: o uh-huh. I luv the forum and I come online as often as I can, but school is keeping me busy <______<* Argh.
...But it looks scary T_T....
Hi! ^^ Thanks for the welcome :D Yeah, I feel pretty noobish right now x'3 see, I don't know if I'm even posting this right ;'P Hope you get it...
Merill is cute too! : O But I luv Pica's weird noices!<3 *_*
Now, that's exactly what I'm talking about T___T ..You're making the jigglypuffs cry..!
"ARGH! ORANGE!" *runs around in confused circles of panic* nah, really. He was just soo orange o_o
It's 18:33 And this Thread has lost its touch T___T *mourns the once beautiful thread*
You just proved that you're not normal. You're weird. ^_____________^ ...And you proved it by posting in the spamzone.
That's freaky O_O I fall asleep all the time T____T I feel asleep atleast trice today...<_<'
*Gasp* I forgot all about the hotness! : O 22? T_T
Hello ^_^ ...A what...? x'D
Nope! (though, I don't think anyone could really manage to guess my weird name <_<) ([EDIT:] O_O Guess I was too slow typing. I'm amazed *_* Bravo, Harkwind!) I saay... Maybe that T A F F Y : ) girl? O_<
Heya! : D It was...Hmm...Maybe a week since I first found this place! But I totally forgot to introduce myself! : O so, here it comes ^^ hello there! : D I'm Dandersnuff, the weird fangirl. *waves*
Hiya! ^__^ Welcooome to kh-vids! : D (Ta-DAH!) Make yourself at home ^___^ I am Dandersnuff, the weird fangirl!<3 Looking forward to get to know you! :D My account is about a week old, so I'm pretty new here too : 3 Have fun! ^__^
*captures with Pokéball* Buahahah! >: D
20! :'D Do the burrito dance! : D
Ow! Ow! Ow! ;'O ...And I wouldn't touch that burrito, if I were you. o_o hot. ... RARRRGGGHHH! *Jumps at Taffy and starts biting her in the face*
It's all just a big misunderstanding! : O ...And please, do try to keep your voices down, you're making the moogle cry T_T...
*chases you around with a very microwaved and smoking hot burrito* I wunna hit, too! T___T *Tries to slap you with burrito* rarrgh!
Heehee. Xehanort's apprentice reminds me of spiderman and Ronald McDonald : 3 ... Don't ask me why ._.