Your camera can go choke on a million dicks.
Pics or it didn't happen. Also thread #99999
a aaa aaaaaaa aa
Why would you bump this
I don't understand You can't add a variable to an inequality and come out with another variable
Reading this thread gave me the sniffles.
Really, this. I mean, the whole combat drawing thing required too precise a hand, and at other times I could scribble randomly and get what I wanted to happen.
You ever heard of the Red Scare?
I understand that it's been around for a long time. I ask why the internet has such a sudden interest in it.
What is it with Illuminati and the Freemasons lately?
Never played it; didn't find it worth my time.
He thinks, therefore, you are wrong.
I'm trying, but not doing too well. xD
Meeting you would be nice; although it's no big thing if we don't. You know what I'm trying to say here, right? xD
Indeed it does. Although less awkward from what would have happened before isn't really saying much. xD Nice to meet you as well.
Whapish .