Specifically what? Im very good at projects! ^^
Tell me about it..well *laughs* I have 3 weeks to revise Irish and I haven't even started yet lol
He smiled "In fact,im her soon to be husband!" he growled,his eyes pierced Riku's with rage...
Ryoku fell backward-He found perchase on the ground with his feet despite Riku's strength. ''What the fuuck?!'' he growled deeply,trying not to wake Miteta-He stepped forward,sizing himself up to Riku...
Little Miss Sunshine.
Is very very very correct...Go team Jacob,Obviously xD
Oh mt gosh-I was on a computer in school (secretly on KHV) and it kept beeping because of the button! I was so close to getting detention! xD
Oh and Best of Luck!!
Oh gosh-Well its called the Summer Exam here *Looks around* Its really stressing everyone out here-Especially me! xD
I find your button irritating xD
Is unfortunetly Team Edward XP
Captin Bumfluff xD
Mattress Man!! ^^
*3 hours of Bring Me The Horizon,Slipknot and singing along* *Sharply exhales through mouth* Music...Screaming...shouting the apocoliptical warfere that is mankind....Screamo Music...Emo Music...Screamo Emo music...Do you see where im going with this?....Im actually...happy...When I scream the lyrics that would make nuns cry blood....I found a vice....I honestly thank you guys enough...It seems fake as I write it-How quick it has changed but...it happens right? EDIT-The crap that made me like...that is still going on,but now its different-Now I get to scream it into the microphone...
Um...Lets just say I forgot everything and dont understand a single thing...What are you talking about,random person whos name I forgot?
The finals??
xD I just bought Eclipse today! Just like an hour ago!!! lol
Sometimes thinks of gummy bears ^^
*Sighes* I have tried in fact I Am trying but im gonna have to do something that is like a bookmark,im not gonna cut myself again-the scars are only starting to heal...I think I should do something like temporarily Run away from home,shoplift some alcohol-Depending on getting cault,get arrested and ****-But at this point THATS the extreme (im no longer suicidal) I just need something...different....and reckless....stupid...very stupid....