Meh x'D You took the words out of my mouth, cuddly : 3 was too slow typing! : D GRANTEED! : D You're a girl! :' D but you drown in your own menstruation O_O bleeh. I wish for you to surrender all your chips to mee! >: D
YAY! Welcooome to KHV, Cuddly!^^ Enjoy the luvely forums and weird company! : D See you around! ^^
D'oh >_< forgot to wish! *facepalm* Oh, well! : D GRANTED ^^ But you burst O_O bleh. I wish for pineapples to be red! : D
GRANTED : D But they all have rabies ._. run.
8! shalalallalalalalala!
Granted. But it melts! :'( (and you drop it on your fancy shoes) I wish... ...Every day could be like christ-maaas! : D
Hey, you can't put a noob-free thread in the spamzone o_o doesn't make any sense.
how pretty. Now dance the caramelldansen dance. It's for science :3
Granted! : D Hurray!<3 Naruto finally battles you to the death and becomes teh hokage ;_; Tough luck : 3 I wish for... ... Zeonark not to steal my chips T___T
ARGH! totally forgot about your "run around" abililty T_T ZEXY, come on OUT! *summons Zexion from a Pokéball* >: D buahaha!
moo ._. am I doing it right? ;_;
Hey, cuddly! x'D Good to see you too ^^' Thanks for teh welcome : 3 And, yeah, you should probably introduce yourself, too : P Thanks for the welcome! ^______^ And thanks for the username compliment ;P The best way to make people remember your username... ...Is to have a really weird one ._. See you around! ^^
YES! T_T When I was little x'D I went to the one in France : 3 The most wonderful place on earth....T_T
Nah, look at Axel's name. His somebody is like "Ale" or something : 3 But, yeah, they are pretty simular ^^
Isn't it? : D luv cuddly shadows<3 ^______^ Thanks for the welcome!<3 Thanks for the welcome! : D I'm weird too, so that's just good : 3 You can apperently tell by looking at my name x'3 I was like "hhmmm...Something no one else has...Aha!" :shocked: T_T
0_0 ... ARGH! *takes the yummy chips and runs for it* he Can smell fear! *sets trap! Red-hot microwaved burritos in a big hole* if this doesn't work, nothing will! x'0
God has helped me so many times :o 'Course I want him to be there ^^
eh?! *quickly hides the bag of Chips behind my back* chips? What chips?*_* *whistles innocently*
*dances randomly* Awh :0 I don't feel very good today, either, Breeze : I *eats some random chips* Yum.