And do you know how to save images?
Then you should know that hitting water at 60 mph is basically the same as hitting concrete at 60 mph, if you don't mind the comparison.
Boobs are on my list As a matter of fact boobs are all over my list I'm pretty sure 3 of the first 7 items on the list are boobs
Once For a church thing I dressed up as Harry Potter for the kids I looked not the part It was hilarious There are pics somewhere.
/d/ > all other boards
This may well be the most hypocritical thing you- wait, no. I don't want to make that assumption.
***** I trained in Xiaolin for 4 years.
Quit *****ing; I'm glad Wolfie's cleaning up spam. I mean, if I could even count how many times I got pissed in the debate corner alone over posts that were spam, it would be an enormous number.
I really just hate the **** out of romance at this point.
Innocence is a ****ing piece of bullshit no matter where in the world or what part of the timeline you are in. This is no exception.
I thought I was weird for this :v
Me too. It was quite possibly the most homo-erotic thing I've ever done.
The hammer is also my penis Well how convenient I just so happen to have a hammer right here
Also, the "crime" is my penis.
I find it lulz because Re:COM is not for a handheld console. Somebody ****ed up somewhere along the line here.
Allow me to rephrase this. I was under the impression that this was one of the rules that staff gave a flying **** about.
I've been trying to start a Cats fad for forever but no one will do it.
I never would have guessed.