Hikaru shrugged. "I don't really know. Looks like he's kinda dealing with a lot..." Aislinn led the convincing as she approached Simba first. "Hey... can we talk, I am a friend of Nala..." Simba turned to find the six of them as he appeared more calm after the encounter with the ghost of his father. As he looked up at the now empty sky and back to her. "You don't have to say anything. I know now what Nala was trying to tell me. About who I am and what the pridelands needs from me. I know what I have to do but... going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been running from it for so long." Simba had done a lot of reflecting in that short time, coming out of it more mature and enlightened. The elder babboon hit Simba on the head with his walking staff. "OWW! Geez what was that for?!" "What wasn't that for, am I right? Hehe," He nudged Kaida with his paw as he tried to get a laugh. He was unsuccessful. "It doesn't matter! It's in the past!" The elder chuckled. "Yeah but it still hurts!" "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But, you can either run from it, or learn from it!" Rafiki took another swing with his staff, causing Simba to duck. "Aha! See? So what are you going to do?" "Well first... I'm gonna take your stick!" Simba grabbed it with his nuzzle and through it off in the distance, causing Rafiki to laugh and chase it. Simba approached the six of them and stood proud. "I'm going back." Hikaru cheered and jumped up like a playful dog. "Long live the king!" "So the giant ghost lion with the deep booming voice, we're just gonna pretend that didn't happen?" Aux read the faces of the group as they were more concerned with getting Simba home. "Alright then."
Finlay's eyebrow raised as his head snapped back, eyes still on Kiara. "You challenge me to a.... Are you out o' yer head, you cinder headed school girl! You can't just go and challenge someone in the midst of a tense sichiation!" He towered over Kiara as he scolded her. "If yah got a fire in yeah for combat, good on ye; but yah CAN'T GO CHALLENGING FOLKS IN THE MIDST OF A BATTLE PLAN." Lea was about to touch Finlay's shoulder, before being shoved off. "I know, I know!" Finlay's face was turning red as static began to furrow around his beard. He took a deep breath before continuing to speak to Kiara. "You wanna prove yer a warrior? Do it on the batt'field!" He looked up. "If yah wanna stay; stay. If you wanna come; come. I've got no time for a dang democracy." He turned around and kicked down the door he just propped up, grumbling as he exited in a huff.
The Memoirs of Terquoiz "Terquoiz was chosen for great things after her parents subsequent murder. But before their passing, she was given great and magical powers. Juggling her powers as a middle school student and magical sorceress. she must now use her new powers to save her boyfriend Justin from the evil "Rebecca from Spanish class" before it's too late..." PremiseWelcome to the Memoirs of Terqoiz! A fanfiction/slice of life story following Terquoiz; a young upcoming middle schooler who was poorly named by her tragically hip parents. She sees the world as her own story in her own overactive imagination. [Based on a grammar mistake by @Maka] [Produced by @KHGrl15 ] [Written and composed by @Krowley and @Captain Arch ] 1) Must be rated PG-13 2) Text following how "Terquoiz" sees the world must be written in Turquoise colored text, while the real world shows regular colored text CHAPTER ONE I Am Special My name is Terquoiz. I'm not like most middle school girls. You might say that I'm gifted with extraordinary magical powers. You might also say I've lived a troubled life adjusting to the normal expectations of the world around me. You might also ALSO say I’ve never been understood by the world around me. My story is not for the faint of heart or bladder. You see, my parents died when I was just a small baby. I’m not sure how, but I was given to mortal Earth parents to be raised on Earth. There was a loud knock on the door, “Turquoise, sweety! It’s almost time for school!” The piping sweet voice belonged to her mother, who continued to impatiently knock. “NOT NOW MOM!” The young brunette replied, swiveling in her desk chair. She turned back to her computer as she continued her memoirs, her turquoise streak being chewed in her mouth. She stopped and tied her hair back in a ponytail to really get down to serious writing business. “Okay, well hurry up! Your little friend will be here soon to walk you to school.” “Okay mom!" “Remember, because you said walking with parents would be embarrassing-” “I SAID OKAY, MOM!” She returned to the computer infuriated. I AM SPECIAL. I have powers no one else understands. Powers that come around only once a full moon. No, I am not a werewolf. I am better than those shirtless things. My poor uneducated foster mother would never understand. There was a rhythmic knock on her door that morning, disturbing her line of thought and causing her to cringe. “Yoo Hoooo~! How’s my little Turquoise doing? Ready to face the day, champ?” It was none other than her dad. A seven foot tall lanky man; his black hair combed over to hide the bald spot at the top of his head. “Daaaad! I’m busy-” Her door opened up, her dad being overjoyed and super annoying. It was too early in the morning to deal with all of this. “Time to rise and shiiiiiine~! Breakfast is going to get cold, my pumpkin PIEEEEEEEE!” “But, but-” Before she could save the work to her new chapter, her dad slammed her laptop lid down and swiveled her around in her chair. “No buts! You know you need your nutrients to get through the day!” He pulled her out of her chair and danced with her around the room. “La, la, laaaaaa~ Let’s get a move on and not STAAAAAAY!” He cheered happily, unaware of the red face he had just given her. My abusive foster flung me around like a used napkin, not caring whether I lived or died. But somehow I am still alive, barely surviving the ordeal to see another day by the power of midnight. Day after day he would torture me in such a manner, screeching in my ear his death chants. “Go on, out, out, out! I really don’t want to shout, shout, shout!” her father chanted as he shoved her out the bedroom door. Turquoise sighed out in frustration. Some days she really wanted to murder her dad, once and for all. Her mother was in the kitchen, humming as she prepared breakfast for her lovely daughter. “Ah! Look who’s come out of her secret lair. Just in time for breakfast too!” “Dad didn’t let me save my story!” “That’s enough. Have a seat and eat your pancakes, Turquoise.” My parents just don’t understand me. Why am I born this way? How could I have been taken in by these NORMAL people? “I will sing more musical numbers for you if you don’t eat your breakfast~” “NO! That’s okay dad.” Turquoise shoveled in a whole pancake before her dad could break out into another made up musical number just for her. She gestured to her mouth to show her dad she was eating now and that there was no need for singing her more songs and chants. A small, quick knock was heard at the door. "Oh that must be your little friend," her mother said. "Don't see why he doesn't just ring the doorbell. Poor thing looks so frail." She opened the door to a small boy with orange hair and a retainer on his head. He took a quick puff of his inhaler before speaking. “Hello mrs Patterson! Is Turquoise home?” He spoke with a lisp under his high pitched voice. “It’s pronounced ‘TER-KOYCE!” The young girl insisted. “Oh. Sorry Terquoiz” he replied, putting a lisped emphasis on the ‘q’ and ‘z.’ Telvin was my earth neighbour. I imagine he too was from a world outside this one. However, instead of being imbued with a magic gift, he family was cursed with shortness of breath and crooked teeth. He pronounced my name like everyone else did. You see, not everyone could properly pronounce my birth name properly, so they pronounce and spell it like an earth shade of blue. Regardless of my magic gift, I was ordinary in the eyes of others, and therefore had to be given an ordinary friend. As far as earthlings went, Telvin was fine enough. He listened to me at least. I’m sure he would’ve made an excellent squire in my birth home. “Would you like a pancake Telvin dear?” Mrs Patterson asked. “No thank you ma’am. I have a gluten allergy.” He turned to Turquoise, giving a small wave as he adjusted his headgear. “You ready neighbour?” Turquoise sighed as she flipped her hair in teen angst and got up from the table. Her mother escorting them out the door, her father lifted his coffee mug and smiled. “Have a great first day kiddo! Try not to be laaaate! Today will be greaaaaat!” Today is gonna suck.
Zootopia Penitentiary... "Well now you're speaking my language!" Lionheart at this point was already playing a game of solitaire with himself on a foldout table. "Well one faction is led by a Mr.Big; a very powerful business tycoon in the heart of Tundratown. The other faction is still unknown. Officer Hopps and Wilde were supposed to be doing an investigation. But according to your precinct, their disappearance has put the investigation on hold since any officer looking into the case has up and vanished. Real spooky stuff if I do say so myself." Belwether was almost non existent in the conversation since Lionheart was giving all the information they needed. "So if I were you lot, I'd probably check in with Mr. Big. His place of operations is at the fish market- can't miss it." Little Rodentia... Noting the perp they were trying to catch, the small shrew mother with a jersey accent let out a loud whistle. "Alphonse!" She yelled out, pointing to the As Weaselton was escaping, he looked behind himself and blew a raspberry at the coppers. In his gloating, he was unaware of the obstacles ahead of him and ran straight into the leg of six foot polar bear in a suit. Weaselton fell over immediately onto his back. "Thank you Alphonse, you're a doll!" The small shrew lady with her child, scuttled towards the polar bear. The polar bear nodded and picked up the weasel by the neck of his collar. "Is that the guy you were trying to catch? Duke Weaselton is just a wannabe criminal?" The shrew asked. "Hey! Who you callin' a wannabe Fru Fru?" The weasel asked, forgetting there were police present. "Hehe... I mean not that I would even consider criminal activity to begin with... Hehe..." Fru fru put her hands on her hips as she held her baby. "Hey whadya want with me anyways! I couldn't help your pops even if I wanted to!" "Help him with what?" "Uhh.. forget I said anything I don't know nothin!" Fru fru looked to her polar bear bodyguard. "Alphonse..." She nodded. The polar bear lifted the shrivelling weasel closer to his mouth. "AhHHH! Whoa whoa whoa! okay! I'll talk! I'll talk!" The polar bear slowly closed his mouth. "You mob types are always such savages," Duke said, wiping his shirt. "All I know is your dad and some other business fella had a falling out." "Daddy's in trouble?!"Fru fru asked. "That's all I know I swear!" Alphonse dropped Duke as he brushed himself off. "Last time Nick and the bunny cop asked the same thing and went splitsville! You guys are gonna be walking into a firing range!" "Judy! She's my baby's godmother! We have to get to Daddy's office right away!" MISSION START! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Aux thought about Ananta's question. "We could always hit him with a rock and drag him back." "Aux!" Hikaru scolded "What? It wasn't gonna be a hug rock... Just something big enough to make the king go night night." Nala seemed discouraged. "When we were younger, all he wanted to do was be king... Now it's like he wants nothing to do with us anymore. He's grown selfish. Something about Hakuna Matata." Timon and Pumbaa looked at each other. "Gee uhh... wonder where he learned that," Puumba asked. "He lived here for years with nothing to worry about. So he's not going to want to just get up and leave. It is going to have to be his choice," AJ replied. "Well, again; there's the rock idea," Aux insisted. "We're not knocking him out." Nala was already heading into the jungle. "You all can do what you want, but I have my home to worry about. Something Simba seems to have forgotten..." Nala held back her tears as she went on ahead to return to pride rock. Hikaru looked back to the others. "Well I still think we should try. AJ said it was his choice... so let's help him pick the right one!" Hikaru and the others walked towards the open plains and the sun began to set to find Simba. Timon folded his arms. as Pumbaa leaned his head over to whisper. "Say Timon... if Simba does wanna go back. What happens to us? Think the king will still wanna be pals with us?" "Well Pumbaa... he's king and all... Hopefully just knowing the guy will keep the predators away..." One small trip later, the group ended up near the open plains, where a baboon was leading Simba to a small lake, telling him to look into it. "Who's that? He another friend of Simba?" Before any other questions could be asked, a swirling cloud formation began. An unreal image being shown before them. Spoiler: Mufasa's Ghost
"Well your right about that," he said to Kiara as he walked around the room. "Our small base may have been compromised, meaning we'll have to take the fight to them. Knock them down a bit. Upon hearing Aeira's comment on hislack of stealth, Finlay chuckled. "I can be sneaky when I need tah be! Anyways, my people aren' exactly known for our subtlety. My hit 'em hard. The harder they fall, the louder we laugh!" Passing Vallus, Lea put his fist to his chin to think on the matter. "None that come to mind. The realm of darkness is a vast place with many fallen worlds. I'm sure we'll come across something temporary soon enough." He picked up a black coat from a small room and handed it to Finlay. "Here." Finlay grabbed the coat and tilted his head. "Aye, what's with the dress?" "It's a black coat. It'll shield you from the darkness." Finlay shook his head. "No... These'll shield from the darkness," He presented Lea with his axes by pointing to his back. "Fin, just trust me on this." Finlay looked back at the coat in disgust. "Does it come in green?" Lea's look spoke volumes. "Uggh, fine." Finlay tore off the arm of one of the cloaks and tied it around his wrist. "There. I'm protected by the wee lit'le cloth." "Well it's better than nothing I guess... we're traveling in a big pack, so it's best to avoid unnecessary detours." "Aye. Speaking of which... where's this band of bruisers you spoke of?" Finlay clapped his hands together and rubbed them in anticipation of seeing his new comrades in arms. "Well a few have already introduced themselves, but I'll show you the rest." Lea pointed to each member in the room as he announced their names. "That's Koa, Arctus, Melus, and Kiara." Finlay looked to the group and back at Lea. "Are they behind the frail pale children?" "No Finlay that's them. Trust me they're stronger than they look. We just took down one of Nequa's followers." "Oh really now? How big was he?" "Uhh..." Lea stammered when it came to his boasting. He wasn't sure how to sell this group's strength. Granted they did defeat the blonde girl, but saying that out loud didn't seem all that impressive. The fact she turned half of them against each other made it even more humiliating. "Not the point. Point is, we did it..." "Well I hope it didn't take all eight of you, because that's gonna be a problem." "What do you mean?" Lea asked. "Well I followed that pod like yah said, and found a hideaway, some kind of lab or other. I only managed to see the outside, but there were four people there." "Four?" Lea asked, a bit concerned. "Aye. One was a grizzled old soldier, another was a raven haired girly lass, and the other two were hidden." The people he spoke of were both Uniform and Lima. "Hidden how?" "Well had his face covered in a black coat, and the other had a purple mask." Lea's eyes widened. "Nequa..." "Aye, I thought the same. But here's where it gets interestin'... she looked weak. The lass could barely walk. Said somethin' about her body failing her. The hooded fellah said somethin' about transferring her heart to a new body. Wha'ever that means." "So Rin was just a host," Lea said to himself. He looked to the room who may not have known what was going on. "Rin is the body that which was using. She was once part of my group." "Well it doesn't look like she's doin' so well. "I'm more curious about that delivery there goin' on about. It could be another pod. I saw them carryin' a whole bunch earlier.So I propose we spli' up and knock em down one by one!" "Uhh, maybe that's not the best," Lea stammered on. "We've been through a lot. If we have a bit more time, maybe we can recuperate more." "Well we don't have a lot o' time, yah cherry headed ginger snap! It took me days of scouring to find this place, and who knows when we'll ge' another chance! The witch is weak!" Lea looked to the group. "It's up to them really." Finlay shook his head in disapproval of a democracy.
Spoiler: OFFSCREEN Simba/Nala Conversation "Uhh, actually it's kind of a funny story, but we want our questions answered too!" Timon said, waving his finger high in the air. "I will deal with the exposition and my associate Puumba here-" "Will deal with ignition!" "It's Inquisition!" Timon corrected. "As for how we know our pal; Simba, allow me to surmise. Yah see, we found him being almost buzzard food when he was a cub and ended up raising him like one of us. We fed him grubs instead of meat and have been living the carefree life ever since." "Hey, Lions can eat bugs!" Hikaru repeated. "Key word is CAN. Like, how I CAN knock the parrot off my head. But I'm not going to. Because that would be rude." His eyes went upward in discomfort. "No matter how much I want to," he huffed under his breath. "Make fun all you want, but they are slimy yet satisfying!" "So are the pridelands really starving?" Puumba asked concerned. Hikaru nodded in rebuttle. "Uh-oh. Hey Timon. Doesn't that mess with the whole circle of life thing?" "Puumba Puumba... we don't live under that motto! We live under HAKUNA MATATA!" Timon leaned on his friend's leg. "Besides, those predators were gettin' kind of fat anyways." He looked up at AJ, Aux and Hikaru. "Oh but you guys look great of course!" "Wait, what's Hakuna Matata?" Hikaru asked. "It means no worries!" Puumba replied. "Now enough of your questions! Puumba! Ask away!" Timon demanded, folding his arms. "Right!" Puumba replied. "How does your scary friend Nala know our pal?!" "Yeah!" Timon added for emphasis. "Ummm. I guess they were friends when they were kids, and then a stampede supposedly killed Simba and his father. She thought he was dead this whole time. Oh! And he's also the rightful king of the pridelands. I think that's everything." Hikaru thought aloud. Aux rubbed his eyes with his paw. "Why do we have to tell them anything? You heard them; Hakuna Malata. No worries and all that." Hikaru looked a bit cross. Aux looked confused. "What? All I'm saying is that it has nothing to do with the exam, right? It's not our concern." As Aux said this, the world's mission finally popped up before the party's eyes. MISSION DIRECTIVE: RETURN THE KING "Okay, NOW it's our concern." Before Aux could fetch Nala and Simba, Nala began walking back with her head down low. "Don't bother... He's not the Simba I remember." She seemed very distraught and hurt about it. "WAIT A MINUTE! HOLD EVERYTHING! SIMBA IS A KING?!" Timon blurted out.
I call it purging. I don't exactly do it in the new year, but I do it when I feel there are too many unwanted or unfamiliar things.
The sheep stood up from her prison bunk and adjusted her glasses while she sauntered to the edge of her cell. "I know why you're here." She smirked behind her thick, purple rimmed glasses as she paced. "Officer Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde. Still missing huh? That's a shame." She looked at each of the officers. "Yes, it's true, the two of them managed to imprison me for conspiring against the predators of this fair city..." She glared at Beuce and Ignis while she had this. "But I have no idea of their whereabouts. Sorry, but it seems like you guys are following a cold lead-" "Afternoon neighbor!" A voice from the next cell roared as a deep and charismatic voice was heard. "More press interested in the Wilde/Hopps disappearance, eh? Got any leads!" Belwether sighed in discontent. "Mind your own business Lionheart!" "Quiet Smellwether, I'm trying to mingle and reduce my sentence," he brashly said. A lion in an orange prison uniform approached the bars and spoke through them. "So you guys need a place to start huh?" "Don't listen to him! He's just being a nuisance! Honestly, I think they put him next to me just to torture me!" "Is that any way to talk to the former mayor of this great city smellweather?" "Because you don't know anything..." She looked tot he three officers. "He knows just about as much as I do." "Well I don't know a lot about the Missing persons case, but I do have some information on an upcoming turf war. Very hush hush." He held his hands up as if being political once again. "You see, both factions in Tundratown are quite-" "Will you stop it, you buffoon! the turf war doesn't even concern them." She covered her mouth. "I mean.. because there isn't one." She tried to stay composed, but her lie was falling apart. --------------- Meanwhile in Little Rodentia... "Aahhh great. More coppers." He looked up and down at Luna. "So what, are we just welcoming bunnies to the police force now?" He folded his arms and tapped his foot rapidly. The weasel was wearing a white tank top with suspiciously baggy pants. "Well you can save your breath. I don't know where Nick is. Or the cottontail. Your the third squad to try and interrogate me. I know my rights, and you ain't got no reason to be harassin' me the way you is!" As he leaned forward to berate the three, two golden watches fell out of his pocket. "What? A man can't buy nice things?"He bent down to pick it up, as a tear in his pants spilled out almost a dozen wallets, each with faces of citizens that clearly were not him. "He looked up at the very officers. His very suspect actions and items made him a now questionable person of interest. Thus he did the only thing he knew how to do. "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE COPPERS!" He spoke in his jersey accent while he dashed in the other direction. The trio needed to catch him to see what he knew. --------------------------------------------------------------- Hikaru tried to examine Kaida as he lifted his paw to try and knock the meerkat off. The meerkat continued to try and derail Hikaru;s efforts, but once Hikaru just pushed his paw at the small creature, knocking him off immediately and flat off his back. "I'M HIT!" The meerkat cried. "So this is the end of Timon and Puumba? Oh the shame!" He lay on his back accepting his fate. Hikaru tried to dust off Kaida's bright feathers. "You okay?" "Hey Nala! the little one gave up! Do we cook him or what?" Aux asked, nudging the layed out body. Nala was in the process of cornering the warthog. Before she was about to leap for the killing blow, she is pounced on by a larger lion with a golden coat of fur and a red mane. Timon the meerkat instantly sprang up at the sight of the lion who was apparently on their side. "Yeah! That's our guy! Get her! Bite her head! GO FOR THE LEGS!" Puumba the warthog was rejoining Timon as he carried the diminutive meerkat away from the other predators while they watched from a safe distance. The two lions going at it while the party watching. The male lion was eventfully pinned onto his back, before his growling face turned innocent. "Nala?" He asked, causing Nala to get off him. "Is it really you?" Nala looked confused. "Who are you?" "It's me, Simba!" The lion replied. Hikaru whispered over to his party. "Isn't Simba the-" "Yes, he's the true king Hikaru. Read the room." Nala gets off him and looks him over "Simba?" She jumps excitedly as they bump heads together, walking in circles around each other. "You're alive!" Nala cheered excitedly. "Hey! What's goin' on here!?" Timon said marching up to (Timon and Pumbaa turn around and see Sora, Donald, and Goofy. They scream and run away. Timon hides behind Simba's leg) "This is Nala, she was my best friend growing up!" Simba said happily. "What about those freaks?" Timon said, pointing to the party. Aux glared from the insult. "I should've cooked you..." "They're with me. They're here to help with Pride rock." Nala replied. Timon looked back from Simba to Nala, and then the party. So that means...nobody's planning to eat anybody else for lunch, right?" "Are you sure I'm okay? I know I look succulent to many predators," Puumba asked, slowly approaching them. "You'll be fine Timon," Simba laughed. His laughter faded however as he looked at Nala's now serious expression, showing she was both hurt and concerned now. "Could you guys excuse us for a minute?" He asked everyone, walking off with Nala. Timon and Puumba were left with the party, unsure what to discuss after all that. The awkward silence was cut by a very high pitched flatulent noise. "Scuse me." Puumba quickly said.
Sora: Okay. Let me go over this one more time. I'm Sora. Homer: Uh-huh. Sora: He's Donald, and that's Goofy. Homer: Uh-huh. Sora: We're from another world and came here on our gummi ship Homer: Got it. Sora: And we're looking for someone in a black coat who's trying to seize Kingdom Hearts. Homer: Right. Donald: So what's the problem?! Homer: Uhh... (twiddles fingers) could you explain how the duck can talk again?... Sora: ...
Lea had just finished cleaning up most all of the blood that was split on the floor. "Well as far as action goes, I think we should probably take a bit of a breather," Lea stated. "So far, things haven't gone at all how I hoped they would." He threw the red soaked rag into a bucket nearby, and rubbed his hands on his pants. "In fact, I think we should stay hidden for a while. Last thing we need is another unknown variable." At that moment, a large thud was heard at the thick, wooden door. It's hinges shook with a frightening amount of force. Another thud was heard, harder than the last. Lea summoned his Chakrams in a fiery blaze, as he tried to stand up front to whatever threat was approaching. One final thud onto the door knocked it down as the door crasher had finally managed to kick the door down with his large leather boot. A colossal man walked into the room, an axe in each hand. He wore furs and leathers all over his body, which he had to lurch down slightly just to fit through the door. He appeared stoic and ruthless as his face grimaced while he gritted his teeth. Along his jawline was a full orange beard that matched his long hair that fell just past his shoulders. Lea quickly lowered his guard. "Oh Fin... it's just you." The newcomer's grizzled face quickly turned to a savage smile. "Well o' course it'd be me! What, were you expecting, the tooth fairy?" He spoke in a thick Scottish accent while he looked round the room. "What's their problem?" Lea folded his arms as he buried his face into his hands. The rough man was puzzled until he looked down at the entrance he just destroyed. "It's the door, isn't it?" - CHAPTER IV - THE POD Lea sighed heavily before dragging his hand down his face. "Right... well I guess a quick introduction is in order, everyone, this is Finlay. Finlay, this is-" The large man scoffed, as if he were insulted. "WHOT! Tha's how you introduce people in your backwards pansy order world?" Before Lea could say something, "Step aside, yah crimson headed porcupine and let me show off mah own darn self." Finlay cleared his throat before continuing. "Mah name is FINLAY of the LOGANACH clan. My friends call meh Fin. I don't see any of you as friends, so you can call me Finlay!" He barked, while he set the door back upright. "I am the lord and Chief of the village of Drankar! Slayer of the Mythrilbeast! Commander of the Dragon Guard! Conqueror of the Eastern Isles, and their women!" "Fin-" "Oi! It was consensual, now let me finish yah Jalapeno headed firestarter!" Lea sighed and let him continue. "Now where was I... Oh yes! Savior of the Jorgen seas! Son of Angus the Invincible and Thor's champion of Thunder!" He stomped his foot on the ground and lifted his axes high. "I am Finlay Loganach! THE DYNAMIC VIKING!" After some static shook between his axes, he lowered them.
Aux growled at Ananta while he walked onward. The group was now just beyond the horizon of the better half of the jungle. The terrain was growing more lustrous with life as they distanced themselves from the pridelands. Plant life was thriving while Nala had approached the vast spread of thriving trees. "Thank you," Nala said in reply to Aislinn. When the antelope was also curious about Hikaru, the wolf shrugged a bit. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Hikaru asked in confusion. Aislinn didn't know much about him, but she seemed kind enough. "It's a shame we had to travel this far just to find life." Nala perked up her head as she began sneaking off. "I think I smell something in this direction..." Before anyone could stop her, Nala dashed away quickly. A warthog could be seen in her sights as she began to lurch down. Hikaru looked back and forth noting that Nala was going to hunt down the maroon looking warthog. "Umm... Nala, you're not going to hunt him, are you?" Hikaru asked uncomfortably. Nala remained silent as she rotated her shoulders, leaning down to pounce. "Well what did you think they were gonna eat? Bugs?" Hikaru grew a bit mortified. ''Well.. maybe they eat fruits?" Aux shook his head with a blank expression. "It's the law of the jungle." Hikaru looked back to the lioness. "Nala, wait-" Nala pounced at the warthog, who managed to see her and freak out, yelling at the top of his lungs. "AAAAAHHHHHH!" The warthog yelled, dashing away, avoiding Nala's advances surprisingly well with a serpentine here and there, accompanied by flailing about.Hikaru closed his eyes as he lay on the ground. "I can't watch..." "Don't worry, I'll describe it to you" Aux shrugged, watching the chase continue. A small meerkat came onto the scene. "Puumba! Oh geez this is bad!" He few past the taller of the party and watched the scene unfold. He turned to see the large lion forms of AJ and Aux. "AHH! PREDATORS!" Not seeing the lions when he came in, he freaked out as well, and quickly hopped on Kaida's back. "Hyah girl, hyah! Help me save my friend! Hyah!" He kicked hi little meerkat legs into her sides as he tried to get her to move. "SHE'S GONNA EAT ME!" Puumba yelled.
Aux was a little alarmed as Ananta spoke. "Oh. You can speak for yourself... Sorry, I thought you were just repeating what someone else said. I mean you're a parrot and all, so I just... uh..." The more Aux tried to communicate, the less successful he was becoming. Even AJ seemed like he wanted nothing to do with him. He said he already explained himself in Game Central Station, but Aux couldn't recall any of it. He began to grow worrisome if the memory loss would increase until he was left with nothing. "As for all that stuff about meddling, it's just... why bother? The events of this world are meant to happen without us interfering. Accept it's the mark of mastery... So it could be simulated... Unless it's a real world. Or a sleeping world. Lot of variables are gonna affect exactly how much I contribute here..." He looked ahead at Kaida and Hikaru who were talking to Aislinn and Nala respectively. "But It's not just my exam grade at stake... So I guess I'll just try and help how I can." He walked slowly in thought before looking up. "You better not be messing up my hat. I don't want to find any feathers or fluff or... leavings..." he said uncomfortably.
BASIC INFORMATION Name: Finlay "Fin" Loganach Proof of Existence: The Dynamic Viking Age: 35 Race: Somebody Birthplace: Drangar Catchphrase: KILL IT! Personality: A very bold and electric personality, Finlay has almost no filter. He lives to fight and drink. Main theme: APPEARANCE Hair: Long orange hair Eyes: Dark brown eyes Skin Color: White Height: 6'4 Distinguishing features: Scar on his left eye, full beard BATTLE STYLE Weapon: Dual Axes Stats: 8 STRENGTH 2 INTELLIGENCE 5 MAGIC 4 SPEED 4 DEFENSE 7 CRITICAL 10 LIMIT BREAK Element/Power: THUNDER Techniques: CELTIC MAGIC Finlay zaps a small spark against an enemy. Whatever it hits receives a static charge and will cling to anything else that is zapped. STATIC RECALL If Finlay throw's either of his axes, he is able to summon them back with a magnetic pull of electricity THOR ALMIGHTY Finlay is struck with a lightning bolt that triples his strength Fighting Style: Very offensive and aggressive Limit Break: VIKING FUNERAL Finlay charges electricity throughout his body. The longer he charges, the more of a blast it will create. If he charges too much into his body, he could overload and die. Battle theme:
As they passed the wildebeast valley, Nala stopped for a moment. "What's wrong?" Hikaru asked as he looked to the empty gorge. After all, there was nothing in sight but a small assortments of rock next to a dead tree. "This is where our last king; Mufasa died." Nala replied. "He was killed in stampede, along with his son; Simba. Simba was my best friend. I miss him everyday." Hikaru looked back to Aux who was still skulking while he walked. Flashes of Aux beating him still flashed back and forth in his mind. "From here we go left. Unless you feel like a trip to the elephant graveyard. Nothing there but bones and hyenas." Aux looked to the right. At this point, he'd almost like to test his skill against those laughing fools. Everyone was off helping someone they didn't even know they could trust. Kaida was off talking to the antelope lady, and he didn't really know what to make heads or tails of the other lion. He seldom spoke so it was hard for him to read. "Hey, you!" Aux said, walking towards AJ. "What's your story?"
With their job now complete, the group reported back to the Zootopia Police Department. The fairly menial task they had been given was accomplished in a short enough time. "Great job guys, you did the thing!" Clawhauser cheered. "You know Judy did about two hundred of those before noon. And she was all by her little lonesome." The large vcheetah let out a regretful sigh. "I hope she and Nick are okay..." A gruff clearing of the throat came from a large and muscular buffalo. "That's enough of that Clawhauser. We all miss officers Wilde and Hopps." He looked over his clipboard before looking up to the group. "Which is what brings us to your assignment." He handed them the profiles of officer Judy Hopps; a bunny around the same height as Luna, and officer Nicholas Wilde; a fox with a charming smile. "Officer Hopps and Wilde were investigating an incident residing in Tundratown. A few days back, they vanished without a trace. these two are one of Zootopia's best, and we all want to see them back safe and sound. We've had numerous squads researching the area with little luck. We've tried looking to the locals, but no one seems to no anything. Our next plan of action is to interrogate two people who may have it out for them." He handed them a picture of a mangy looking weasel, and a sheep wearing glasses sporting a very vengeful expression in her mugshot. "The Sheep there is Bellwether. The former assistant mayor of Zootopia. She once tried to do away with most of the predator population before Wilde and Hopps brought her to justice. The second one there is Duke Weaselton. A low life criminal, but he definitely knows his way around the streets. He's a slippery one, so don't let him out of your sight!" Bogo looked up to the group. "Now I know this has been a very brief and rushed orientation, but I'm sure you'll all manage to do fine. And I'm sure while I'm here I should ask of you're previous experience as officers... but I don't care. He looked at the profiles he somehow managed to get before handing out the pictures and profiles to each group. "Kiatespira, Hope, Siegend. You three will take Weaselton. Try looking near Little Rodentia to start..." He handed Kel, Luna, and Steel the profile before looking to the other three. "The rest of you have Bellwether. She should still be rotting away in the Zootopia Penitentiary. Best of luck to all of you.
Aux had finally managed to get to his feet, with his legs standing up straight. Digging his claws into the dirt for good measure, he made sure he could bend his knees in case he needed to pounce. He noticed that the small parrot girl managed to take off his hat just to hand it back to him. He lifted his paw, as if subconsciously trying to grab it from her with his hand. In his current form, doing anything with his hands seemed ill advised. He gently cupped the hand under his paw and tried to toss it back onto his head, covering up his ears so it would stay in place. "Thanks parrot girl." He looked back up to find Aislinn standing over him with an annoyed expression. "Look, I get that you are still trying to get used to this whole new body thing, but this is the most important test of your life! Do you think you will ever..." Aux slowly tuned out the rest of the conversation as he was oddly fixated on Aislinn's cape. Her voice slowly faded in his head as he thought about the cape. Why did she keep it? Why was there a need for it? Did It hinder her running speed? Aux had his hat still, but what was the requirement in this animal world to wear clothed accessories? Were they normal in this animal world? And why did they keep their hair? Would they notice that Hikaru is a very non-natural blue wolf? "...try and do something for goodness sake!" Aux snapped out of his endless thoughts to hear the end of Aislinn's rant. "Hmm? Oh, right. I'll uh... be sure to do that Ms... Antel... ope... lady..." Nailed it. He walked over to where Shenzi, Banzai and Ed had been cornered into. All three of them were severely weakened. "Hey! Guy's gotta eat! Since when do predators protect the prey?" Banzai rubbed his snout in pain. "What's going on here?" A lioness came into view as she walked onto the scene. "They won't let us eat them!" Shenzi whined. Nala looked at the group of six with intrigue. "I'm surprised there are still animals in the pridelands to begin with. " 'Well you go take care of 'em them! Let me know when they're all dead! I'm starvin' here!" Banzai said, walking away from them. "Yeah. Besides, it's the lioness' job to hunt anyway!" Shenzi added following him. Ed also took to flee, blowing a raspberry as the three limped towards the giant rock landmark in the baron Savannah. "Don't worry about them... Scar and the hyenas have made things unbearable for everyone. There's no food left. They've driven off the prey. We're about to starve..." She looked up and down at the group of them. "I'd try and hunt a few of you myself, but it looks like I wouldn't stand a chance," she lowly chuckled, before turning serious again. "You guys better get out of here before Scar finds you." "Who's Scar?" Hikaru asked for the second time. "He took over when our last king, Mufasa, died... But he's a terrible king. We should've had a more rightful king... but he died... when he was just a cub. He was the son of our last king, Mufasa. If only Simba were here..." She shook her head, trying to erase sad memories. "But that's in the past. Right now I'm trying to find the Oasis." "Oasis?" Hikaru repeated. "It's a small paradise where there is said to be food and water. At least according to our elder; Rafiki. Maybe you all could help?" "Of course!" Hikaru smiled. "What? No." Aux asked confused. "That's meddling. Why would we get involved?" "Because they need our help. Besides, this could be part of the exam." "You say that so casually." A thought crossed Aux's mind as he looked to Kaida and Hikaru. "Exactly how many times have you two gotten involved?" He was said to have a year of his memory depleted. Who knows what trouble they may have caused. "How many times Hikaru?..." he repeated ":Uhhh...." Hikaru quickly looked at Nala. "Weeee'd be glad to help." "Wonderful!" Nala exclaimed. Aux glared at Kaida. "What? Why is he speaking for all of us?!" "Onwards everyone!" "You can't just..." Aux tried to explain, pointing out his disinterest, but Hikaru was already leading the lioness forward. "You don't speak for me!" MISSION START!
The cheetah in question, was about to put a delectable powdered donut into his mouth, before stopping to see what Stratos had to say. "Hmm?" He looked over the counter and let out a sigh of relief. "Phew! Chief Bogo's gonna be really happy to see you guys!" He pressed a bright red button on his nearby intercom. "Uhh Chief Bogo, the outsourced officers you called for just stepped in. They're all just so swanky looking, sir!" He said, his neck rolls squeezing as he smiled. "We got a couple canines, a raccoon, a tiger, a hedgehog and..." he paused once looking at Luna. "O. M. Goodness... we have another bunny cop! Oh how far this department has come in terms of-" "CLAWHAUSER!" A rough, British voice interrupter him through the intercom. "I don't care what they look like... Just have them suit up and out on patrol. We're short staffed as it is!" he barked. "Yes sir, Chief Bogo," clauhauser said, quickly hanging up the intercom. "You'll have to forgive the old head honcho there, we're kinda understaffed, so everyone's working like dogs... No offense." He looked at Beuce and Steel, hoping he wasn't out of line. "But where are my manners! I'm Benjamin Clawhauser!" He rubbed the powder off his fingers and shoved the donut into his mouth, shaking Ignis' hand. "The change room is just south of the bullpen," he pointed down the hall before taking out six badges. "Welcome to the Zootopia Police Department." He looked down at his clipboard. "And seeing as hoe you guys have yet to be in the system, it looks like y'all are going to be on...." His face grimaced at their assignment. "Parking duty." He grabbed a milkshake and began to sip it. "And seeing as how we're getting busier buy the hour, I'd say you guys lucked out on that one. We're all working real hard here at the ZPD." He sipped his milkshake loudly as the officers around him began racing back and forth with papers and arrested criminals. "Real hard," he emphasized. MISSION START Hikaru couldn't make out most of what Kaida said while she had her keyblade in her beak. Still, she managed to do a nice bit of damage to the vacant hyena. "Maybe you should see what abilities your animal form has? I'm sure you wouldn't transform into a small bird if you weren't packed with some cool animalistic instincts," he encouraged. He decided to try and finally materialize his keyblade into view, as he opened his snout side, for the golden hilt of the keyblade to land nicely between his set of teeth. Attempting to tilt his head, he pointed the tip of the blade towards the carnivorous Ed. Seeing as how his keyblade would always be horizontal in his mouth, he figured he would have to be doing a lot of neck movements to land the hits he wanted to do. Seeing as he was primarily a spell caster, he would also have to keep all four of his legs grounded. Otherwise the recoil of the spells might forcibly knock him backwards and he'd end up as embarrassed as Aux. With the end of the blade pointed at Ed, Hikaru let loose a blizzard spell at the hyena's head. "glizzherd!" he tried to shout out, firing a clock of ice at the predator. The spell managed to hit Ed in between the bark he was chewing and the hyena's actual mouth. The piece of rotting bark was now frozen to his face. Ed's head had grown heavier as he tried to shake off the frozen wood from his snout. Hikaru gritted his teeth on the blade and charged towards Ed. The hyena was now mostly disoriented from the frost growing on his face which gave Hikaru a nice little element of surprise. The wolf leapt at Ed and jerked his keyblade to slash the frost off his face, causing the piece of bark to fly off Ed's snout. A loud whimper was heard, as Ed's eyebrows furrowed once more. The hyena realized he was in a battle again and growled, being annoyed from the throbbing pain on the front of his snout. Banzai - 88/150 BP Shenzi - 52/150 BP Ed- 48/180 BP Exp Writer: 35 EXP (Total: 88 EXP)
With the rest of his group taking charge, Hikaru couldn't help but look forward to taking part in the fray. He looked back at Aux who was still with his face flat on the ground. He quickly tapped Aux quickly on his shoulder. "Are you uh.. you gonna be-" "Just. Go," Aux muffled, still face down in embarrassment. "Okay!" Hikaru exclaimed, as he dashed off towards the enemy. Aux let out a huge sigh, while he slid his face to the side. His face now visible and no longer muffled. "This could've gone better," he said quietly to himself. Hikaru quickly sprinted onto the scene, where the rest of his party was already letting loose. Aislinn and Ananta were already taking care of Shenzi, with AJ taking his own time with Banzai. Kaida in her diminutive form was slashing quick hits at Ed, who had ceased his laughing and seemed to be growing more agitated. With a quick jolt behind the hyena, Hikaru thought of how to handle another animal. Most of the other wielders had already brought out their keyblades. As interesting as it was to see how he could handle his blade in his mouth, this was Hikaru's first time as an animal. An experience he didn't want to spoil by relying too much on his keyblade. That being said, Hikaru opened his snout nice and wide, before clamping them shut on Ed's tail. The result, caused Ed to let out a wicked YELP in pain, as he turned to face his attacker; Hikaru. "You taste funnier than I thought," Hikaru said, muffling his words with Ed's tail in his mouth. Ed simply growled as he watched Hikaru. "Get it?" Ed's eyes squinted in anger at him. "Because you're a- whoa!" In the midst of explaining, Ed snapped his jaws at Hikaru, causing the wolf to let go. "It's because you're a hyena you see, and- HEY!" The more Hikaru tried to get Ed to chuckle, the more violent the Hyena became. "You're a hyena and you taste FUNNY. Come on, you get it, right Kaida?" He asked Kaida as Ed continued to snap away at Hikaru, the wolf being able to step back and maneuver his way around any serious damage. The more he stepped back, the further Ed followed until he eventually bit his way onto a rotting tree. Once his teeth latched on, he continued gnawing away at the bark, his angry eyes slowly turning back to their usual vacant expression, as he happily chewed on the bark. Realizing he had escaped an escalating battle, Hikaru walked back to the feathered Kaida. "Did... Did he forget we were fighting?" Hikaru watched Ed continue to chew on the bark, not knowing just exactly what went on in that Hyena's head. Of the three Banzai seemed to be the most aggressive, Shenzi seemed to be the more commanding presence, and Ed... Well Ed seemed like that special member in the group that people kept around for some special skill. Not like he could ask him, seeing as he had yet to hear Ed speak. He wasn't even sure if Ed knew HOW to speak at this rate. Banzai - 119/150 BP Shenzi - 85/150 BP Ed: 114/180BP Exp Writer: 53 EXP
"I'm fine!" Aux grimaced, trying to roll himself off the ground. He rejected Aislinn's reply trying to be prideful. Hikaru looked around when Aislinn asked where they go from here. "Hmm.. I'm not sure." he sniffed the air, hoping he ha some sort of canine sense. "I'm picking up something, but it's faint..." Aux looked down at Kaida as his legs wobbled up like a new born cub. "And you know I can eat you, right?" "Say, now there's an idea!" A trio of hyenas stepped in from behind a rotting tree. The female one who spoke had bangs that fell to one side of her face. Another had very heavy eyebrows and a menacing grin. The third chuckled ecstatically with a vacant look in his eyes. "What do you think Banzai? A wolf and an antelope for an appetizer, two lions for the main course, and a couple of birds for dessert..." Banzai laughed as he began to circle the six. "You were right Shenzi... can't believe we found a full buffet. You weren't lion!" The third continued to laugh hysterically. "Your right Ed! The thoughts of birds make me quite peckish... Maybe we'll just start with them as the appetizer!" Shenzi said, smacking her lips. "And wolves and antelopes always make such delicious fast food!" Banzai added, the three of them laughing in unison. Banzai chuckled at Aux. This one's even got some garnish on it's head!" "Well doesn't that make him such a dandy lion?" Shenzi laughed along, with Ed laughing harder. "What?! Why don't you come here and say it to my fa-" Aux took a step forward but slipped and fell on his face. His face on the floor, not moving from embarrassment, while the hyenas laughed even harder. Hikaru patted Aux's back with his paw. "Yah done?" he asked sympathetically. "Not. Even. Close." his words were muffled with his face pressed against the dry ground. Shenzi began to nudge Kaida toward the center more, her teeth showing. "And what kinda animal are you supposed to be?" "Who cares?! Maybe she's white meat?" Banzai sad, growling. "Either way, they got Lions... and scar said no lions from outside the pridelands..." "Who's Scar?" Hikaru asked. "That's need to know!" Shenzi barked. "Yeah, and you don't need to know!" Banzai said, preparing to pounce. "And now, dinner is served!" MISSION START
Aux managed to disembark in the world, gazing at the dead terrain around him. He looked over at a group of animals who were talking to each other. The antelope, lion and parrot looked like the people who had just fled into the terminal before him. "Where am I?" he asked himself, listening in closer to the animals. The animals continued to talk as Aux listened closer. It almost sounded like they were talking like they were human. But that wasn't possible? As he continued to look, a small gust of wind blew past him, causing him to have chill all over his head and chest. As if flowing hair was brushing past him. He looked down to find a long flowing mane to accompany his spontaneous lion body. "Wha-what the?-" Aux tried to stand upright on two legs, but lost balance and fell on his back. Hikaru felt a large thud, as he saw Aux in lion form, flat on his back. The hat alone was a dead giveaway. "Pretty cool, huh?!" Hikaru said, looking down over his face. Hikaru and everyone else reacted like it was a normal thing turning into an animal. With a flat expression, Aux replied; "Not the word I would use..." The entire situation made him feel humiliated, until he turned his head over to the small bird. With the easily spotted hair, he felt she was supposed to be Kaida. While Kaida was always short, this form made her look no higher than his legs. "Well that makes me feel a bit better," he said, looking up and down at Kaida.