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  1. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: first, Lol, second XD

    The machine flashed once, and the door opened, Rita was now wearing baby clothes, as well as the collar. Larxene grinned at little Rita now wearing baby clothes, "I told you if you acted like a baby, that I would treat you like one," she said, picking up Rita, and holding her like a baby.

    Namine looked over at Roxas and Axel, he is soo cute! she thought to herself as she drew, she drew her and Roxas sitting next to eachother while eating the feast.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: okay, heartless angel, I added your character, and yuffie to my first post

    Sora117, all you have to do is read the rules, that will explain everything you have to do.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. 9Kairi9hearts
    Rita's powers didn't work, and the collar tightened painfuly for a few seconds, not enought to kill Rita, just enough to hurt. "Don't say I didn't warn you," Larxene said, as she opened the door on the weird machine in the corner, it was big enough for Lexaeus to stand up in without discomfort, " this machine is what we use to change our clothes, it makes new clothes for us, it would hurt you little head to explain how it works, but it just magicaly changes what clothes we are wearing."

    Larxene typed on the interface a little bit, putting a setting into the machine, before settig Rita down in it, and closing the door.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: guys, relax, he isn't on, okay, I think he runs on a different time scedule then the rest of us, he is on kind of durring the late afternoon-late night mostly for me (any time between those), so he probably won't be on for a few more hours.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. 9Kairi9hearts
    Larxene entered the room, it had a machine in one corner, some cabnites in the other, and a washing machine+dryer, she walked over to the cabinets, and pulled a strange looking collar out of it, and placed it around Rita's neck, it instantly tightened around her neck, so that it fit perfectly. "Now I wouldn't try to use your powers now if I were you," she said, still holding Rita.

    Namine giggled, as she drew the picture, it now had the mean lady in an elf costume, with a bolw of spagetii on her head, the feast was almost done, it had everything a five-year-old could think of to be good to eat, Pizza, Mac n' cheese, Ice-cream, spagetii, corn dogs, and hamburgers, with all of the kids sitting around it, and the mean sandy clause in his santa outfit. Mr. Lex was sitting at the head of the table with his head bowed, like he was saying a blessing for the food. "Look, it's just wike a pewfect chwistmas dinner!" she said exitedly, now that she was almost done.

    Zexion was laughing at the picture so far, "that's a good one, Namine, Christmas in julie!" he said.

    OOC: he pronounced july like the name, Julie
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: okay, so neither of you did the type the words in correctly, but I just edited my first post, to make what you had to do clearer,
    (why don't both of you try reading all of the rules?)
    if you can figure out what I wrote in the rules of the RP, then you are both in.

    (heartless angel, is it okay if Sora117's character is your aprentice?)
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: okay, shadow, your character is basicaly standing at the door of the base, (where everyone is battling in front of) Trent and Drake Wrath are off in the forest doing a one on one battle, two of my characters are fighting in front of the base, also doing a one on one battle, your character has been standing outside of the base for about five hours doing absolutly nothing, while the base was destroyed, rebuilt, and is now under attack again, two of the Re:volt forces have died, (Cat and Seth) both of which were killed recently, (durring this battle) The re:volt has gained two new members since you left, (Mya and Church)
    Everyone else is fighting Greed in front of the base, so that is where you should probably go and help out, (or I am about to bring in my other evil character, so you may fight him instead.

    Furtim jumped away from the orb of darkness that narowly missed him, and leaped upwards at Neco, shooting beams of light to cancel out the orbs of darkness. As Furtim approached Neco, Neco used the powers of darkness to rocket himself towards Furtim, and both their swords clashed, and they were in a mid-air grapple, the powers of both light, and darkness were keeping them in the air, pushing against eachother, defying gravity.

    Joshua walked towards he stealth plane, his powers of shapeshifting had lead to an extreamly fast recovery, and now he was ready to get his revenge on the Re:volt group that had injured him.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: Larxene and Rita are not in the room, Larxene and Rita went through a portal, while Larxene is taking Rita to a 'special room' where she is going to punish her for screaming at her.

    Namine looked up, "who?" she asked, as Axel seemed to be pointing at the door.

    Zexion whispered in her ear, "I think he means the mean elf," he said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. 9Kairi9hearts
    Mark walked over to an old wooden ladder, and climbed up it, to the loft, where he sat on the railing, and watched the floor of the barn.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. 9Kairi9hearts
    Namine smiled, and took out her crayons, and began to draw in her notebook.

    Zexion was looking over her shoulder, "wow, she's really good, she is already halfway done!" he excalimed.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. 9Kairi9hearts
    Larxene looked at Rita with disgust, "if you're gonna act like a baby, then I'm going to treat you like one," she said, walking down the corridor, to a very special room, she began to open the door.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: yes, it does mean that your character is evil, or at least a darkness extreamist, which, in most cases, is evil.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: is it weird for anyone else that we are introducing child-like org members to eachother?
    Namine smiled, "I have it in my memowies now," she said, "do you want me to draw you a pictuwe?"

    Zexion looked over at Rita, "what's up with her?" he asked.

    Larxene heard Rita pounding on the door, how in Kingdom Hearts can a child her size reach a door that is 3 and a half feet off the celling? Larxene thought, before opening a portal to right behind Rita, which she reached through and grabbed the child, before closing it. Larxene was now holding Rita by the back of her shirt, "now what is this nonsense about food?" she asked.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. 9Kairi9hearts
    Namine stopped drawing, "um... what does memowised mean?" she asked, "I don't know that word."

    Zexion looked at Axel, "I'm Zexion, nice to meet ya'" he said.

    Larxene was getting ticked at the fact of not being able to reach the upside-down door handle, and teleported to the other side, where she realized she was standing on the floor, not the celling, "must only happen in there," she said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. 9Kairi9hearts
    Namine smiled back, as she stopped crying, she wipped away the tears with her dress, "twank you," she said, before starting to draw again, this time on the floor.

    Larxene stood up, and reached for the door handle, which was now hard to read due to the fact that the room had turned upside down.

    Zexion walked over to Namine, "hey, I didn't mean to make you cry, okay?" he said.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. 9Kairi9hearts
    Wow, I didn't really think that KHV was dieing (sorry, I'm never gonna learn how to spell that word) I just wanted to see what other people thought about the idea, as I have heard it several time in the past.

    What was fun about this for me was when I looked through it just now, and realized that some of the pages were almost completly made up of rainbow letters, which shows me that the premiums of old are still lurking around somewhere on this site.

    (is it wrong that I get a strange pleasure out of summoning so many premiums and staff members to my thread? especialy one that I thought would never be all that popular?)
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. 9Kairi9hearts

    It has been nine years since the events of Kingdom Hearts two, Sora and Kairi are now 24 years old, Riku is 25. Sora, Riku, Kairi, and King Mickey have created a facility where expirenced Keybladers teach new Keybearers the art of using keyblades, for physical combat, magic, and other uses. It has been several years since the formation of this 'Keyblade Acadamy', and the ranks of keybladers have grown, now they have nearly 50 keyblade knights, and almost 100 learners. (along with the five masters, Sora, Riku, Kairi, and King Mickey)​

    The Acadamy is on destiny islands, built into the rocky hill/mountain that has the waterfall, and the secret place, as well as a couple buildings on the beach. There the Learners are taught about not only the uses of the keyblade, but the values of a Keyblade knight, Honor, Valor, Integrity, and Peace.​

    A new threat has risen up, a dark figure has been teaching 'easy' keyblading, completely dropping the values of a keyblade knight, and speedily showing people who dedicate themselves to him the basics of keyblading, for a price. His servants must give up their hearts if they wish to learn. This has a hidden purpose behind it, not only does it make them submissve to him, (as he can control heartless) most of them also leave behind keyblading nobodies, most of which go to this dark teacher, due to their memories of him.​

    That practice has allowed the dark master to speed up the production of his forces, he now has an army of dark keybladers, both heartless, and nobodies. The Dark Master's next goal is to destroy the keybladers of light, therefore eliminating all opposition to his powerful army.​

    1. No goddmodding​
    2. No Powerplay​
    3. Max 5 characters (if you ask me I may let you have more)​
    4. Keep romance PG-13 (this does mean no french kissing)​
    5. Read all of the rules​
    6. respect the 20 words per post rule (it can be split between OOC's and BIC's, or just one of them)​
    7. read this whole post​
    8. Play the characters like they really act (talking characters from the list here)​
    9. if you want a character from the list, PM me​
    10. please, try to be literate when you post, I'm not gonna kick you out for a little misspelling or bad grammar, but if you consistently misuse the english language, you are going to be first warned, then kicked.​
    11. No **'s for action​
    12. Use quotes("") when speaking.​
    13. No spamming, don't talk about stuff not related to the RP in this​
    14. If you read all the rules, then type the word key into your first post​
    15. Please, don't copy other people's OC characters (as in slightly changing their history, appearence, or other elements, We don't need every single OC character to be a kind hearted, brave, orphan story)​
    16. please, try not to use the colors grey or white if you are using colors to describe the actions of you characters, it makes it really hard to see for some people.​
    17. try to post at least once a week or three times a week if you have a character from the list (notify me if you can't be on for some reason)​
    18. don't everyone put their OC form in Knights, their needs to be some apprinteces too​
    19. Have fun, and remember to read all of this post​
    Character List

    The characters that are on this list can be played if you PM me. (please note that some characters will probably get far less combat And/or action than others)​

    • Sora
    • Riku​
    • Kairi- Hercules​
    • King Mickey​
    • Donald​
    • Queen Minnie ​
    • type ​
    • blade into ​
    • your ​
    • first post​
    • Goofy​
    • Roxas- Hercules​
    • Namine- ​
    • Leon​
    • Cloud Strife​
    • Yuffie- Heartless Angel​
    • Aerith​
    • Tifa Lockheart ​
    • Sepiroth- American Sepiroth​
    The Keyblade Acadamy:

    Rakings and OC forms for this Group

    The Keyblade acadamy has a distinct rankings system, here are the rankings and their descriptions:​

    (note, you can be a keybearing nobody on the Keyblade Acadamy side, just put in Other that they are, and why they went to the acadamy instead of the dark master, please, only a few people do this, or I will remove it as an option)​

    Keyblade Masters:​

    The top of the list, they have mastered all uses of the keyblade, they can only have one aprintce due to the fact that they have other duties to attend to. (no OC's in this)​

    Keyblade Knights:​

    They are the Keybladers who are no longer apprinteces, their age is usally between 17 and 26, their are four types of keyblade knights,​

    Keyblade Knights: Are generic keybladers, don't specalize in any one area of combat. ​

    Keyblade Guardians: Specialize in the way of physical combat, can weild two keyblades​

    Keyblade Magicians: Specialize in the way of magic​

    Keyblade specialists: Generic knights that master a weapon other than the keyblade​

    Keyblade Knights can have up to three aprentices that they teach the ways of the keyblade to, or they don't need one if they don't want one.​

    Keyblade Aprentices:​

    Are still learning the art of using the keyblade, generaly are between the ages of 13 and 16.​

    Keyblade Aprentices need to have a master, (usally a Keyblade Knight of some kind) (if you want to be an aprentice, you need a master, so specify who you want to be your master, or I will pick for you, (you may not get who you want, so sorry)​

    Keyblade Knight OC form:​


    Name: (first and last please)​

    Age: (17-26)​

    Gender: (male or Female)​

    Default Keyblade(s): (what keyblade you keyblade is if there is no keychain attached, Eg. Sora's kingdom key)​


    Type: (knight, guardian, Magican, or Specialist)​

    Relations: (please don't say you are related to someone else's OC without permission)​

    Spells Known: (all Knights know Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Cure, specify if you know a different one, like Gravity, or a spell element you can make reasonable)​

    Element Mastered: (only one element, this one the character has almost full control of, with no loss of magic, (note that extreme amounts of use will cause your character to be exhausted)​

    Appearance: (picture or very detailed description)​

    Other: (if specialist, state here)​

    Keyblade Aprentice OC Form:​


    Name: (first and last please)​

    Age: (between 13 and 16)​

    Gender: (male or female)​

    Default Keyblade: (what keyblade you keyblade is if there is no keychain attached, Eg. Sora's kingdom key)​


    Master: (the master you would like your aprentice to have, may not get who you want)​

    Relations: (please don't say you are related to someone else's OC without permission)​

    Spells Known: (basic spells only: fire, blizzard, thunder, and Cure,)​

    Appearance: (picture or very detailed description)​


    The Dark Army

    Rankings and OC forms for this group

    Dark master: There is only ever one dark master, the current one has not yet revealed it's identity. (no OC's for this, I am playing him)​

    Generals: There are only two Generals, both of them are neither heartless nor nobody, they were handpicked by the dark master to serve him in commanding his army, (one of them is Sepiroth, the other is an open OC spot)​

    Keybearing Nobodies: These nobodies are much more powerful than other nobodies, as they have the ability to use the keyblade, there are four types of Keybearing Nobodies:​

    Dusk Key: the standard Keybearing nobody, they are jacks of all trades, they wear a dusk jumpsuit, but without the hood.​

    Berserker Key: Nobodies that exel in combat, they wear a suit that appears similar to a brawler, but has it's head replaced with their head, can use two keyblades.​

    Sorcerer Key: they exel in magic, they normaly wear the robes of a sorcerer nobody.​

    Specialist Key: they have mastered the use of a weapon besides their keyblade.​

    Keybearing Nobodies each have two Keybearing heartless under their command.​

    (if you have read this far, PM me the words you need to type into your first post)​

    Keybearing Heartless:​

    Keybearing heartless are heartless that can use the keyblade, they have no human form, and instead are humaniod versions of any type of heartless imagineable.​

    General OC form:​


    Name: (last only)​

    Gender: (may leave blank if the general has a hidden identiy)​

    Weapon: (can be a keyblade, doesn't have to be though)​



    Appearance: (picture or Detailed description)​


    Keybearing Nobody OC form:​


    Name: (first only)​

    Gender: (male or female)​

    Default Keyblade(s): (what keyblade you keyblade is if there is no keychain attached, Eg. Xion's kingdom key)​


    Type: (dusk, Berserker, Sorcerer, or specialist)​

    Spells: (all nobodies know fire, thunder, blizzard, and cure, other spells like gravity must be listed here)​

    Element: (an element that they control completly, note that extream uses of it will cause them to be exhausted, or even fade away)​

    Appearence: (picture or detailed description)​

    Other: (if specialist, state weapon here)​

    Keybearing heartless OC form:​


    Name: (one word, something simple, like Rock, or Star)​

    Default Keyblade: (I think you get the idea by now)​

    Heartless type: (the type of heartless that they are a humaniod of, the powers of that heartless are present in the character, note that giant heartless will be brought down to size)​

    Personality: ​

    Nobody: (the heartless's nobody it is assigned to serve, you can request a certain one, but you might not always get it)​

    Accepted OC forms

    The name says it all.​


    Username: 9kairi9hearts​
    Name: Eventus Servant
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Default Keyblade(s): Trial by Fire
    Personality: He is a stoic person, and tends to stay away from people, though he is actualy a good natured person
    Type: Knight
    Relations: ???
    Spells Known: only basic
    Element Mastered: fire

    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Other: he has a shadowed past, he declines to state much about it, though he has confided in master Riku

    Username: Heartless_angel
    Name: (first and last please) Mya Strown
    Age: (17-26) 19
    Gender: (male or Female) Female
    Default Keyblade(s): (what keyblade you keyblade is if there is no keychain attached, Eg. Sora's kingdom key) Oathkeeper and Lionheart
    Personality: Very cheerful and spirited. Loves to help people out and teach.
    Type: (knight, guardian, Magican, or Specialist) Guardian
    Relations: (please don't say you are related to someone else's OC without permission) Unknown
    Spells Known: (all Knights know Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Cure, specify if you know a different one, like Gravity, or a spell element you can make reasonable) Curaga and reflectaga
    Element Mastered: (only one element, this one the character has almost full control of, with no loss of magic, (note that extreme amounts of use will cause your character to be exhausted) Light
    Appearance: (picture or very detailed description)

    Username: Coyote Starrk
    Name: Grey Haze
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Default Keyblade: Earth Shaker(Terra's default)
    Personality: Quiet and calm. He's rather light-hearted and rarely changes his mood, even in heated combat. Like many other keybladers, he puts others before himself.
    Type: Guardian
    Relations: Distantly related to the keyblade master known as "Terra" but the two barely knew of each other.
    Spells Known: Aeroga and Quake
    Element Mastered: Earth
    Appearance: (The picture is rather small)
    Other: N/A


    Username: Aura
    Name: Nalani Bennett
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Default Keyblade: Follow the Wind
    Personality: Can sometimes be a bit pushy, impatient, and slightly stubborn, but is normally relaxed. She can come off as a bit shy at first, but opens up fairly quickly. She's always working as hard as she can to master her abilities.
    Master: Grey Haze
    Relations: None.
    Spells Known: Fire and Cure.
    Other: N/A​

    Username: 9Kairi9hearts
    Name: Pondera
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Default Keyblade: Yin Yang
    Personality: A girl with a personality disorder, she has MPD (multiple personality disorder) her normal personality is that of a happy, shy girl, who respects her morals, and will do anything to help her freinds. But her other personality, is that of an evil, sadistic, tratiorus person, who has no respect for honor, or the other values of a keyblade knight.
    Master: Kairi
    Relations: none
    Spells Known: blizzard and fire
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Other: She was aprenticed to Kairi because she wanted to learn how to use the keyblade, but needed someone up high to watch over her, in case her other personality comes out.

    Username: Protecter212
    Name: Michiru Higarashi
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Default Keyblade: Guiding Light
    Personality: Understanding, stubborn and confident
    Master: Eventus Servant
    Relations: Mother
    Spells Known: Fire and Cure
    Other: N/A

    The Dark Master:

    username: 9Kairi9hearts
    Abilities: Completley controls darkness, he can summon up to four keyblades at once
    other: not much is known about the dark master, he is always wearing an organization coat when he appears, even to his own army, when he appears outside of the dark realm, it seems like space itself is bending around him, he has many unknown abilites and powers.


    username: Coyote Starrk
    Name: Serin
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Wields a blade that can be infused with the powers of several elements.
    Powers: Teleportation, inhuman physical strength and speed, can draw in elemental attacks(fire, lightning, ice, air, and light) for use to enhance his sword.
    Personality: Vicious and ill-tempered. Serin may seem like a maniac desperate to rush into a fight headfirst but behind his attitude, he is cautious and calculating.
    Other: None.


    Username: 9Kairi9hearts
    Name: Malum​
    Gender: Male
    Default Keyblade(s): Kingdom Key D (riku/ansem's keyblade made from the hearts of the princesses)
    Personality: evil, maliceful,
    Type: Dusk
    Spells: Dark fire, basic spells

    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Other: declines to state his past, he will do anything to kill as many keybearers of the light as possible, is highly trusted by the dark master.


    Username: Coyote Starrk
    Name: Fade
    Default Keyblade: Guardian Soul
    Heartless type: Neoshadow
    Personality: Silent, unhesitant, merciless, and focused. Fade rarely speaks and lets actions make up for Fade’s lack of words.
    Nobody: Malum​

    Username: 9Kairi9hearts
    Name: Black
    Default Keyblade: Oblivion
    Heartless type: Invisible​
    Personality: simple minded when it comes to thinking, but one of the most skilled keyblading heartless, it understands strategy fairly well, though never ask Black to count anything, it will take an extreamly long time for Black to figure out that one is at the begining.
    Nobody: Malum
    Thread by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010, 398 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. 9Kairi9hearts
    Team Roxas (A):
    Roxas (in portal)
    Namine (in portal)
    Lexaeus (in portal)
    Zexion (in portal)
    Luxord (marluxia's garden)
    Deymx (in portal)
    Xigbar (in portal)

    Team Axel (B):
    Axel (in portal)
    Larxene (in portal)
    Saiix (in portal)
    Marluxia (marluxia's garden)
    Xemnas (in portal)
    Xaldin (in lobby)
    Vexen (in portal)

    So we are just waiting for Kh2man to send Xaldin into the portal, then we can start, (if Luxord manages to convince Marluxia to join the game, then they will both start the game later, (whenever they can both enter the portal))
    Larxene sighed, Marluxia wouldn't come back before the game started, so she walked into the portal, comming out next to Axel, he knows Roxas and Namine pretty well, I wonder if he could tell me more about this 'love' buissness, she thought, but decided to save it until after the game was over.

    Vexen looked at Xaldin, and made his usual creepy laugh, "you ready to help me with a new idea durring the game?" he asked, before walking into the portal.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. 9Kairi9hearts
    Zexion landed on top of Larxene, who threw him to the floor, "rotten kids," she muttered.

    Zexion looked at Namine, "what'ya do that for?" he asked the younger girl.

    Namine began to cry, "I-I di-did-didn't m-ma-mean t-t-to!" she wailed.
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. 9Kairi9hearts
    OOC: Oh, sorry, I usaly skim-read, so I don't look with too much detail into names, (which is why I only recently realized that I had been spelling Larxene as Laxerine, and Lexaeus as Lexanus, along with some other Organization XIII spelling erors)


    Namine finished drawing her picture, which was of the room upside down, so that everyone could be on the celling. The picture flashed, and suddenly, Namine fell down to the celling, which had now become the floor of the room.

    Larxene fell, and landed on a falling Dusk nobody, it had just been floating in the air over her, as she had given it no new directions.

    May I also have a seven year old Zexion?
    Post by: 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home