18...That's what they say...T_T
15, cause I believe you meant 14? O_O *cough cough wink wink hint hint*
That's the spirit! : D 13! ; P
6! : o From what angle does a hot burrito look the hottest? ;_;
Welcome! : D I'm Dandersnuff, the weird fangirl : 3 Enjoy the forum and the spamzone weirdos! ^_~ see you around! ^____^
Wow! :D Love both your Siggy and Avatar! ^^ Beautifully edited : D 9/10 on both^^
View attachment 2212 Gotta luv L ;_; My absolute favorite!<3 View attachment 2213 She's just like me...x'3 View attachment 2214 Who doesn't love James? x'D There's lots and lots more, but meh. Too lazy -^.^-
You saved that girl from a horrible experience ^_^ I'm really glad you did what you did, so, yeah, I have to say you totally did the right thing : )
whaa! ^^ That's adorable! : D Really nice work ^_^ <3
Wow! : D I really liked the hero one : 3
It's quite catchy... ... Snuff. Snuff. Dander-Snuff. Snuff. Snuff. Dander-snuff! ( and so on ;_; )
Well, you're right at one point^^ Xaldin killed me about 6 times ;_; Dem-Dems wasn't actually that easy, either. My lvl was a little too low for that episode, and it hurt to hurt poor little Dem-dems T_____T
Buahaha! >x'D Luv scrubs!<3 ^___^ so random!<3
That's amazing! ^_^ It really looks like a gorgeous tattoo : D
O_O* (congratz! :D You got the vein in the forehead!)
*_* I'm amazed
Heya! : D Welcooome to the forums ^^ I am Dandersnuff, the weird fangirl. Myth it is! : D Enjoy the forums! ^_______^ See you around!<3
Avi = 7/10, I luv Aerith! ^^ <3 Siggy = 7/10! Very pretty! : 3
Many Shades Of Black! <3
Granted! : D But suddently, people starts finding gold everywhere! : O Gold is now so common that it's worth less than rocks! : D yay! I wish for... ...Your freedom, Genie! >:D