Excuse me, but I was under the impression that talking about pirating methods was against the rules.
I will be doing that.
Dude, I know you've never seen me before, but I care about you and your situation and do not want to see you do this. Trust me, I've been where you are before and you can get through this. It may be hard at times, but it's possible. Just don't do this. It's a mistake and it's permanent. I've dealt with deathmultiple times, and it's not a good thing in any context. Also, I'd like to point out to everyone else that troll troll is troll, regardless of whether or not he's kidding. And for the record, yes, all of my future posts will be in this font, size, and color.
There is a definite reason for this.
When are we ever NOT talking about penises?
Really? What happened?
Yeah, CJ told me that you made it into the women's choir at your school. That is ****ing amazing. I didn't even know that was possible.
I would tap that so hard; I can't even think of a clever pun to describe how hard I would tap that. Damn hard.
...AHAHAHAH. No, but really. I'm serious.
Most of the arguments in this thread agree on one thing; that there are some criminals that have a choice that they are completely free to make and a whole other group of criminals that are bound by their own mental issues, completely powerless in their own lives, and cannot be held accountable for their own actions. But I ask these people; can you really claim to know what goes on in the head of a pedophile? What gives you the right or ability to discern what caused these people to act the way they did, and explain the thought processes and factors in these morbid acts? Can you tell me what Hitler was thinking?
I doubt that anybody except the Illuminati really knows for sure what the Illuminati want.
My friends gave rapper names to EVERYONE a while back. They told me I was THE INFAMOUS MC.
Really now? I get where you're coming from with that one. I've got severe Dysrationalia, so if someone sneaks up behind me and covers up my eyes unexpectedly I lose all train of thought. But you do realize that someone with that degree of split personality could not function on any level? Also, I can imagine your mom walking into your room while you're on your computer, asking you how your day was, and you responding "Porn." IT IS HILARIOUS IN MY HEAD.
Ah. What do you have?
Could everyone here who is actually insane please raise their hand.
... What?
The arms were supposed to look off; they curve back around in a comical fashion. :lolface:
What does this say about you, though?
http://loldalk.deviantart.com/art/With-a-Baseball-Bat-163832273 It's Ness and Giygas from Earthbound; cnc would be nice. That is all.
I love how everyone was in love with it like a year and a half ago and now nobody ever liked it and it was always horrible.