You mean
At no point did we ask. khv tried to take this process over on their own.
I'd just like to tell everyone here that the names most of khv were going to choose among were much worse than Richard.
Yeah yeah let's get all this out of the way so we don't have to deal with it later.
Yeah well **** you guys. We've been over this.
Twilight .
Kay and I have decided that we are naming our son Richard. There will be no poll; we are not naming him Taco. Thank you and have a nice day.
Here you are, supporting my original point.
This is because EVERYTHING is usually more popular with people who participate and understand the thing in question.
You are under the impression that KH2 is much more popular than it is. Possibly because you hang out on a kh fan forum.
**** your pollution I have a gun
When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be the strongest. AND I DID. SO GO GET THAT GODDAMN MOTORCYCLE.
No, silly, the CEO of the Spamzone.
Dude I can just walk into stores and buy **** that I'm not old enough for. It's amazing.
There were some other things but I forgot them. I will remember what they were in time.
Guards to 3/5 of the buildings in the battle arena say that they are guarding the Sci fi section in the khv rpg.
And yes, you redundant morons, it is WELL over 9000.