good, how about you?
Name: Genservant Age: physicaly 18 Race: Semi-Nobody, (has some emotion, but not as much as a normal person) Weapon: Trial by fire Keyblade, power over fire, ability to transform flames into extra copies of his keyblade, at the cost of a lot of power when he is done using them. Gender: Male Relationships: shares the same real person as Malum and Kouri Side/Occupation: Light Appearance: Bio: As hopefuly some one has already guessed, he was one of the color forms that split off of Eventus in Rewind and press play, was formed out of Eventus' personality with few alterations, though he only has broken memories as his time as a normal human, only recently reformed into a person. Theme: Music Name: Malum Age: Physicaly 19 Race: Semi-nobody Weapon: Trial of shadows Keyblade, (looks like a purpule and black version of Trial by fire) Darkness element, can form extra copies of his keyblade out of darkness, uses up much power after they disapear though. Gender: Male Relationships: Shares the same real person with Genservant and Kouri Side/Occupation: Darkness Appearance: Bio: He was the purple color form that split off of Eventus in rewind and press play, was formed out of Eventus' darkside only recently formed into a person, has only broken memories of his time as a human. Theme: Music Name: Kouri Age: Physicaly 17 Race: Semi-nobody Weapon: Chalenged by Ice (a blue-white version of Trial by Fire) Control over the element Ice, can make extra copies of her keyblade out of ice, but uses up large abouts of power when they vanish. Gender: Female Relationships: Came from the same person as Genservant and Malum Side/Occupation: neutral-Light Appearance: Bio: She was the blue color that Split off from Eventus in Rewind and press play, she formed as a phiscal, and in some points mental, opposite of Eventus, has only broken memories from her time as a human, recently formed as a person Theme: Music
OOC: just wanted to point out that I edited my post, because you finished yours before I finished editing, can you just say that Kyteis didn't realize he was gone yet?
OOC: okay, thanks, I just wanted to make sure cause sometimes people just decide to not post for a certain character in some posts. BIC: Eventus watched as Kyteis' keyblades flew from his hand, Eventus deftly caught the silver one, and sed it aflame, so if Kyteis wanted to use it again, he'd have to put out the fire first. Eventus then raised Trial by Fire, pointing it at Kyteis, "Firgun gather!" he said, casting a spell, a tiny spark shot from the tip of Trial by Fire, and landed on Kyteis' chest, the flames from the flaming wall, the flaming keyblades, and the intense org of fire began to swirl towards the tiny spark, streaming flames into it, not making it grow at all, just making it hotter, and hotter and hotter, untill all the flames in the area had been sucked into that tiny spot, and it exploded with extreme force. Eventus screamed in pain, he had unleashed far too much of his power, his form began to flicker, Trial by Fire fell to the ground, also flickering. Eventus seemed to be developing two hazy forms taking up the same place as him, a blue one, and a black one. Eventus' own form was getting hazy though, and it began to turn a shade of red. Similar symptoms were present in trial by fire. Suddenly, the three forms shot off into the sky, each going a diferent direction, Eventus was gone, the only sign of him remaining was the blackened area from the fire.
This is really good, and as Night said, you went from begginer one post, to awsome the next, the way you made this one rhyme reminds me of how I sometimes do my poems, just keep putting out what your heart says for you to write, it will always be better than constantly preening over things, trying to make it complex and perfect, a short freestyle poem can be just as moving as an epic, if you do it right. (sorry about the heart reference, I'm kinda really into kingom hearts)
The chant of maddness They call us to the feild, They say we need great valor, To fight these wretched creatures, That origanate in the darkness of night. So we come with Valor, So we come with Might, So we bear our arms, And chant our chant of madness, But it amounts to nothing notheless. They call us to the feild, They say we need to be mighty, To fight these wretched creatures, That origanate in the darkness of night. So we come with Valor, So we come with Might, So we bear our arms, And chant our chant of madness, But it amounts to nothing notheless. They call us to the feild, They say we need our weapons, To fight these wretched creatures, That origanate in the darkness of night. So we come with Valor, So we come with Might, So we bear our arms, And chant our chant of madness, But it amounts to nothing notheless. They call us to the feild, They say we must be mad, To fight these wretched creatures, That origanate in the darkness of night. So we come with Valor, So we come with Might, So we bear our arms, And chant our chant of madness, But it amounts to nothing notheless.
OOC: since Kyteis didn't block my disarming attack, does that mean it succeeded, or are you going to post the defense later?
Eventus kept charging, slashing at Kyteis' weapons, attempting to make them fly out of his hands, "then I hope the blast kills you all," he said, "the upper portion of the light army is corrupt, and needs to be destroyed, even if there will always be war, must there always be war amongst ourselves?"
Mark watched from a distance, as the two evil ones were conversing, I knew something was off about her, he thought. Roxas and Riku peered out from the shaddows, watching both Mark, and Snider and Xiomara.
Mark and Jenifer flew around like crazy, avoiding shots from the other helicopters, as well as tree branches that stuck up higher than the rest of the forest canopy. The helicopter that they had bombed spun out of control, it's cockpit was enflamed.
Eventus formed an orb of intense fire, the heat from it made all the ice in a ten foot circle around him melt. The orb floated above him, keeping any more ice from forming around him, and melting the ice that was in his path, as he ran towards Kyteis, Trial by Fire in his hands.
OOC: yes, you were, I didn't remember the name of your character, so I couldn't ask if I could kill him, so you are lucky if you still want in. BIC: Furtim and Neco jumped back, each shooting a blast of their own power, which was canceled out, "you need to focus if you want to win, but you can't, can you? You are blinded with Rage about your freind's death, so you shall die as well," Neco said, his sword channling the power of darkness, as it made a portal around Furtim. Furtim blasted the portal with light before it could suck him in, and shot waves of all forms of light at Neco. All the colors of the visble light spectrum were flashing around like crazy, as well as radio and micro waves, the infra-red spectrum was off the charts, Ultravilote had such a presence as to give any normal human skin cancer instantly. If you could see the X-rays, then Neco would be nothing but a skeleton, so much of that form of light was traveling through his skin, and There were enough gamma rays to rival the power of a minature black hole. All of this was blocked by Neco though, he simply formed a wall of darkness, the absence of light, which completly canceled out both energies.
Nick dived down low, "get one of the stickies out, pull the pin and throw it when I say now," he said. Jen just nodded, as Nick skimmed over the trees, pulling up right in front of one helicopter, "NOW!" Jen pulled the pin, and threw the sticky grenade, which flew through the air, adhering to the front window of the helicopter, right in front of the pilot. Nick tucked his wings in, and they fell towards the forest below, pulling up right before hitting the trees, as the explosion boomed above.
Eventus looked at Kyteis, glaring with hatred, "you think it's funny, don't you? The suffering of others?" he asked in rage, as a blazing hot wall of fire divided the arena in half, separating Eventus and Kyteis from Rako.
Xigbar drew his arrow guns, and combined them into a sniper rifle, "I'll snipe from up here, and send my sniper minions through portals around the canyon, so that they won't know where I realy am, if they do find me, I can always Escape through a portal," he said, as a portal appeared, "this one leads to the bottom of the canyon, anyone who is participating should go through now."
OOC: wow, gone for a few hours, and you guys do three pages? The helicopters are still there, right? BIC: As Nick and Jenifer flew awway, Nick carring Jen, Nick looked down, "Jen, what have we got as for supplies?" he asked. Jen pulled out her own, and his combat bags, they were large enough to carry some ammo, and maybe a few explosives, but not overly large, as to impare Nick's flying, "we have two sticky grenades, and one remote detonation C-4 package, along with a few ammo clips for each of our guns," she said. Nick looked around, "that's it? Huh, wait, are those helicopters?" he said, seeing the heilcopters that were looking for Mya and Company.
Eventus turnned to look at the brightly glowing cave, through the transparent force-feild keeping him, Rako, and Kyteis in their little battleground. "Phisoxa is in there?!" he asked, "what's going on up there?"
OOC: wow, so, are there any battles still going on? I can't tell, there are way too many things happening way too fast. BIC: Roxas and Riku looked at Xiomera, "she knows we are looking at her," Roxas said. Riku looked down at her, "should we do something?" he asked. Mark just looked after Xiomera, something is up about her, he thought.
Nick finished with his building, and swooped in low, only a blur of red-brown wings showed where he was, as he snatched Jenifer off of her building, and flew out over the forest, using complex tricks to avoid fire from the military.
Nick dove in for the kill, he had been silently flying to get behind the soldiers and snipers on the building, and now he flew behind them, shooting at them from behind with his AK-47. Jenifer jumped up onto another building, and began to shoot at soldiers with her Glock-17.