Search Results

  1. Krowley
    Silly question... but is this the song you think you heard?

    If not, you can search past "Top 5" articles here;

    From there you can search he threads to where you think is the right thread of the song you thought you heard.
    If you said it was almost 9 years ago, I'd try sifting through "Top 5" threads that date back from 2011 or earlier.
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 1, 2018 in forum: Production Studio
  2. Krowley
  3. Krowley

    KHV's Top 10


    Hello to all loyal and newly joined members. The staff at KHV would like to bring back the return of "KHV's Top 10." A monthly countdown of members' top 10 choices regarding subjects related to kingdom hearts. The subject in question can vary from characters, places, objects, etc. As for how the subject is decided upon, this could be based off recent Kingdom Hearts News or popular requests. (If anyone has a favored topic, feel free to suggest one!)

    Instead of hearing just one person's boring opinion, members are able to chip in their own ranked selections that will be tallied and averaged at the end of the time frame. At the end of every month, an announcement thread will be set up to reveal the topic for that month. Your choices should be ranked 1-10 (#1 being the top pick) and will be sent privately to Krowley. Why send it privately, you ask? This is to keep things anonymous and more anticipated instead of easily predicted.


    KHV's Top 10

    ~Party Members~
    (For this list we look back at all the reliably party members that have helped Sora in each KH game!)

    Deadline to submit your choices:
    April 30th 2018

    Check out these other KHV countdowns!

    #1) KHV's Top 10 Keyblade Wielders
    #2) KHV's Top 10 Organization XIII Members
    #3) KHV's Top 10 Most Wanted Final Fantasy Cameos
    #4) KHV's Top 10 Worlds
    #5) KHV's Top 10 Pairings
    #6) KHV's Top 10 Lesser Nobodies
    #7) KHV's Top 10 Most Wanted KH3 Disney Worlds [Real] [April Fools]
    #8) KHV's Top 10 Final Fantasy Cameos
    Thread by: Krowley, Mar 1, 2018, 3 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. Krowley
    As Echo looked upwards at the comets, small lock-on targets were formed on the incoming projectiles. His attention focused back on Kiara and Arctus who were preparing their attacks. "Adjusting for multiple targets. Rerouting trajectory," he spoke, holding his keyblade in a guarding stance. As he did, one by one the comets hit his keyblade before deflecting in the direction of the oncoming attackers. He was parrying Arctus' own attack back at him. From the corner of his eye, he deflected another comet at Kiara to parry her whip from harming him. He stood his stand as the comets has run out and flung back at Arctus and the rest of the team.

    "Stand around and do nothin'?!" Finlay yelled. "We are at a distinct advantage! It's seven to one! We should be bargin' into the lab! Do I hafta spell it out for you?! We came here to get ridda her once and for all!" Finlay could feel his broken fingers begin to twinge in pain as he grew more upset. "Whot's it gonna take for you to realize how important this is?!"

    As Finlay spoke, a cyan colored portal quickly opened behind the pod. From it, a woman with long black hair came through the portal. She wore mostly black and white clothes accompanied by combat boots and a pair of thick sunglasses over her eyes. She had a few scratches on her face, and looked like she meant business. She looked around the group before taking off her glasses to get a look with her own dark eyes. "Someone start talking... Where's Nequa?"

    Back at Lea's Hideaway

    "On the contrary hombre, unlike the blonde diva, my goals are not so trivial. You fought an opponent who was untrained in the art of the blade. On assault from multiple targets would easily destroy her..." He smirked as heId his keyblade aloft. "I, on the other hand..." Tango held his arms wide open as six keyblades were summoned in a fiery blaze. "Embrace that challenge..."He flew his arms towards Luther and Melus causing three keyblades to attack the woman and another three to attack the man. Tango summoned one alone as he attacked Lea head on, the red haired master, quickly guarding with his own.

    As Tango's blade pressed against Lea's, the blades clash created sparks. "I must tell you Senor Lea, I am quite relieved to know I finally receive a challenge. When jefa Nequa informed me you were of the great and mighty Order, I couldn't accept this assignment quick enough..." All six of Tengo's keyblades in the meanwhile fended off against Melus and Luther so they would not interfere.
    Post by: Krowley, Mar 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley
    1K Bonus achieved!
    Congratulations players of Kingdom Hearts SOS! You have reached another 1,000 replies.
    All players have been awarded 1,000 Munny for their hard work!
    Aux wasn't really aware of what Hikaru was going through, so he did as he always did. He found something to distract himself with.
    He was thinking about the Auras he could select while waiting for them. He stood by himself and pressed his fists together, breathing deeply and hoping the auras would just naturally come to him. Without even skipping a beat, a flash of dark purple clouded his mind, DARKNESS having already been selected. His eyes flinched, opening as he wished to not continue after that.


    Elsewhere in Shibuya....

    With the fight over, Megumi lay flat on his back, his reaper wings slowly receeding. From the look of things, Yue had come out the victor. She quickly put her blindfold on as she held a hand over her heart. She panted as she held the wall for support. Megumi shuckled as he struggled to move his body. "Hehe, and I thought your raw power was all talk," he scowled. "Seems hiding your darkness has had an effect on you. Tell me, how does it feel to let all that power flow from you? What's uncanny is that you truly believe that blindfold is what keeps your darkness at bay? It's something in your heart that does it."
    "Oh get bent already," Yue interrupted, running her hand along the walls to keep her upright.
    "But what harm does a few final words create. In a moment I shall be erased from the world and my existence will cease. Shibuya will receive a new game master and it will be like I was never here. Such an interesting place the Underground is. You gave me quite the climactic sendoff. For that I thank you." Megumi seemed to have accepted his fate. As if his entire life was just one big game. "But I am curious... where will you go from here?"
    Yue looked to his computer monitor and hit a few keystrokes. "Going to track down your delivery boy. Find Mizu... I have a promise to keep."
    "Ahh yes, the prodigal daughter... she's the sister of Rin I take it? Her high potency in magic will suffice Nequa for sometime. You've become physically spent from fighting me alone. What chance do you think you have against a sorceress supreme?"
    Yue stopped typing and breathed deeply.
    "You and Rin were one of the strongest pairings Shibuya has every come across. Your synergy alone was... refreshing to say the least. You two must share a very strong bond for you to risk your life like this."
    Yue remained quiet as she found the co-ordinates and removed Megumi's controller from his wrist. She headed for the exit but paused a moment.
    "Why did you align with No Heart? What's he planning?"
    Megumi chuckled as dark particles faded his body. "I haven;t the fondest idea. Something to do with Kingdom Hearts I imagine. He also said something about doing what was right for all worlds. He allowed dominion over Shibuya. I had no reason or to decline. I have no allegiance. For once, I just wanted to be part of a game that wasn't so... predictable." His legs and arms faded as he smiled. "I suppose my entrance fee for this particular game was too high. Pity. I wished to see the endgame." His final words spoken, his body faded, leaving only his pair of glasses behind.
    Yue looked back and picked up his dark sunglasses. She breathed deeply recalling Megumi's words about her darkness. She slowly took off her blindfold and dropped it to the ground, picking up his glasses before putting them on. She pressed a button on the controller, activating a portal to what she believed was Mizu's location. She adjusted the sunglasses to her face as she cracked her knuckles to prepare for the upcoming confrontation.
    "Game's over."
    She walked through the portal, leaving Shibuya behind.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley
    "Hehe, probably just best if we let him be for now... Just let him calm down, y'know? I don't really know what will happen once we reach Density Islands."
    "It's Destiny. And I can hear you."
    A shiver ran up Hikaru's spine as he turned back to AJ's question. "Well Lea said he was finding people with Karina, so I'm sure they're at least keeping each other safe. Since Megumi said we passed, Yue might be off looking for Mizu and Rin... As for Glen..." Hikaru thought hard about where he went. He was dissolved from the game by Sho without a moment's notice. "Not really sure what we do about him. Apparently he didn't complete enough missions to continue on... Neither did Base... or Xara, or Gwendolyn." Roughly a fourth of the original group had failed. "There's a possibility they might have been erased. With all the celebration, I didn't even consider the fact we wouldn't be seeing them again." Hikaru suddenly felt saddened by the disappearance of his allies.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    Lima did a quick back flip to avoid Kiara's attack. She saw the situation in front of her as she thought tactically in her head. With the arrival of the scarf kid, that put the enemy's numbers at seven with Kiara, Finlay, Koa, Aeira, Arctus, and Vallus. Meanwhile, their side consisted of herself, and incapacitated Nequa, a preoccupied Zulu,and an injured Uniform. The more she thought about it in her head the more she realized this could be a losing battle. She sighed as she tried to muster up enough spacial energy for one more teleport. "Have to retreat for now...." She new this was going to haunt her later, but she prayed that she could talk her way out of it when the time came to explain to Nequa. "Live to fight another day... Live to fight another day," she repeated before quickly teleporting out of the arena.

    Finlay in the meanwhile looked to Koa. With Lima having escaped, that left the group alone with Echo, who stood in front of the laboratory gates. Echo by comparrison to himself, didn't look like much. He grinned as he tried to relax his fingers. "Now we protect the pod and storm the castle!!"

    [VOLUME 1]
    - CHAPTER V -

    Back at Lea's Hideaway

    Lea began to pace back and forth as Melus and Luther were recuperating. "Man I'm never this stressed," Lea began, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean, it's not like I don't have faith in them, I just feel like I should be there with them, y'know." He tried to laugh, it off but was just growing more worried. "I know this group doesn't look like much, but I know we can do good. We just need to get a little more organized. "I'm just have this gut feeling that something unexpected will happen."

    "A gut feeling you are right to follow Senor," a smooth spanish voice spoke.
    Lea looked towards the hastilly repaired door, only to find it knocked down wit a powerful fire spell. The man on the other side was none other than Tango, slowly strutting his way inside. "It seems your team is divided once more. You should get a proper planner. If you were not an adversary I would recommend Delta," he grinned.
    "That another friend of yours?" Lea asked summoning his own keyblade.
    "The Red Society is less made up of friends and more made up of... como se dice... associates. Our end goals merely align with la jefa Nequa."
    "Well sorry to break it to yah, but we don't exactly have any pods for you to take."
    "You misunderstand Senor, I am not here for some menial container." Tango summoned his blade and pointed it directly as Lea. "I am here to vanquish you in combat!"
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    "Thank you..." Aux sighed in relief. Something about how mushy this was all becoming through him off a bit.
    Hikaru began to look around as the group was becoming more familiar with themselves. Some even changing their entire clothing ensembles before selecting auras.
    "Wow, everyone looks so new," he smiled. "You thinking about changing outfits too?"
    Aux looked back at him unimpressed. "What's wrong with how I dress?"
    "Oh, uhh... nothing, honest!" Hikaru tried to back away slowly in case he got mad.
    "Why don't you get a new outfit?"
    Hikaru looked back to the group, feeling optimistic. "Nah, I'm happy as I am."
    Aux looked to the group and back at him. "Stop looking at them like that... It's creepy."
    "Sorry," Hikaru chuckled. "I guess for the first time in a while... I have faith things are gonna be alright." Hikaru walked a small distance over to talk with Ignis.
    "Cool new clothes! Feel any stronger?"

    Aux folded his arms looking at the group. "Whatever you say, weirdo... Nice without Yue here though. She'd probably tell us to high tale it out of here."
    He looked back at the corners of the street they were on. "Where is she anyways?"

    Elsewhere in Shibuya....

    Megumi walked into a room as the doors opened horizontally for him and shutting behind him as he entered.
    "Well it's about time. Where have you been?!" Yue barked.
    "Oh do forgive me, I was just finishing the final phases of their exam."
    "Did they-!"
    "Rest assured, their exam was a success. A very kind hearted group you have there. You'd be proud."
    "I don't need them to be kind, I need them to be ready! Now outta my way... We've spent long enough here." She passed Megumi as she headed for the door and pressed the access panel. A small blink was made with a very quick buzzing noise, signalling it wouldn't open.
    "Open the stupid lock so I can get them out of here."
    Megumi put tapped his index finger to his lips as he leaned on the wall. "Yes, about that phase. I'm afraid you'll no longer be necessary for it. As masters, I'm sure they're fully capable of following the instructions they've been given."
    Yue sighed and rolled her eyes under her blind fold. "Fine, just open th door so I can at least look for Mizu, or Rin... or Nequa."
    Megumi made a few 'tsks' under his breath. "Again, I'm afraid I wasn't specific. When I said you were no longer necessary, I wasn't referring to just the exam. I've been assigned very strict orders to... how shall I put this delicately?... End your time in this realm."
    Yue glared at him. "So No Heart got to you too, huh? What could he possibly have that you want?"
    "That master can be quite persuasive for what he has planned. You see, in order for his plan to work, you were to assist in aiding the strength of the SOS. Now that you've completed that part, he no longer needs you for his affairs. And seeing as how you will continue to interfere, we thought it best to simply... remove you from the board?"
    "We?" she asked, looking around the room for escape.
    "Ahh yes, No Heart has made quite the numerous amount of allies. And if you're looking for a way out don't bother, OPERATION PANDORA will commence as scheduled. The only way out of this combat room is with my access panel. And I can tell you it's quite hard to tear away from my arm."
    "Operation Pandora?"
    "My my so many questions... But if you must no, it's the co-ordinated assault to eliminate the order. You, Shiro, DJ, Lea and the little blonde one, all have assassins assigned. Me, being the obvious assailant."
    "What about Krowley?"
    "Oh you don't know, do you... He's the one who helped us co-ordinate this all. He's been working with us from the start."
    Yue clenched her fists as she gritted her teeth. "And Mizu?"
    "Oh we have special plans for her...She will receive the esteemed honor of becoming Nequa's next vessel. You see, the girl she possessed- Rin, I believe it was- is almost out of magical energy. In fact, I just sent my delivery boy to ensure she's being delivered as we speak."
    Yue looked up to him. "Anything else?"
    "No, I believe that's everything.
    "Good, because I've hit my limit thanks to you. Now you've gone and made me-"
    "Angry? Enraged? Uncharacteristically stunned?"
    "No,. You went and made me have to try." A beaming purple aura engulfed around Yue as she took off her blindfold.
    Megumi smiled ashe grew out large reaper wings. "My, this is an interesting change of pace. Even if you strike me down, you can't save them all. Still. I can't wait to see you try..."
    A small beeping alarm came off his clock as Yue summoned her keyblade.
    "Because Operation Pandora... has officially begun..."

    Post by: Krowley, Feb 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley

    Aux turned bright red while Hikaru hugged tightly right back. With Aux's arming not responding, he looked down at his two friends. As uncomfortable as he was, he could feel a flood of memories from their days at the academy flow into his mind. His eyes grew listless as he gave off a small smile. He lifted an arm and patted Kaida's head twice before proceeding to do the same with Hikaru. He tilted his head down so his hair would cover his eyes. He cleared his throat before looking back up. "So... shouldn't we be planning ahead? There was something about Auras right?"
    "Little longer," Hikaru quickly replied, holding tightly to the hug.
    Aux sighed. "Yeah, okay." He looked around, feeling a bit uneasy if people were watching. "Not like were on a time limit or anything," he sarcastically remarked.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley

    "That's right,"
    Aux said. "You're a master now... Congratulations," he blankly replied. "And honestly, I was expecting you to be more mad," he awkwardly laughed. He cleared his throat before continuing. "And it's not that I don't want to be your friend. If I could tell you WHY I did what I did, I would." He looked away to avoid eye contact. "The whole experience just feels like I keep waking up after a dream I can't remember." He breathed in deeply through his nose. "But for what it's worth... If I do turn, I just want you to know - and I guess to an extent everyone else- that I'm uhh... y'know... sorry and junk. You and Hikaru were the closest things I had to family and I took that for granted. That didn't make me feel like I was always alone. So..." He finally looked her in the eyes as he tilted his head down. "Thanks."

    A small high-pitched noise was heard, causing Aux to turn his head. Hikaru was standing there with both fists clenched from the anticipation of watching his friends.
    "Were you two... being friends?" he asked happily. His eyes began to water as a few tears rolled down his cheek.
    "Stop crying," Aux commanded.
    "Okay..." Hikaru sniffled, wiping his cheeks. "I just never thought I'd see that again." He turned to Kaida. "And that we'd both actually become masters with you Kaida... I'm just so happy," he continued to wipe away tears as they continued to fall. "And now you're gonna get stronger (sniff) and tougher together..."
    "You are really ruining this." He looked back to Kaida.
    "I know... (sniff) can we just hug it out?-" Hikaru opened his arms towards Aux, who quickly replied; "No," before stopping Hikaru's face with his hand.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    Lima did a few evasive measures, but tripped by the tip of the whip hitting her ankle. She grunted in pain but continued to help.
    "Don't just stand there robot boy, do something!"
    The boy known as Echo turned his head. From his point of view, a circular target icon was locked onto Kiara. "Adapting new parameters." A small loading sound was made as he pointed his keyblade out. "Update complete. Accessing new data." Ventus fired a whip of fire against Kiara to cut her off from running any further.

    Finlay, was off with Koa and Aeira who was still near the invisible heartless. He jumped on the back of one of the invisible heartless and rung his arm around it's neck. He then took an axe from his back and struck it straight at the creature's chest, causing it to disperse. He fell down quickly back onto his feet, looking at the two. "One of you get the pod. The other help me kill the last two beasts!"
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley
    Aux looked up to his hat after Ananta's statement. Of the three new people he was meant to party with, she was the least annoying to him. He didn't really know how to answer her question as to whether he would stay with the group. "Not sure," he replied. "Haven't I kind of... y'know; been a pain up until now?"
    After hearing what Kel's group went through, Aux arched an eyebrow. "Is every world this weird?" he whispered to himself.

    Megimu made his way to the center of the group to prepare his final announcement.
    "Well it appears everyone wishes to be well adjusted before continuing their journey. By all means do take your time," Megumi assured, pressing another button on his control pad.
    A holographic map appeared before them, showing a blinking red light roughly a dozen kilometers from their location. "Your ferry back to the realm of light will be placed on a world known as Destiny Islands. An unfortunate world that fell to darkness close to a year ago. And as comfortable as you are now, I wouldn't get too cozy. The portal back to the realm of light will only be open for 24 hours." He waved his left hand causing all their black and white player pins to black and red. "Your player pins will act as your entrance fee to the portal. Once you cross through, your entrance fee will be returned to you... Now if you'll excuse me, there are other matters I must attend to."

    Aux looked off to Kaida to ask her a question. "So I get that our game masters kept switching or whatever, but what happened to Yue? She coming with?"
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley
    Uniform blocked the fire spell with his arm before seeing a splash of blood came off his arm. In a flash, Vallus had made a blinding fast slash, causing his arm to be chopped clean off. His eyes widened as he slowly looked to his right side. Before he could say anything, Finlay used this as his chance of escape and kneed him in the groin before sliding back. Uniform writhed over in pain as he fell to his knees. Finlay's hand twinged from the broken fingers. "I'd give yah a hand but yah kinda broke mine yah idjit!"
    For the first time in the battle Uniform was dead silent. Stunned in shock from the loss of his entire arm.

    As the battle commenced, the doors opened, the hooded figure that was planning Nequa's transition walked on through. "WHAT's ALL THE RACKET?!" The hooded figure removed his hood to reveal a young man barely past the age of sixteen. Unsettling considering he sounded like a mad scientist. His hair was a screaming blend of red and bright orange while his eyes were the separate colors of dark red and dark blue. scalret letter "Z" could be seen under his left eye. "Can't you see brilliance is at work?..." He looked around before eying Uniform being injured. "Sigh, you've broken one of my soldiers. This displeases Doctor L." He spoke as if he was referring to himself in the third person. He looked up before spotting Karina. "You seem.... familiar..."

    Lima looked on confused. "What, does everyone know her now?" she asked before making a quick jab to his left rib. She looked off to the new keyblade wielder with the scarf. Her eyes widened as she saw the pod. "Zulu. the new host!" she called to the flame headed scientist. His dark eyes lit up brightly as he looked like a child on Christmas. "Oh goody goody!" He turned to Lima. "Quick, transport it inside. I'll move the lummox inside," he commanded.

    Besides, my new toy could always use more practice!" He pressed a button on a remote in his hand causing a large assortment of steel traps to appear around the laboratory. From behind him, a young boy with golden blond spiky hair. Unbeknown to the rest of the group, this boy was Ventus.
    Zulu's apparent new guard had a small "ECHO! New prime directive Protect the castle at all costs!," Zulu commanded watching Uniform slowly walk through the door.
    "Acknowledged," Echo replied in a robotic tone. The tech-infused youth stood quard, summoning his keyblade, preparing to guard the castle with his life. His eyes had no light in them, as if he was entranced.

    "Ta-ta for now!" Zulu said, waving his fingers at Karina.

    As Lima tried to teleport to the pod she was out of luck. "Dammit, I overdid it," she grunted. She made a mad dash for the pod, preparing to fight anyone in her way.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 21, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Krowley
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 21, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Krowley
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 21, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Krowley
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 21, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Krowley
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 21, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Krowley
    A light applause was heard as Megumi stepped from out of the corner of everyone's eyes.
    "Well done to all of you. I feel a simple congratulations isn't enough, but here I am congratulating you," he smiled through his shades. "You've all shown rapid growth and steady co-ordination. I'm proud to award you these well deserved tokens of mastery."


    There was a hint of deviousness in Megumi's voice, but it seemed like the rewards didn't cause people to mind.
    "And to help combat your way through the darkness, here's a small taste of dark magic. Don't get corrupted by it though," he chuckled.


    "As masters you've also earned your share of experiences. These experiences have also made you stronger."


    Aislinn leveled up! (37)(38)(39) AP went up by 1!
    Ananta leveled up! (36)(37)(38) AP went up by 1!
    AJ leveled up! (35)(36)(37)(38) AP went up by 1!
    Beuce leveled up! (37)(38)(39) AP went up by 1!
    Hikaru leveled up! (37)(38)(39) AP went up by 1!
    Ignis leveled up! (36)(37)(38) AP went up by 1!
    Kaida leveled up! (36)(37)(38) AP went up by 1!
    Kel leveled up! (37)(38)(39) AP went up by 1!
    Luna leveled up! (36)(37)(38)(39) AP went up by 2!
    Steel leveled up! (36)(37)(38)(39) AP went up by 2!
    Stratos leveled up! (37)(38)(39) AP went up by 1!

    "Now that you're masters of course, you'll be able to use AURAs. Select them at your leisure, but be warned, once you select an aura, you won't be able to get rid of it. You only get to to choose three. Choose wisely, as these Auras become a part of you. For better or worse."
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    Lima parried the fire attack with her blade, rushing in and dealing a quick strikes to the rest of Arctu's left arm with her fingers. The entirety of Arctus' left arm was now numb. "Not a very organized group, are you?" she said to Arctus. In the meanwhile, Kiara's slashes at Uniform met his blade, as he parried each whip away from him, eventually wrapping her whip around his keyblade. "You really need more practice with your whip girly. Maybe daddy will give you some lessons.." He pulled on the whip, attempting to knock her over.
    Post by: Krowley, Feb 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena