I'm going offline :3 My big sis wants advice about tomorrow's concerts outfit x'3 See you ^_____^
x) Well, that's one of many many weird possibilities.
Hey! : D Finally! ^___________^
Really creepy ;_;
Awh ;0 Doesn't sound very fun :o To me, it was more like the ice was a big magnet. T_T I fell constantly and couldn't get up.
Same goes for me T___T Argh.
a rock > me on skates I really can't skate T_______T I can imagine it would be pretty amusing to watch me try, though.
^^ I guess that's a good thing. There's only snow here winter time, too, but it's not much, and it doesn't last long.. : o ...And it leaves...
wow! : O Is there always snow over there? : D
Awh : o Right now It's pretty cold here, too...Snow T___T Can't wait 'til summer!<3 I don't know much about Canada : O Is there snow there?...
Heh^^ thanks for the welcome! <3 And, yeah, I just noticed that I kind of belong with the spamzone weirdos x'3 What do you know. ^_~ I suppose I could be more surprised ._. My brainlessness never ceases to amaze me x'3 (No offense, spamzone people! x'D )
I live in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden ^^' :'3 Don't really know why it's like that, though. And we have Spanish two times a week T_T (Argh!...
Right. ^_^' I'll just take that as a compliment. :'3 ... *googles Bandersnatch* ... T___________________________________T Righty.
You're welcome x'3 I just recalled that someone (hmm...Was it the singer from In Flames or from Killswich Engage..?) lost their voice, cause he...
I <3 piano! ^_^ sounds really beautiful : ) I've always wanted to learn to play the piano, but I guess I never really got the chance. (and I...
Well, I love to sing ^__^ I can't play any kind of instrument, though x') I just get lost trying ;P I guess it's not really my thing... x)
:) m, well, I wish you luck with the music : 3 I think I'll go to a college of music and arts x3 I love both ^_^ But in the future, if everything...
It took me forever to read that O_O And if I actually got it right...yes. <_<
;P I'll probably collapse during College x'3 It's great to know that you have so many things in life to look forward to. T___T But I still hardly...
You know, you've kinda got a point <______<'