Larxene looked at Xemnas, "well, if we turn all of them but Roxas to dusks, then Roxas will eventualy grow up, but I'm not sure how seeing all of his freinds reduced in that way will do to him, he isn't a normal nobody you know," she said from behind Xemnas. Namine's face went completly red when Roxas looked at her, she tried to say something to him, but all that came out was a squeak. Zexion was almost finished with his house.
Again, awsomeness, I have absolutly no clue how you came up with this, but it is amazing, I loved the part where axel was thinking please, let me throw a fireball at you, it was hilarious, and the story writting is good enough that I'm not bothered by the fact that we are in the middle of summer.
Namine smiled at Roxas, and blushed "th-thank you," she replied, oh, he's so cute! her mind was raging inside of her little head. Larxene just walked away from the point where Rita had gone, and went to Xemnas to see how he was doing with Vexen's notes.
Roxas was unfazed by either of these attacks, due to the fact that he was in his final limit, and just got up again, and this time launched his attack at Sinder's underside, where everyone knows dragons are at their weakest.
Larxene growled, "the stupid collar doesn't work right, all it does is stop her powers!" she exclaimed, oh well, it will be ver embarrasing for the girl to be seen with a pacifire and babies clothes, if she goes back into the room, she will get teased to death. And everyone knows that a nobody is bonded to whatever clothes they are wearing, it is part of them, only Xemnas' powers, the machine, or some other reality-altering power can change them, so she is even stuck with the pacifire!
As the Darkness around Roxas dealt him damage, he began to glow with light, and he broke free from the darkness, as he unleashed his final limit on Sinder's head, aiming for the eyes. Riku used his powers of twilight, (darkness and light) to relive the stress on himself, so that it didn't hurt him as much. Mark couldn't move a mucsle.
Larxene sighed, and leaned closer, "don't do anything stupid," she said, an electical charge in her hand. Zexion smiled, "sure," he said, before getting to work with the blocks, it didn't occur to him that they didn't have enough blocks to build a city. Namine finaly remembered how to draw Rita, and began to draw her at the table too.
"Charge!" Riku shouted, trying to run at the dragon, but realizing that his feet were stuck, "what the Kingdom hears?!" Mark ignored the fact that his feet couldn't move, and brought his keyblades up, shooting a firega blast from each of them, "we still have ranged attacks!" he yelled. Roxas threw oathkeeper in a strike raid attack.
Nick and Jen came in, "we need to stop the humans before there are too many more casulties," Nick said. Jen nodded, "and I have a plan that will cripple the human's military machine," she said.
Larxene turned around with disgust, "what do you want, I thought I told you to be a good baby?" she said. Zexion smiled, "sure, what do you guys want me to do?" he asked, sitting down next to them.
Riku shouted to the others, "I hope you're ready for this!" he yelled over the shaking ground and roaring dragon. Roxas's Oathkeeper and oblivion came up, into a stance so he was ready to attack the dragon. Mark's keyblades both had fire lancing up and down their lengths.
OOC: I wasn't laughing about it, I was just stating that I hadn't noticed you being on at that time of day, so they would probably have to wait a couple hours, which they did. BIC: Joshua climbed into his stealth jet, and took off, he would be at the re:volt base in a matter of minutes.
Roxas and Riku kept their focus on Sinder, but Mark turned to Rita, "what do you think will happen if we can't get her to calm down? She has already killed some people from her rampage, and she can't feel remorse for her actions, once an infected gets this bad, then there is no turning back, the feelings of anger and hate just grow and grow, untill all that is left is a killing machine," he said, turning back to Sinder.
OOC: you didn't say that you did that though. BIC: Larxene looked at Rita, "you're being a bad baby, now, if you do anything that a good baby wouldn't do, then your collar is going to hurt really bad," she said in a mock-sweet tone, "so just sit there, and suck on your pacifire like the baby you are." Namine drew more, now it had Zexion sitting at the table, along with most of the other kids, she was still trying to remember what Rita looked like, so that she could draw her. Zexion walked over to Lee and Toki, "hi guys, what are ya' doing?" he asked.
OOC: thanks, I only wish that I was the one who drew it, I only found it on google search :) BIC: Roxas made a dark portal, which he, Mark, and Riku used, it came out right in front of Sinder. Roxas closed the portal, and got ready for a fight, Oathkeeper and Oblivion drawn, Mark too was in a battle stance, his Brisinger and Trial by Fire ready for combat. Riku created a dark sheild, to protect from Sinder's fire, and venom.
Riku, Roxas and Mark jumped into action, Roxas ran up the outside wall of the town, Riku and Mark ran through the hole in the wall, Riku then jumped on top of the tram ciciling the area, jumping off onto the top of a building. Mark summoned his other keyblade, Brisinger, and used it and Trial by Fire to scale the wall, standing on top of it next to Roxas, while Riku jumped up from the top of a lower building. OOC: Mark's other keyblade, Brisinger:
OOC: you overlooked the door is locked, and hercules, you missed the fact that there is a pacifire stuck in Rita's mouth, she can't talk unless she takes it out, but then she gets hurt by the collar, Larxene is an evil genius! BIC: Larxene bent down, and put her hand to her ear, as if trying to hear something, "what, did the little baby try to talk, aw how cute," she said in a mocking tone.
"No," she said, and put Rita in a wooden box, it was kind-of like a crib, "if you try to get out of that box, or take off any of the baby clothes, or this pacifire, your collar will hurt untill you put the clothes back on, or get back in the box," Larxene said, shoving a pacifire in Rita's mouth. Namine nodded, and added that detail to the picture. OOC: Larxene is in a different room, and the kids can't get out of the room they are in, cause the door is locked, and also most of them can't reach the handle, cause the room is upside down.
OOC: first of all, yes, aprentices can have double keyblades, but you need to get special permision from me, (and have a guardian knight as your master) so if you ask me nicely, you will probably be able to, but thoose are not keyblades, so find something that is actualy a keyblade, okay? (If you look on my profile page, I have an album with keyblades in it, (pictures) so if you need Ideas, you can look at that, I just need to make sure that it is a public file so you can see it.) Second, you need to read the parenthesies, ( )'s, in order to see the last thing you need to do to get in, other than that, you are in.
Mark looked at them from the loft, and jumped down to infront of them, "I'm here, so I see you guys wanted to talk after all," he said.