Larxene walked over to Namine, and picked her up by the back of her white dress. Namine kicked her arms and legs, but it was no use, as Larxene marched her out of the room, and pulled a box out of the closet. Larxene zapped Namine lightly, temporarily paralyzing her, and opened the box, which was carboard, with a little bit of bubble wrap inside, it used to have some parts for one of Vexen's machines in it. She shoved Namine inside, and closed the box, putting duct tape on enough of the lid to keep Namine from getting out.
That. Was. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. So, it is the best Organization christmas fan fic I've ever read, no, scrap that, it is the best KH christmas fan fic I've ever read, wait, scrap that too, it is the best christmas fan fic I've ever read! (I've never read one before :P) I like the way you did it sort of like a journal entry, it isn't always my perfered type of storywriting, but you do a really good job with it.
OOC: Is it okay if I use the nobody type I created for Larxene in my Organization afterlife RP? (that way she doesn't have to borrow other member's type of lesser nobody?) BIC: Larxene looked around the room, Namine was coloring on the wall, there was fire dancing around the room, "Lexaeus, why don't we just put them in boxes? Seal the boxes with duct tape, and throw them into the hole below our castle?" she asked. Namine heard this, "youwre a bullie!" she said, in distorted child speak, due to the fact that she was only five. Namine started drawing on the wall again, it was a picture of the cute boy who had a big key, she giggled while she was drawing, she drew him holding her hand.
"Shut it," Roxas said, "or we will have to find out just how much Sasquatches like meat." Axel roared with laughter, the dragon part of him was telling him that a Bigfoot couldn't ever eat meat, which seemed funny to Axel's inner Dragon.
OOC: recap please? This RP moves too fast, and always at times when I'm not on!
Kouri watched Xigbar's bullets, they were traveling through warped space, so if she attacked Xigbar directly, there was a huge chance that the attack would miss due to the warped space, but if she could follow one of the paths set by Xigbar's bullets... Now she just needed him to fire his guns one more time.
Mark nodded, "yeah, but I think that John and Chi should at least know about it, in case they want to see it too," he said. Hwaje stood up.
OOC: really sorry to bug you, but something occured to me, does the child org members remember being "grown up"?
Mark grinned happily, as he followed Mya, man, am I lucky? he thought to himself, as he followed her, no one could be more perfect than Mya was, not one, single person.
good, how about you?
OOC: I've decide what age to make Namine, can she please be Age five?
Jenifer walked over to a medic, "I could use a bandage on this bullet wound," she said. Nick walked over to another Medic, "you don't happen to have any painkillers, do you?" he asked.
OOC: yes, I would like that, but I have one question, a toddler is usaly seen as about two years old, so then why would everyone but Roxas have to be older than five? Or was that just a mistake in your post?
Nick and Jenifer landed near the others, they were both exhausted, covered with stratches and scrapes from flying right over the trees, and Jenifer had a small bullet wound to the arm.
OOC: Damn, I always miss the big fights in this RP! Okay, so this is what Jen and Nick were doing while you guys were running for your lives. BIC: Nick pulled out of his dive, his wings were beating furiously to keep him moving at the same speed, a giant wave of water had just crushed a helicopter. Jen pulled the pin out with her teeth, the sticky grenade flew through the air, landing on top of the cockpit, right next to the rotating blades. The explosion ripped the blades to shreds, and the helicopter plummeted to the forest. Nick weaved in and out of the line of fire for another helicopter, flying right below it, while Jen leaped with cat-like agility from his arms, and grabbing the landing rail, hanging on for her life. Jen pulled out the remote triggered explosive, and wedged in in between the landing rail and the helicopter itself. Then she let go, plummeting almost to the top of the trees, before Nick caught her at the last second. As they flew awway, skimming the trees again, Jen pushed the trigger, a massive fireball enveloped the helicopter, as shards of metal rained down of the forest, getting stuck in the trees.
OOC: that is from me having a habit of calling my evil charater Malum, from several different RP's, so I keep accidentaly calling Neco Malum, please, correct me if I do it again.
I love both of those series, and I always try to visulize things, it actualy helps me when there are less details, cause it gives my brain more space to work with, some books I have trouble with doing this, others come naturaly, (for instance, when I was reading the warriors books, after reading, I had images of cats doing things form the book stuck in my head for a long time, I still sometimes get flashes of Spoiler Scurge killing Tigerstar )
I have only recently joined this site, and I have heard a lot about how the site used to be so much better then this, and I was wondering if anyone else thinks that the site may be dieing off? (if this is spam, I am sorry, I just wanted this to be posted somewhere that people will stay on topic, if it is spam, then please, by all means, move it, I just wanted an Intelligent discussion about this)
Laughed at your name, in my head, but it made me smile, most things don't so... wow, I'm smiling right now! Are you magic? Cause I never smile, because This is hell I am a nobody. If you need a freind, or someone to help you out with Roleplaying or Poetry writting, you can always Message me. oh, and remember to Read all my stories not listen to the things in strikes, we put them there to bug you! :D
OOC: can I please have Larxene and/or Namine?