards the dark weilder. "And if none of that matters to you, he jumped in the middle of he exam!" "Just as other players had left. Using the credits from the players of Gwendolyn and Xara, Aux is more than caught up to participate." "You said this was a closed game!" she argued. "One where as Game Master, I was able to make the rules." "And you've done splendidly dear Yue," he commended. "But I never said how many Game Masters would be brought in for this game. Yes, it is true that there is traditionally one master per week. But seeing as how unconventional this private exam is, I've decided three would be appropriate. Yue being the first, Sho the second, and myself for the final part of the exam. And as Game Master, I say he participates." "Well... he can't!" Yue tried to argue. "And why not? He qualifies after all." "Because this is a reaper's game. And everyone needs a partner to participate. Since you took away Glen, adding Aux makes it uneven. And that's against the rules!" Megumi chuckled. "So you wish to argue the validity of this game's rules?" He pulled out a mobile device and scrolled through some text. "During the First part of the exam, one "Gwendolyn Merry' sropped out of the exam early. To ensure one of your participants; Hikaru, would not become erased, you enlisted an outsourced wielder by the name of 'Sebastian Noble.' Is this correct?" Yue grunted. She didn't want any of the players to be erased. "You see miss Yue, you broke the rules far before now, and as the new Game Master, I say it would be perfectly valid to have one group of three. He looked down to Kaida. "This is my game now miss Kaida. And seeing as how adamant you seem on the matter, I'm sure Aux will make a lovely addition to your partnership." Hikaru looked down at the book and back at AJ. "You can keep it for now.. Who knows, maybe something new will pop up that you can use." He looked to Kaida who was talking with Yue and Megumi. "If you want, I can try and find out where Glen is... Wait right here..." Hikaru raced towards Kaida and the two game masters. "Hey so what's going to happen to Glen and Aux?" He asked Kaida. "Are they coming back?" A mission board appeared overhead that showed all participating members. AJ + AISLINN ANANTA + IGNIS BASE + STEEL BEUCE + STRATOS KEL + LUNA KAIDA + AUX + HIKARU "Oh..." Hikaru softly spoke, giving off a light grin. He looked to Kaida who was not content on the matter. "Oh..." his smile quickle faded before she could see. "Glen has failed in the last portion of the exam, but your former friend shall return as soon as he's done the screening process. Until then, do prepare for the trial ahead." Megumi walked off as he fiddled with his mobile device. Yue sighed at the two. "Sorry guys. Internal politics and rule bending means I have no pull on this..." "Are.. you gonna be okay?" Hikaru asked Kaida.
Hikaru listened intently at Karina's words. It was hard to believe that was the same Karina he had met back in Dwarf Woodlands. Their meeting was very abrupt and short, but she still showed a willingness to help. Her travels seemed to harden her. Of all the allies who left, she was one of the ones he missed most. While it was true she was never exactly the easiest one to get along with, he didn't mind it much. He was friends with Aux after all. Speaking of his friend, Hikaru looked in the direction of AJ who had just arrived in Shibuya through the portal. Seeing as how he was his partner in the last part of the exam maybe he would know what Aux was like. If he seemed fictitious or real. Regardless, he chased after AJ through the portal, where Shibuya awaited all of them. On the other side, Megumi was talking with a very distraught Yue. Choosing not to get in the middle of that mess, Hikaru made a straight line towards AJ. They hadn't spoken much since San Fransokyo, and it was a good opportunity to try and better befriend the newer members of the party. "Hey, you were partner with Aux right? Did he seem... odd to you?"
The diversions from Koa were becoming an obstacle. Krista's head jolted left and right as she tried to keep a visual track on all her puppets. The more she made her mindless followers move, the more agitated she became at Koa's resistance towards her. "You think you're so virtuous, don't you! You men act all chivalrous and charming, but beneath it all you're just cowards." She looked to Karina when it came to her jabbing comment about her former lover not being true to her. "As far as 'Romeo' was concerned, I was the best thing that ever happened to him. But that's why it's too easy sometimes. Making him off himself was the easiest decision I ever made. All those years of being a good girl. Father's own personal pride and joy... Tedious cotillion after pointless duty. Following that suffocating man's order for my entire life!" She threw Lea to create a larger wall of fire between the factions. "The men of my world were cruel and demanding. And I was young and naive. Not realizing the true power I could hold once I found the appropriate method," she boasted, gripping her necklace. "My heart was strong because I endured. The keyblade chose me because I was meant for greatness! Once I found this amulet, I returned to my home and made all those belligerent men destroy each other!" She laughed psychotically at the memory. "They killed each other like the swine they were!"She flew her hands forward to make all her minions attack. "And now... you will meet their same fate! Now die... Die.... DIE!!!!"" She laughed louder as she flung her puppets around at each defender.
Everyone seemed to have conflicting opinions about the sudden appearance of Aux. While he was grateful to some for being understanding, he could in no way ask them to after the things he'd done. Even Hikaru questioned how he could keep forgiving him time and time again because of the hold darkness had over his friend. And whose to say this incarnation was the same Aux they had been fighting all this time? Maybe it was another of Sho's tricks? He felt even worse for not caring for the allies that did stand by him. Since they'd landed in darkness, they had already lost Karina, D'daear and Glen. Not to mention half the newcomers that came to help. Seeing Ananta and Kaida differ on opinions made Hikaru realize that explaining the truth to everyone was going to be made that much harder. Just as Hikaru was about to intervene, Kaida dropped a tape recorder out of her cloak pocket which caused the conversation to be put on pause. "What was that doing in your coat?" he asked out loud, examining it as Kaida inspected it. "Is there anything on it, you think?"
Canservitive party since they don't feel the need to change. Which is fine, because it doesn't need fixing.
"I thought it was just a coincidence," Hikaru mentioned, scratching the back of his head. "Luna's a popular name y'know?" He listened on as Kaida listed the rest of the princesses. "Minnie sounds like she very well could be. I mean, she's not a queen yet, and she definitely fits the bill. Hopefully Mickey managed to take her back from Mizrabel like Dreamer said." Thinking back, he recalled the princesses they had already. "Since I've left Central Haven, I've managed to run into Snow White... Cinderella... Alice, aaaaand Belle." He thought long and hard about who else they could've come across. "With Minnie and Luna, that makes about six I've personally come across. Of all those, Snow White, Belle and from what I've heard; Rapunzel have been kidnapped. That means they only need four more princesses to open the door to darkness..." Hikaru had a frightening revelation as to what they could do with the power over Kingdom Hearts. Nigo snuffed beneath his breath. "Doesn't look that special to me," he said in reply to Aislinn's remarks. Watching as he talked to Kaida, he looked at the both of them. He felt an inner hatred towards them both. What was it about them that upset him? As everyone had entered Game Central Station, the passwords were downloaded from their progress onto the door in the station, as out stepped their enigmatic game master. Surprisingly, it was a young man who was around the same age as most of the people in the party. He walked out confidently holding a megaphone in his hand. "Hmph. Now that's a happy miscalculation!" He arrogantly blared into the megaphone. "Looks like you have graduated from fraction to integer!" he mocked, strolling into the room. "I'm sure you must all feel pretty proud of yourselves, but consider one thing. This is my Game. And I only allow two things. Flawless calculations... and beauty!" He looked around to the lack of response. "What, you're just going to ignore me? You half-blind hectopascals! Well if you're not going to say it then I will... That game was zetta dull! Are you trying to bore me to death? How about a little flair!? Give it some edge! You brain-dead binomials are pathetic!" Glen didn't want to stand for insults. "Hey, why don't you-" "No comments from the peanut gallery! Your opinions are garbage! CRUNCH! I'll add them to the heap!" Sho interrupted. He pressed a button on his glove, which caused Glen to digitize out of the room. "Consider that a warning to any other garbage who has an opinion... Speaking of Garbage, you were supposed to shake things up!" He blared into the megaphone. He smirked as he presented himself to the rest of the group. "Time for a little quiz... what is the probability of the hooded guy being some one you already know!" He snapped his fingers as Nigo's hooded form changed to Aux's black and white armor, towering over them. "More than you think!" He laughed. He pressed a button on his glove which held everyone in place, paralyzing them. "Now see... I thought adding this little ringer into the game was going to shake things up. But then the game went for a complete inverse matrix! But I suppose that was a miscalculation on my part. "I took too much from this enemy of yours. Appearance, voice, memories... Too much character taken from this monster to make things interesting. Hikaru's eyes were left wide opened. Now knowing everything he knew about Aux caused him to be seen in a different light. "Just look at that. SOHCAHTOA! That is a lot of hate. Forced to co-operate with the one that dragged you all here." Aux moved his head slightly. "I-I don't understand..." "Well that's fair. You've got no sense you 000. He pressed another button on his glove, forcing Aux to cringe in pain. "And congratulations. You now have all your memories up until you went to the dark side. How does it feel?" Aux tried to shake his head passed the paralysis. He looked up to the expressions of his friends. "Kaida?... Hikaru?..." He watched the expressions of everyone around him, unsure of what to make of them. "What... What happened here?" "HAHAH! You can really feel the variables falling into place!" Sho laughed. "When I release your paralysis, everyone's coming after you and you won't know why. Such a beautiful problem. I'd ask you all to solve for X but... hehe, I don't think you want to solve any problem he's caused thus far." He was about to press the button on his arm but froze into place. He gritted his teeth as he was now paralyzed as well. Behind him from the terminal to Game Central Station walked Megumi. "I had a feeling you'd be here," Megumi said, pushing up his sunglasses. "Megumi you... you..." Sho gritted as he tried to move. "Now now Mr. Minamimoto, I believe we've had quite enough of you. You may have admin privilege in the data world, but Shibuya is still my domain. And that includes everything in it." "This was supposed to my game. Everything was perfect!" Megumi sighed. "Young Sho, you are brilliant... but your relentless action truly shows your lack of maturity to become a game master." Sho was growing more and more infuriated. "I'm afraid you disregard for the rules will not stand. Shame. You had such potential," Megumi added coldly. "You will sadly be erased for this Mr. Minamimoto." Sho's grimace expression turned into a smirk. "I was careless with my math. He looked to everyone in the room. But don't worry... Next time my calculations will be absolute." He yelled into the megaphone that was paralyzed in his hand. "Access Override! Execute Escape Protocol 3.14159!" COMMAND ACCEPTED a computer voice echoed around the room as Sho was digitized out of the room in the similar fashion to Glen. Megumi looked a bit taken back before shrugging. "I suppose I should've be surprised.. Mr. Minamimoto was always as resourceful as a rat. Rest assured he will be found. Along with your missing friend," he replied in reference to Glen's teleporting. He walked towards Aux who was still in a bit of a shock. "As for you. I will have to decide what to do about you personally. He snapped his fingers, causing Aux to be digitized from the room as well. "Do forgive m on account of this unprofessional instance. I assure you, the worlds that Sho put you through will count towards your overall progress. He motioned to the terminal behind him. "The warp pad will bring you back to Shibuya. Yue will be waiting for you in preparation for your final set of your set of worlds. Thank you again for your understanding." He bowed before being digitized out of the room. Everyone was able to move freely now. Hikaru was left with his own conflicting thoughts. "Aux..." he softly spoke.
Guild Hall Update 2.07 JOBS Black Mage - MP Haste+ now restores 1 MP every 2 cycles - Osmose no longer requires MP to activate. Decreased cooldown to 5 turns. White Mage - Reflect now decreases magic for 3 cycles Bard - Songs and abilities edited. Summoner - Elemental Golems now cost 4 MP - Elemental Syphon adds CG instead of MP
Nigo folded his arms out of confusion from Ananta's response. She kept glaring at him after they had just been congratulated. "Do you mind?" he asked calmly. "Come on then. Let's turn in the mission. Place is getting too happy for me anyways." He passed by his partner and into the terminal. What was the green haired girl so concerned about. She looked at him like he was a monster. It got him pretty upset when he thought more and more about it. He closed his eyes and opened them again when he went back to Game Central Station. He blinked to regain his vision as everyone else had already been there for some time. His hood masked his face as he scanned the room. His eyes locked onto the blue haired kid, talking with the others. He glared angrily at the other boy. He wanted answers from him, but didn't want to approach him just yet. he spotted the oldest woman there, who was near some recovering fiasco near the red haired girl. He walked over to Aislinn and began asking question. "Hey. What do you know about that guy?" he asked, pointing to Hikaru.
Originally, they planned to make Rafiki the serious mentor type. I'm so glad they went in the other direction. Guillaume brought so much joy and energy to the role.
Game Central Station World Completion Bonus: AJ completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Ananta completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Base completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Steel completed 100% of the missions. Gained 500 EXP Glen completed 40% of the missions. Gained 200 EXP Ananta leveled up! (32) AJ leveled up! (31) Base leveled up! (32) Glen leveled up! (32) Steel leveled up! (32)(33)
Guild Hall Update 2.06 ABILITIES - MP Haste now restores 1 MP every 3 cycles instead of being damage based - Blitz Ability cost decreased from 3 AP to 2 AP MAGIC - Stop Spells now increase CG by 10 instead of 8 - Seeker Mine is now increased from 2 MP to 3 MP EQUIPMENT - Jungle King's combos will damage all enemies - Frolic Flame now has a 50% chance of inflicting burns instead of 25% - Hidden Dragon recovers 1 HP for every 50 HP lost. - Destiny's embrace increase's dark resistance by 25% instead of 50%
King Candy barely had time to think before the attack assault began. Once Ananta had grounded him, wave after seeker mines, combos and other spells were cast at him. He was being beat down like a kid in a schoolyard. King Candy's feeble cries could be heard. Winces of pain were cried out from the insectoid virus. "Oooh! Ahh! Hey you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you? I mean, I could get the- OWWW!" After another explosive set of mines knocked him back, he grunted. "Grrrr! You're not taking away what I've worked so hard for! Because of Ralph, I'm now the most powerful virus in the Arcade. I can take over any game I want. HAHAHA!" He cackled, recovering from the assault. He talked long enough for Anata's gravity to release as he flew into the air. As he was headed to the gate, the Cy-bugs that Nigo and Glen were fighting, followed him in hive formation. Felix and Calhoun could be seen guarding the gate, while Vanellope was no where to be found. From far in the distance, a large boom could be heard coming from Diet Cola Mountain. A large silence fell over Sugar Rush, as an explosive beam of light erupted from the digital mountain. Ralph had apparently succeeded. But by the looks of that explosion, there was a very low chance of him surviving. Normally, that's be the case, but from out of no where, Vanellope glitched into view, with Ralph on the hood of her car. "No! Not possible!" he grunted, watching Ralph return. The bugs that were following him began to hypnotically head for the bright beacon of light. They're green eyes turning a strong blue. "Why are you going into the light?" he asked as he began to move himself into the molten beam of light. "No, no.. Yeah... No! hehe!" King Candy's programming was corrupt, as his cybug side was forcing him into the light. Something his Turbo side wanted to avoid. "Go into the light!- Wait!- Yes!- No!- AHHH!!!" It was too late for him. His greatest strength betrayed him, as he flew straight into the flame. He was extinguished along with all the other Cy-bugs that infested Sugar Rush. From the gate terminal, Felix and Calhoun joined the rest of them. "You did it, Ralph! Oh..Way to go brother!" Felix rejoiced. Vanellope hopped up and gave Ralph a fist bump with her tiny hand, before hopping back into her cart. With all enemies dispersed, she was free to cross the finish line and reset the game and all the programs in it. "You ready for this?" Ralph asked, ready to push her cart through. "Ready as I'll ever be." As Ralph pushed her through the finish line, the entire world was enveloped in white light, as it rained over all the players and programs, everything returning to it's rightful uninfected state. One of the most major changes was that Vanellope was now wearing a large poofy dress. All the racers that berated her returned from hiding in shock. They remembered who she was. "I remember, she's a princess." "That's right! All hail Princess Vanellope! The Rightful ruler of Sugar Rush!" The racers rejoiced around her. Ralph seemed to be taken back by it a bit. "Wow, so this is the real you! Princess.." "Oh, Ralph, what are you nuts?! C'mon, this isn't me!.." She glitched into her casual attire. "This is me!" She smiled to everyone. "Look, the code may say I'm a princess but, I know who I really am, Ralph. I'm a racer with the greatest superpower ever! I was here I was there! I was glitching through the wall! I'm not giving that up!" She then turned to the party to thank them properly. "So uhh.. Thanks for helping out and stuff. Here's a little token of thanks from a pretty cool ruler!" ALL PLAYERS RECEIVED THE SWEETSTACK KEYBLADE! "And as a special little bonus, here's a cheat code we've had around here for some time... Spoiler alert. I'm not on it!" she giggled. Spoiler Snow White Spoiler Cinderella Spoiler Alice Spoiler Aurora Spoiler Belle Spoiler Jasmine Spoiler Kairi "Not sure what game it's from, but maybe you guys can figure it out!" She went up and lightly nudged each of them with her fist. Each of the players glitched a bit as she playfully thanked them. When she got to Nigo, he glitched momentarily from his hooded self into the man that was responsible for much of their suffering. It was only for a split second, but Nigo glitched into Aux and back. His name on the leaderboard even glitched from "A LA NIGO" to "AUX LA MODE" and back. The programs didn't think much of it, as they were thanked. They were saying their own goodbyes to each other. "Fix-It, Wreck-It, the Arcade's about to open. Let's move 'em out!" Calhoun ordered. Vanellope looked to Ralph. "You know you could just stay here and live in the castle. You'd have your own wing where no one would ever complain about your stench or treat you bad ever again. You could be happy." Ralph was tempted by this, he looked back to Felix, with his hat apologetically in his hand. "I'm already happy," he smiled. "Got the coolest friend in the world. And besides, I've got a job to do too. May not be as fancy as being princess... but it's my duty... And it's a big duty!" Vanellope chuckled a bit at thinking of toilet humor. "Ralph, you coming brother?" Felix asked as he and Calhoun were prepared to take off. "Alright, to be continued!" he nodded to the princess. "And as for you guys... you're alright!" he yelled to all the keyblade wielders who fought. "Hope to see your game someday! That uhh... rhythm Hearts game or whatever!" he carried his bulky body to leave with Felix and Calhoun as the other players were ready to depart as well.
Once some investigation was made, the group managed to find Felix who was running frantically towards them. "Ralph! There you are!" He called out. "Oh coconuts," Ralph lamented. When they last saw each other, there was a disagreement one how he was being treated in his game. He recalled AJ's words where he told that Felix felt bad about their last conversation. "Alright. Ready to hear your apology," he said with his arms folded. "I don't have to do boo! Forgive my potty mouth... I'm just so cross with you! Do you have any idea what you put me through? I went Higgledy piggledy all over creation looking for you. I almost drowned in chocolate milk mix! And then, I met the most dynamite gal! Oh, she gives me the honey glow, something awful! But, she rebuffed my affections, and then-" "Felix, pull yourself together! "No, Ralph you don't know what it's like to be rejected and being tossed everywhere left and right!" "Yes, I do That's everyday in my life." There was a small moment of pause as Felix came to the realization. "It is?" "Which is why I ran off. I tried to be a good guy but I'm not. Just a bad guy." Felix looked down in self reflection before spotting Vanellope. "Is that the girl everyone's been looking for?" "Hey, you stay back or I'll-" he was about to lift his fists up for an attack before Felix held his hands up. "No, I mean I know why everyone's after her! One of King Candy's subjects told me! Vanellope was a racer until King Candy tried to delete her code." Vanellope's eyes widened with disbelief. "Delete me code?" "So, that's why she's a glitch! Why is he doing this to her?" "I don't know! He literally locked up their memories and they can't remember. Nobody can. But I do know this.. He'll do anything to keep her from racing, because if she crosses the finish line... the game will reset and she won't be a glitch anymore." Ralph looked back at the little girl who looked up at him. "Then we better get her to that race." "But Ralph, that's what I wanted to tell you from the start. We've got bigger bugs to fry! Literally! Calhoun and I found the nest where the Cy-bug's laid their eggs. When they hatch, they're gonna eat everything in sight. We've gotta stop them. She aid something about needing a beacon or something to help contain them all." Vanellope tugged on Ralph's pants. "Ralph! The Mountain! The mentos mixing with the hot cola should be enough to do the trick." Ralph's attitude improved, before his smile faded. "But kid... your race." "Who cres about me! Like Felix said, there are bigger things to worry about! Let's go!" She tried dragging him by his finnger back to the mountain. He effortlessly lifted her back into her car. "No! You're going to race, and reset the game. I'll head back with Felix and Calhoun to help." He leaned down to Vanellope and told her; "Remember.. you don't have to win Just cross that finish line and you'll be a real racer." "I'm already a real racer. And I'm gonna win!" she said, hugging Ralph. "And even if you are a bad guy in another game. You'll always be my hero," she smiled. Ralph almost wanted to cry, but shook off the sentimentality. He looked up to the remaining party members. "You guys keep her safe, alright?" he said, before running off with Felix. Vanellope watched as her stinky hero sped off. "You heard captain numbskull! To the race!" A short distance later... Vanellope and the other party members arrived at the track as King Candy was giving his speech. "My sweet subjects, I came without a flinch of hesitation to show you that I have never been so happy in all my life to say the following words: Let the Random Roster Race commence!" He announced joyfully. The crowd began to settle as Vanellope showed up with the other six. "That's right! Fear the glitch! BWAHAHA!" she declared proudly. King Candy marched to her with security guards in tow. "Seize them at once!" Vanellope seemed to be in control of her glitching, as she zipped in and out of the games code, hopping from place to place, eventually landing on Candy's head and punching it. "Get off of my head! Hey, what are you crazy?!" The lisping king grunted, as his bumbling guards cound't do anything without hurting the king. "I'm not letting you do all my hard work!" Nigo nodded in approval. 'This kid gets it,' he told himself. The continuous glitching, caused King Candy to glitch his appearance into a racer with a white and red jumpsuit and helmet with the letter T on its front and back. His name on the leader board glitched from "King Candy" into "Turbo" Vanellope glitched off his head in confusion. "What the?.. Who are you?" "I'm Turbo! The greatest racer ever! And I did not reprogram this world to let you.. and that hollow coaster riddled warthog take it away from me!" As he was announcing his speech. One of the hatched Cy-bugs snuck up behind him and swallowed him whole. A seemingly simple solution to their problem. That was until the Cy-bug morphed it's head into having King Candy as a newly deformed Virus. "HAHAAH! TURBOTASTIC!" He cried out, his new virus form, displayed for all. He looked as all the racers fled. "Welcome to the boss level!" He looked at the race track and back at the party. "You can't win the race, if there's no finish line to cross!" He yelled, guarding the finish line. The leader board popped up new names for the people that stayed behind to fight off King Candy. 1. KING CANDY 2. VANELLOPE VON SCHWEETZ 3. JELLY BASE 4. BANANTA STRAWBERRY 5. CINNAMON GLEN 6. SESAME STEEL 7. AJ CHERRYBACK 8. A LA NIGO From behind them, more Cy-bugs could be seen assembling. Nigo grabbed Glen by the collar away from the boss fight. "We'll handle the strays. Just take down the big one," he commanded. MISSION START! Boss Battle • King Candy R O U N D 1 King Candy > Steel > Ananta > AJ > Base > Steel > Ananta > AJ > Base 1,500/1,500 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Airborne) AJ Ananta Base Steel Group Bonuses 60/60 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Thundara Cura Blizzard Aero Spoiler: ITEMS None Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Chicken Little Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump - Allows the player to attack higher targets Magic Lock-On - Magic Base Accuracy is 100% Dodge Roll - 20% dodge chance Second Wind - Recover from Knockout ONCE with 50% HP. Damage Syphon - 1% CG for every 2 HP lost MP Haste - Restore 1 MP after dealing over 100 physical damage in an attack. Ground Combo: 100%, 1 hit Air Combo: 100%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth 50/50 HP 7/7 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aero Blizzara Gravity Curaga Spoiler: ITEMS None Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: ABILITIES Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance Magic Lock-On - Magic Base Accuracy is 100% Second Wind - Recover from Knockout ONCE with 50% HP. MP Haste - Restore 1 MP after dealing over 100 physical damage in an attack. Damage Syphon - 1% CG for every 2 HP lost Ground Combo: 170%, 7 hit Air Combo: 100%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield 50/50 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Fire Blizzara Thundara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: ITEMS None Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Bambi Basil Cheshire Cat Dumbo Fairy Godmother Mushu Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump - Allows the player to attack higher targets Dodge Roll - 20% Dodge Chance Item Boost - Restoration item effects are doubled Second Wind - Recover from Knockout ONCE with 50% HP. Battle Cry - When all party members are below 50% HP, boost everyone's HP, Attack, and Magic by 10%. Heart’s Promise - Gain 3 Strength and 3 Magic each time you are brought back from a knockout during the battle. Ground Combo: 150%, 4 hit Air Combo: 160%, 4 hit Total Dodge: 40% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura 51/51 HP 8/8 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC None Spoiler: ITEMS None Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 3/3 Splatter Combo Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Light Cycle Virus Scouting Disk Spoiler: SUMMONS Basil Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump - Allows Players to attack higher enemies Dodge Roll - 40% Dodge chance Item Boost - Restoration item effects are doubled Second Wind - Recover from Knockout ONCE with 50% HP. Battle Cry - When all party members are below 50% HP, will boost everyone's HP, Attack, and Magic by 10%. Heart’s Promise - Gain 3 Strength and 3 Magic each time you are brought back from a knockout during the battle. MP Gift - Sacrifice 1 MP to restore 3 MP to an ally -Ninja- Synch Blade - Able to wield two keyblades Reload Boost - Cooldowns for skill commands are reduced by 1 turn. Magical Lock - Cannot perform magical skill commands or spells Smokescreen - Enemy accuracy decreases by 20% against the Player First Strike - 1 in 3 chance to gain an extra turn to start with at the beginning of each cycle. Ground Combo: 150%, 4 hit Air Combo: 100%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 60% Spoiler: LIMITS Hunter’s Mist Data Form Abilities Upgrade - Use a turn to "Upgrade" yourself. STR and MAG increase by 10% every time the player upgrades. Firewall - Cures any status ailments from harming you or your party. Fast Processor - Gain an extra turn at the end of each cycle. Reprogram - Use a turn to switch the elemental property in your Scouting Disk. Electric Boost - Doubles the effectiveness of thunder based attacks. Back-Up - Use a turn to backup your data form so when you are knocked out, you may return to battle with your last upgrade intact.