Hiii^^ BTW tiamo means i love you in italian
Awww-The Paupu academy tread has a lovely ending! ^^
Ryoku held his fiancée and kissed her,their bodies bathe in the Scarlett light of the afternoon,He loved her-and he was willing to die for her and it seemed that she was willing to die for him too... "....Tiamo...." "....I love you..." And the rest as they say is history,thank you,goodnight,The End-And the rest is silence....
Ryoku looked in Rhyme's direction...I'll be hurting two at once?...He turned to Near,a dark smile on his face "You stated it.." he whispered,keyblade in hand while ravenously looking at the blood...
Ryoku smiled "I'm always cold"-He jumped up,swinging his keyblade in Nears direction,laughing..
OOC-I think we should end the tread and make a new one,What'cha think? Ryoku kissed his Soon-to-be wife "I love you...."
Probably not-Okay,I've got to go-Talk to ya' later^^
He kissed her then whispered in her ear "...Nothings ever going to change that..." he hugged her-He stood up-Carrying Mitera in his arms-He walked out the door,kissing her...
Well,Ireland so probably not ^^
The universe,The milky way,The solar system,Earth,The northern Hemisphere,Europe,Ireland,Dublin,Finglas,Finglas South...^^
Just confused me Oo
I may have to go now..lol (The usual reason)
Um well I haven't actually started yet xD I start tomorrow-I'm so fricking excited!
Oh my gosh-Congrats!! ^^ im learning this type of kong-fu that goes according to Chinese rythem-Strange but-Congrats again!
Ryoku held Mitera-He couldn't breathe-It didn't feel like his heart was beating,Tears fell down his face-" I love you...Thank you so much!!!" he sobbed into Mitera's shoulder "I fuucking love you!"
*Inhales* Um....me too?? haha,So what's up with you? ^^
I never said you were fat...I said Gordon Ramsay was fat!! xD
Ryoku's heart skipped a beat "...Mitera,I love you..." he smiled " I love you-I LOVE you-I love YOU..." he was unsure as to how he could make it any clearer...
Why hello rather cool and random person that finds me cute and funny ^^
Wait-WTF? hips,Bread,PeanutButter,Fluff....Gordon Ramsay must be turning in his fat camp bunk o.O