*gives Firefly151 a looong if-looks-could-kill glare* -_________________-*
*stops chasing Firefly with the burrito and starts braiding Zexy's hair* *_*
I feel awful about it T_____T *__* *chases after Firefly151, armed with a hot burrito*
*GASP* I forgot all about the brownies ;__;
YAY! Cooking! :D I wunna bake cookies :3 Surprise surprise! x'3
Yum. O_O potatoes. BREAKING THE COMBO!
Heya! : D Welcome ^__________^ I'm Dandersnuff, known by my weird fangirl noices! :'3 Enjoy the forums! ^___~
You have a point O____O ...Eerrrr....I would stab the easterbunny in the face for a yummy cookie? x'3 Potato, potatoe! >:'D ..As long as the cookie is yummy : 3 ...(mmm..Double chocolate chip...No, tripple...)
It's 13.00 and I would stab Santa in the face for a yummy cookie *__*
Hiya! ^__^ Welcome to this luvely forum<3 ^___~ I'm Dandersnuff, known by my weird fangirl noices :'3 Hope you'll have fun here! ^_^ See you!<3
Yay, I'm on the list! ^_____________________^ And you have a pretty name, too : 3
Really? : D It's 12.53 here :'D I want cookies T_T
Yay! I WUNNA BE COOL TOO! : D YAY! ^_____________________________^ I feel cooler already : 3
I never used either of them. Not even once in the entire game O___O
Meeh, I haven't really thought about it <_____< Why bother to worry about it now, anyways? : D We'll have BBS to keep ourselves entertained with pretty soon, I hope^^ (even though I know it'll take a while...T____T) But there almost has to be a KH3, if you look at the KH2 secret ending ;3 I mean, they can't just end it there... ..can they?
refuses to eat anything but cheetos and/or small sausages cut in the shape of microwaved burritos. That is true, though.
Vexen's laugh makes me shiver O____O He sound bleh-ish x'3
Oooh, tough one! : O I loved the little Sora 'cause he was so cuute! x'3 He really sounded little! :3 And I loved the older one 'cause I'm a fangirl! : D *creepy fangirl giggle* And I liked his outfit soo much more than the younger one's. And I prefered his hair, too. Still, can't decide T_____T argh.
Well, that's kind of the same thing that happend to me x'3 Except that when I finally managed to empty my mana bars at that mean pot and Ursula went X__X I couldn't find her! Argh! Peers around in panic...Argh! She's above! Swims toward Ursula...Ursula:"Gaahahahaahaa!"*slaps me to death* ...Gotta love this game...<3
Well, it would've been a heck of a boring game if Kairi hadn't shown up, now wouldn't it? O_<