Me too! x'D Thank GOD, I'm not alone with this shame T_____T ...Although.... I...Er.. I kind of... ...I did know I was supposed to use the pot thingy T___T
Axel's death scene was very touching, but I'm gonna go with poor little Dem-Dems T__T He really acted like he had feelings. That gave him personality and my vote^___^ Yay!
Argh! x'D You're right! They sound like exactly the same! x'3 His/her voice is soo creepy O__O I prefer the game in English...And I think the voice casting is pretty good...But The voice of Xehanort (the original Xehanort, that is <_<) is a little...Stiff. But I love Ansem's voice ^___^ Suits his personality very well x'3 And Riku's voice is good : ) The same goes for him. If you compare Riku's, Kairi's and Sora's voices to the KH1 voices... Big difference. They sound so little at KH1 x'D Makes me go "aawwwhhhh..." everytime they say something, now that I play it over again x'3
I've never played COM, so i have to say KH1. It was a pain! T_T shock was so right when he said "you'll never find the green door!"....x'3.
I totally did. I really liked her entire character better in the first one ._. I liked the weird way she giggled x'3 But then she became all "he's far away...but I know we'll see him someday" sounding all...Serious and boring T___T Like a typical Girl-stuck-at-the-safe-place-waiting-for-her-hero-boyfriend girl! >_< Argh!
I just feel sorry for the KH fans that doesn't afford a PSP, if they don't already have one... : o I mean, I have two friends who loves KH as much as I do, and none of them has a PSP ^______________________^ .... "^______________________^"? Meh, I guess I don't really mind : 3 I love gloating x'3
That's not quite right, I think. Naminé made him forget KH1 in COM. But then, while Sora was asleep, she..Uh..Gave him back the memories ^^ But he doesn't remember anything from COM, like having met Naminé. But when he woke up he remembered everything about KH1.
Yeah, me too *_*
Yeah, me too : D That boss was great ^_^
I hardly ever use potions ^^ It's just cure :3 Aw, cure! T_T What would I do without it? I'd have much less money and I would've died lotsa times more x'D ***CURE<3
I loved the ending! ^^ I just wish that you could've seen more of what happens afterwards, on the island...but I'm glad they showed when Sora found the papou fruit that Kairi had drawn in his and Riku's secret place T_T I so cried when I watched that part.... Man, I'm a pushover <__<
Well, just lvl up more, I guess. Watch your opponents movements. : ) And when you come to Yuffie and Leon, take Leon out first!
Storyline T_______T I so cried at the credits when Sora were on their island...And in his and Riku's secret place and he saw the papou fruit that Kairi had drawn...*sniff*... *clears throat* I think the storyline is way better than it was in the first one. Or at least more complicated and interesting : ) <3
Org XIII are nobodies. That makes this question kind of easy. Except the adorable Shadows, there are no heartless that I really...Like. <_< And I'm a Roxas fangirl, soooo..... ...Nobodies! ^____^
The "plain old" shadows are my favorites! : O Adorable!<3 The timeless river cars are my least favorite >_< Argh.
Well, Xion and Roxas can use keyblades because their somebodies are keyblade users. ..Right?
Xemnassssss...! >:3 I loved the cool white enviroment : O And it wasn't too hard or too easy ^^ I really hate it when bosses are so hard that they make you (or, well, me, at the very least) panic or just makes you(me) plain old grumpy T_T It may would've been too easy if it wasn't because of the Riku part. Or well....At least I failed at that part...Cause... Oh, well. I just figured that you guys probably Just ran towards Sora and did the right thing. I, in the other hand, thought I wasn't moving at all, because of the weird enviroment (whom I love *_*) and fought the clone-thingy. I died. (:stupid:) What do you know. It never ceases to amaze me how brainless I am. Xemnas it is, anyways. ^___^'
Second. ^__^ His eyes were creepy in the first one, so I got a kind of bad first impression of Riku O_O I never really liked him. But I learned to like him more in KH2 ^^ His haircut is cooler, his eyes are less freaky and he...weeell, I liked his personality better in the second one ^^ And it was sweet how far he was willing to go to help his best buddy Sora :3 And I kinda liked how he felt a bit sorry for Roxas, for a change, while Ansem called Roxas for "it" <_<* He simply seems nicer in the second one ^^ I like him better that way!
Dodge roll^^ heheh, makes me think of the Chain of Memories manga x'3 When Sora, Donald and Goofy first enters castle Oblivion and this Org XIII guy says that "the very moment you walked in here you forgot every spell and ability you knew", and Sora goes like *GASP* "So you mean that if I try a dodge roll now, it will just be a normal roll?!" heehee ^___^
Well, Roxas had been experiencing weird stuff lately, and Naminé telling him he wasn't supposed to exist... He must've felt pretty down. Can't blame him for seeming more mature next to Sora who is carefree and happy. . . . Skittles. And I bet no one will ever bother to read that. T_T Oh, well. Taste the rainbow.