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  1. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark Ignis smiled, a week ago, I thought that I would never meet someone who really understood me, let alone liked me for who I was, now... he let his thoughts train away, feeling an imense feeling of love to Mya.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark looked at her, "really? I always thought you were so nice, but not like the way Chi is to John, you didn't just go and act all... you know, how Chi acts, you were yourself," he said, "that is what I like about you."

    Hwaje curled up on the ground, oh, alright...
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark's eyes widened, before he huged her and returned the kiss.

    Hwaje got up and flew over to where Shia and the other dragons were, you guys have to see this, it is so open!
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. 9Kairi9hearts
  5. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: Furtim stepped between them, I assumed that solved the problem of stabbing, Furtim has a grudge against Neco, a sort of Brother need to kill eachother mindset, if that doesn't do it for you, then we will just say his powers of darkness stopped the blade, ok?
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: okay, I said if he didn't come back in time, which I said was wendsday for all players (albit in a seperate post) but Cicanda Killer has been gone for awhile, so I will now start re-assigning his characters temporarily, or permanantly, depending on how long he is gone. So if anyone wants to apply for one of his characters, just pm me or put an OOC out on here. (please note that if he comes back, he will still be able to take the character back)
    Deymx nodded, and placed his hand to his chest feeling his heartbeat, "ya know whats weird? when we were living as nobodies, we didn't have heartbeats, but now that we are dead, we have them," he said.

    Roxas looked at Namine, "I know that you will do fine, just keep using that new keyblade of yours, you are getting better with it every single time you use it," he said.

    Luxord walked into Marluxia's garden, "so, you don't want to play with us?" he asked.

    yes, Namine has a keyblade, I don't feel like makeing it's appearence, you can do that yourself, Just know that the keychain is her notebook.

    I think everyone should probably take another look at the map and the game we are playing, clasic World that never was, and 2 flag capture the flag, both can be veiwed on the first page.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: okay, I said if he didn't come back in time, which I said was wendsday for all players (albit in a seperate post) but Cicanda Killer has been gone for awhile, so I will now start re-assigning his characters temporarily, or permanantly, depending on how long he is gone. So if anyone wants to apply for one of his characters, just pm me or put an OOC out on here. (please note that if he comes back, he will still be able to take the character back)
    Deymx nodded, and placed his hand to his chest feeling his heartbeat, "ya know whats weird? when we were living as nobodies, we didn't have heartbeats, but now that we are dead, we have them," he said.

    Roxas looked at Namine, "I know that you will do fine, just keep using that new keyblade of yours, you are getting better with it every single time you use it," he said.

    Luxord walked into Marluxia's garden, "so, you don't want to play with us?" he asked.

    yes, Namine has a keyblade, I don't feel like makeing it's appearence, you can do that yourself, Just know that the keychain is her notebook.

    I think everyone should probably take another look at the map and the game we are playing, clasic World that never was, and 2 flag capture the flag, both can be veiwed on the first page.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark grinned, "I wasn't under the impresion that it was offical," he said.

    Hwaje roared with laughter again, now he was shooting small sparks out of his nostrils from the laughter.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. 9Kairi9hearts
    Neco grinned, while the scar over his left eye glowed with the power of darkness, "you are a fool, Leonard Church, your namesake would be ditching his body and running right about now," he said.

    Furtim stepped between the two, "enough with the jokes, brother, I don't care how father treated us when we were young, it doesn't give you the right to take out your anger through the murder of those who don't understand, we may have both forsaken our names, but there is a great difference between our reasons for doing so," he said pasionatly.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark shook his head, "no... it is just that," he paused for a moment, while Hwaje shook with silent laughter, "that I'm not sure if I can get up the nerve to ask anyone out... and there is the fact that we are on the run from bloodthirsty bountyhunters."
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: cool, can I please play Riku and Roxas?
    (please note that this will be my first time playing as Riku, so if I am getting his personality or ideals wrong, please let me know)
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: okay, Don't remember re-asigning Xigbar to you, but it is fine, Cicandakiller has been gone long enough, so you can have him for now, just notify me next time before taking over a character, okay?
    Demyx nodded, "I'm pretty sure why Roxas picked me, so I guess I'll be staying here guarding the flag for most of the fight, hopefuly Larxene won't make it this far without someone picking her off," he said.

    Larxene looked around, "I'm going to go find Marluxia, we can't have un-even teams," she said, it was really an excuse to go talk to Marluxia though.

    Roxas shook his head, "no, Luxord you go, that way, if you don't get back in time for the start of the game, the teams won't be too out of balance," he said.

    Luxord nodded, "yeah, sure, I'll go," he said, "I think I know where he is too."

    With that, Luxord walked out the door, headed for Marluxia's garden.

    Saiix sighed, "I'm going into the portal, all this standing around and talking is only delaying the start of our game," he said, walking into the portal, comming out at the red flag, at the top of the castle.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: and the thing is, this kind of thing happens all the time, not only in this RP, but in alot of other ones too, I will post something like "My character dodges the fireball sent by your character, then runs in to stab him" and then I wait for 2 days - 1 month before getting a reply (belive me, I've had it happen for way more than a month)
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark's eyes widened at this, "a-a girl freind?" he asked.

    Hwaje roared with laughter.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. 9Kairi9hearts
    Furtim yelled back at him, "no! This scum is mine!"

    Joshua walked out of the medical bay, damn doctors orders say I can't fight for a freakin' three hours, what am I supposed to do?

    Neco looked at Furtim, "you shall die, denizens of light, for the true shadow shall crush you all," he said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. 9Kairi9hearts
    Nick looked at her, "how about, us flying types carry some of you cats to the armory itself, it would be much faster, and much less chance of civilain casulty," he said.

    Jen nodded, "yeah, Nick and I do that kind of thing all the time, even if I don't like flying, it still works," she said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark thought for a moment, startled by her question, "but isn't having fun the definition of enjoyment?" he asked, "I wouldn't be an expert on the subject, my life has been pretty devoid of joy for the past few years."
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. 9Kairi9hearts
    Chuck Norris VS Kingdom Hearts
    Chapter Two:

    Namine noticed a walkway splitting off from the platform she and Kairi were battling Larxene on, and the walkway happened to go right over where Deymx's army of water clones were. “Kairi, follow me!” she yelled.

    Namine slashed through two Larxene clones, and dashed out onto the walkway, followed by a bewildered Kairi. The Larxene clones, with the real Larxene somewhere in their midst, followed, until everyone was on the bridge. Namine slid to a halt next to Kairi, “I want you to cast Firega on the bridge when I say now,” she said.

    Kairi nodded, as a Larxene clone got too close, and she slashed it into sparks. Meanwhile, Namine was running, strait at the group of Larxene clones, then she jumped over them, spinning around in the air, several of the Larxene clones threw knives at her, but Namine just ignored them, “BLIZZARD!” she shouted

    A beam of ice shot out of her white and flowery keyblade, freezing not only the knives that were flying at her, but also several of the Larxene clones, and the section of the bridge they were standing on. Namine landed, facing the Larxene clones, and the frozen segment of the bridge, and shouted, “NOW KAIRI!”

    Kairi and Namine both cast Firega on the ice-covered segment of the bridge, which shattered from the explosion of heat, sending the Larxene clones, and Larxene herself, plummeting down to Deymx's battleground.

    Suddenly, Kairi lurched backwards, the platform on the other side of the bridge was falling! Without thinking, Kairi ran and jumped towards Namine. She flew through the air, over a fifty foot drop to the battlefield below. Air rushed by Kairi's head, she wasn't going to make it, but then, suddenly, Namine's hand was wrapped around her wrist, and she was dangling over the perilous drop.

    Cloud parried a strike from Lexaeus, the massive tomahawk bouncing off his own large sword. The platform they were fighting on began to tilt, as Kairi and Namine broke the bridge holding it in place. They did not let this interrupt their fighting however, and they clung to the floor of the falling platform, as sparks flew from their clashing blades.

    Yuffie jumped in the air, avoiding the laser-beam from the heartless robot. The purplish ice-cliffs were coated in massive amounts of heartless. No, how did I get back here? First I was fighting that young organization member, then I was here? She thought, almost collapsing to the ground from exhaustion

    Aerith jumped back, narrowly avoiding an ice crystal. Her staff whirled around as she knocked aside several smaller ice-projectiles. Vexen let out a horrible laugh, as more ice crystals formed. Aerith quickly healed herself, then continued to fight the chilly alchemist

    Tifa jumped off the wall she had been backed up against, and she brought her foot down on a giant card, tearing it in half. Luxord jumped back, his remaining cards swirling around him. “it appears that I must work on my game,” he said, not really talking to Tifa.

    “Shut up, you lunatic!” Tifa barked, as she destroyed yet another card.

    Luxord used several more cards to block Tifa's next round-house kick, “don't confuse me and Saiix,” he said tauntingly.

    Cid spun the gummi ship to avoid the incoming blasts of energy from the massive dragon nobody. Xaldin was ridding the nobody, directing it's attacks. Beams of energy flashed by the windows of Cid's ship, the highwind. Sirens wailed as the ship's shields took damage, red alarm lights flashed throughout the ship.

    The entire ship began to shake as Cid lost control, and it flew at frightening speeds towards the giant Dragon Nobody.

    Tron felt his disc return to his hand, and the last Cyber-guard dissipated into data. Tron took a few steps towards the computer terminal, and began to send waves of data into it, while the data-clones guarded the pathways into this particular circuit. “Almost there... almost there,” he said under his breath, as he hacked down firewall after firewall.

    Suddenly, right before hacking down the last firewall, a floating program entered the room, it looked like a dusk nobody, with red markings, and six floating high-tech laser cannons rotating around it. The being was followed by no less than a dozen cyber-guards. A monotone voice filled the room, “I am the admin of this server, leave now, or be deleted,” it said.

    Tron readied his disk, but before he could do anything, the Data-Goofy dashed in front of him, holding up it's shield, to block the incoming blast from the gun. A shard of what appeared to be glowing red crystal embedded itself in the shield. It seemed, for a moment, that this had been sufficient to stop the attack, before the shield vanished, and a blankness, lack of solidity and color, only leaving a frame behind, shot up the data-Goofy's arms, until only the frame remained, before it shattered into shards of data.

    Tron looked at the Admin, he hadn't prepared for this, the admin was supposed to be distracted by the false attack, a second group of data-clones that had attacked the motherboard directly, instead of using the side path Tron had used. “Your previous attack was too small, and they did not fight with tactics and strategy that I would expect from you, the legendary Tron,” the monotone voice said again.

    As the Admin spoke to Tron, the Cyber-guards and Data-clones were battling each other. The Admin's six laser cannons rotated around, aiming at different targets, “Tron, you are smarter then most AI units, especially those of your class of program, no one could have theorized that a security program could achieve what you have, the MPD was a great opponent, so you must be intelligent enough to know that you can't possibly survive this encounter. So leave now, unless you wish for me to delete you,” it said.

    Tron's disk glowed with a blue light, “I understand something that you could never, I understand friendship, emotions, and morals, my user friends have tought me this, and I will never forget it, if I am deleted today, or in a thousand years, I will always value these lessons learned,” he said, releasing the disk.
    The disk shot around the room, taking down cyber-guards and making a few attacks at the Admin. The disk then shot down towards the last firewall, crushing it like it was nothing.

    When the firewall vanished, Tron was able to see what he had known was behind it, a glowing yellow data-port, which lead strait to the mainframe of the computer system. “A1 and T1, stay behind and guard this door, don't let anyone through!” Tron yelled, while the data-Tifa and the data-Aerith got into a fighting stance, while Tron, and the rest of his surviving data-clones charged into the portal, zooming away at the speed of light.

    Sparks flew around the battlefield, as Gun-blade on Claymore clashed together, Saiix's normally calm demeanor was gone, replaced with a berserk state of mind, where he simply charged Leon, no though involved, just pure strength coming from the red moon above. Leon knew that now was not the time for talk, just dodge, block, and fight, so he said nothing, as he and Saiix let loose all of their combat skills, both only an inch from the death of falling from the high tower.

    An ethereal blade slashed through the air, parried by the wide blade of the Ultima weapon. Xemnas' orange eyes blazed with fury, as Sora's blue shimmered with intensity and concentration. A quick leap backwards onto the four-foot wide walkway broke the grapple, as Xemnas charged after Sora. Their blades met again in combat, swipe, block, stab, deflection, slash, and counterattack, so went the battle between the key that connects all and the superior of the in-between.

    Despite the Ultima weapon and another year of training, Xemnas still pushed Sora back, farther out onto the walkway, and over all the other battlegrounds. “You are still too weak to face me on your own,” Xemnas said.

    Sora replied, “I am never alone, my friends will always be with me in my heart.”

    Xemnas laughed his evil laugh, “that will not always save you, it may have allowed you to defeat my heartless, but it will not aid against me,” he said.

    A bead of sweat dropped from Sora's face, the Ethereal blades were both pushing down hard against the Ultima weapon, then how do I stop him? Sora wondered.

    Axel grabbed his Chakram as it flew back to him, “You know, Marluxia, you haven't got any better at fighting since the last time we fought,” he said.

    Marluxia brandished his scythe, “neither have you, flame head,” he said.

    They both charged back into battle.

    Chuck Norris was running on a treadmill set to the highest slope and speed, not even breaking a sweat, as he swatted away more ninjas with the pinky finger of his left hand, he was talking on the phone, “what? You say this guy wants be to be in his video game? What's it about? Oh, well tell this 'Nomura' that I'm not interested, if he wants some exercise world in this game of his, he can just go stick his head in the sand!” he said, smashing the phone.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Archives
  19. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark followed her, he didn't bother to take off his boots though. Hwaje just followed, his claws making huge footprints in the sand, I'm amazed that we haven't been attacked yet, I am a fire dragon after all, he thought-spoke to both of them.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: yes! Seth has just been getting in the way since KH2man forgot about this, he's gonna die now, MUWHAHAHAHAHA!
    Neco stepped through another portal, comming out right behind Seth, he placed his gun to the back of his head, and pulled the trigger, "can't risk you saving anyone else I may throw into the dark realm," he said, as Seth's body faded into darkness.

    Furtim's eyes widened beneath his hood, "Seth, no!" he shouted, charging forwards to attack Neco.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home