Does anybody actully know how sick it is?? There are four ways to aport an unborn baby-(Im not sure of the names of the methods) 1.Just basiclly pull it out and let it die 2.Cut it up while inside the womb and pull it out bit by bit 3.Pull it out though a vacume,like lyposuction-He head is crushed and im not sure about the fourth one-but id say-Wear a fuucking condom.. this is how babys are aborted-do you really want an innocent,unborn child to feel that pain?
The government put somehing in the worlds water supply-So they can make more moneyof cough medcine!!! (Now thats a conspericy theroy) xD
Fred-The 'Oh my Gosh' girl-Ray William Jhonson... All famous though youtube-I must say its kinda full of crap,put that aside its pretty cool for music and stuff lol
I thought you had a cough....And besides-Nobody in my family are allergic to anything ^^
OOC-Wow- 301st post! ''Well its more actually-Its more FUN if there was two vampires against one...'' he laughed ''...Well....I think its fun....'' Ryoku couldnt think-''What do you think-Its either this or he kills you...'' he whisperd,unable to locate his lungs...
My sister has a cough-I think its about to becaome a world wide epidemic!!! O_o..or a coincidene....
''Yes-'' he hid his eyes in his hair ''-If Ryoku does it,He might kill you-That is just the right amount of revenge-'' he looked up and laughed ''But if you turn into a vampire-The game is just as fun...'' he trailed of-His smile,hysterical Ryoku was speachless...
Me too! lol-I think theres something in the air-Not love this time... X_X
"Right" he whispered-He held up his keyblade into the air-Unsure when or where he would be attacked...
Must like upside down dudes with their mouths hanging open xD Is bored and desided to write something about himself =P
lolz So hows you??
Is Merlin's housekeeper ^^
"No....Ryoku is going to turn you into a vampire.." he smiled with an evil look in his eyes...
Slightly American?...English? lol
Kayoko laughed "Oh IM not gonna bite you-And your not gonna die...." he looked at Ryoku....
Wow-Red,like Axl-Slightly creepy but cool xD
Ryoku thought I dont think-he...wants to.... he was breathing desperately... Kayoko smiled,His fangs were visible...
Grrr-My hat shall always be by my side...O.o But you can have my smurf hat if you want! lol
"Aww-Your still so polite..." he smiled-He held Mitera,Looking down into her eyes... Ryoku looked at them and shouted "YOU WANT REVENGE,RIGHT!?",His eyes,dark... "Bingo." whispered Kayoko...