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  1. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark looked at Xiomera, "I want to know what's up with you and fighting, that guy down there looks like he is really hurt," he said.

    Roxas climbed up onto the window frame, and then hung out by one arm, reaching with the other hand for the edge of the roof, which he climbed up on, followed by Riku, they looked over the edge, watching Mark and Xiomera talking, "is that... a talking wolf?" Riku asked.

    Roxas just nodded.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. 9Kairi9hearts
    It is true, I've had experiences where I could feel things in my dreams, and another thing, durring Hypnosis, (which a entranced state seems very similar to dreaming) the subjects of hypnosis can feel things that aren't real, so that proves the fact that you can feel things that aren't there, which is basicaly what happened in your dream.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 15, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. 9Kairi9hearts
    Genservant saw Nyoko, and ran over to her, and returned her sword, "I belive this is yours," he said.

    Kouri walked over to the ice wall, and peered through it, watching Cooper and Traxon battle.

    Malum silently watched as his master began to overpower Nexon.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. 9Kairi9hearts
    Roxas had been silently watching most of these events from the window, while Riku contenued to try to sleep, unaware of the events taking place outside. Roxas looked back at the three-bed room that he, Riku, and Sora were sharing, Namine and Kairi were sleeping in another room. Roxas thought for a moment, then walked over to an almost-sleeping Riku, and shook him to full awakeness, "come with me, now," he said.

    Riku groggily got up, "huh? What are you doing, Roxas?" he asked.

    Roxas just shook his head, "follow me out the window," he said, as the two crept towards the window, careful not to wake Sora.
    Mark Ignis watched the wolf, and crept silently closer, he had seen it turn from girl to animal, and attack that other person.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: yes, temporarily or permanantly?
    Larxene sighed, she wouldn't get to go talk to Marluxia before the battle, I need help understanding my feelings for him, she thought, because, as much as I don't want to admit it, they are there, there is only one love relationship going on around here, and that is Roxas and Namine, but I won't in a million years go ask either of them, she was thinking, trying to find a soulution to her problem.

    Zexion nodded, before walking into the portal, exiting near Deymx and Xigbar.

    Roxas looked at Zexion, "yeah, I'll go over details once everyone is in the portal," he said.

    Lexaeus just walked into the portal, exiting alongside Zexion.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. 9Kairi9hearts
    Saiix nodded, and pointed towards a window farther down on a different tower, "yes, that is where Sora killed me," he said.

    Zexion pulled out his Lexicon, "Roxas, I'm assuming you want me in guard possition, correct?"
    OOC: okay, so it is wendsday, if you want to apply for any of Ciccanda killer's unclaimed characters, please do so, I will not be able to pilot the entire organization through a battle. (Or other Organization members that are being controlled by me)
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark started, "yeah, you're right!" he said, as he looked around, "hey, where did Hwaje go?"

    Hwaje just curled up on the ground by the other dragons, and tried to get some rest.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: I know that it seems weird, but in the last RP, Mandy, KH2man, and I kinda got our characters interwoven, (along with terrynirv, who has know re-created the same character as evil) so that they were an important part of eachother's profiles, without Mandy's characters, KH2man and I would need to re-work our character's profiles.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: Does anyone have control over Sora, Kairi, or Namine? If not, then can someone either take them, or can I take some of them?
    Mark walked through twilight town, intresting little place, this is, he thought, as he looked around, always twilight, that is one thing I consider amazing, he looked around again, spotting a man that didn't seem to fit in with the crowd, does he have... pink hair?

    Roxas looked out the window of his hotel room in twilight town, and saw something that made him shiver, is that... Marluxia?

    Riku woke up in the hotel room, and saw Roxas leaning out the window, "aww... Man, I was trying to sleep in here," he said.

    Roxas turned around, "It-it's Marluxia!" he exclaimed.

    Riku shook some of the sleep out of his eyes, "dude, stop messing around, you are gonna wake up Sora," he said, motioning to a third bed in the hotel room.
    With that, Riku rolled over and tried to sleep again.

    Roxas sighed.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. 9Kairi9hearts
    Nick nodded, and pulled into a dive, comming out of it less than ten feet above the girl, "do your talks, Mya, but if I see any threatening movements from her, Jen will put a bullet in her," he said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. 9Kairi9hearts
    Nick looked down with his hawk-like eyes, "she is human, and appears to be alone, I am certain that Jen can make the shot to silence her from up here, she has high accuracy with her pistol," he said.

    Jenifer pointed it down towards the girl, and aimed, "permission to fire?" she asked.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. 9Kairi9hearts
    Nick gently picked up Mya, and took off into the sky, "I'm going to have to rely on you for shooting, I can't carry you and use my gun at the same time," he said.
    Jenifer let herself be picked up, remain calm, remain calm, remain clam, she was mentaly drilling into her brain, while she drew her gun, and prepared to use it if neccassary.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. 9Kairi9hearts
    Nick grinned, as he placed his AK into the shoulder holster, "ready to fly?" he asked.
    Jenifer nodded, "I won't scream this time, promise," she said, prepared for the flight, "whenever you are ready."
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: sorry about that, I didn't realize that Finalform changed his post
    Furtim jumped forwards at Neco, swingging his blade with ferocity.

    Neco countered, forcing Furtim into a grapple.

    Darkness and light coated their respective blades, the light and darkness canceling eachother out.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. 9Kairi9hearts
    Jenifer grinned wickedly, and loaded her Glock 17, "ready."

    Nick nodded, "I'm ready, let's get down to kicking some human @$$," he said, shouldering his AK-47.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. 9Kairi9hearts
    Xigbar looked after Xemnas, "what do you want me to do about those Military down below, I could kill most of them from up here," he said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: one thing I want to get strait, is Roxas a good guy or a bad guy in this, (I personaly prefer to play him as helping Sora and Company)
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. 9Kairi9hearts
    Nick nodded, "at least I don't have to deal with the screamer," he said.

    Jenifer punched him on the arm, "I do not scream," she said.

    Nick laughed, "yes you do."
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. 9Kairi9hearts
    Kouri jumped away from the lightning and the dragon, "how the hell do we kill this thing?" she yelled up to Starrk, while she made sure to keep far enough away from the thunder so it wouldn't follow her.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: Mya and church are fighting two different people, Furtim and Neco are trying to have a one on one showdown, and Church is getting in the way. :P
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 14, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home