"Rita! Hiya!"he called
"Your Mum show you how to do that?"
Yeah of course ^^
Bored...Dad's teaching Hokada how to hunt and Mum's Teaching Yue earthbending..." ooc-Make them up? lolI dunno
ooc-...Hmmm...make ones up? why dont you go play with Ruko?"Sokka said
The avatar one ^^
"Lift your spear a little higher Hokada."Sokka instrucked his son " 'Kay....almost-GAH!Kya! go play with water somewhere else you little freak" "I didnt mean it!"
Toby's laugh could be heared from down the hall
would you be interested in my new rp?
Ooc-Your in^^ we can start
Okies lol ^^
Thankies ^^
yeah lol Im obessed with avatar right now lol and I thought since your a good rper you might be interested ^^
she lay back on her bed,her hands on her abodomon.
a avatar rp...im obessed with that right now...
Toby was in the lunch room,messing around with a boy with dreds
"I-if you see Toby....can you tell him I need to see him..?"
The Return of Azula Twenty-five years after sozins commett,everything is peacefull with the four nations,or it was untill a band of fire nation rebeles remember how it was to be feared....how it felt to rule the other nations. When Zuko is kidnapped it is soon realised that Azula is behind these attacks and up-roars,but with the Avatar and co being too 'old' it is up to their children to stop the choas that will surely rain on them if Azula becomes fire lord and re-starts the war. Rules *Keep romance pg *no power playing *do NOT control/kill other's characters without permission *3 OC characters max (you control the parents) *stick to the rules or I will ask you to leave the rp *have fun ^^! * post ' Down with the Fire Nation ' to prove you have read this *No two people can have the same parents Name: age: apperence: bending ability: region: parents: Bio: Name: Yue age:18 apperence: bending Ability: Earth region: South Pole/Earth Kingdom parents: Sokka and Toph Bio: Named after the moon and her father's first love,Yue is the eldest of Sokka and Toph's children and the only Earth Bender,she isnt as good as her mother but she's getting there,she has the same colour of eyes as Toph,but is not blind. Name: Hokada age:16 apperence: bending ability: None region: South Pole/Earth Kingdom Parents: Sokka and Toph Bio: Named after his grandfather, Hokada is like Sokka,a non-bending warrior of their home,Hokada is jealous that His sisters both got bending ability and he didnt,but like his father he hides that fact. Name: Kya age:14 apperence: bending ability: Water region:south pole/earth kingdom Parents: Sokka and Toph Bio: Named after her grandmother,Kya is the only water bender in the family apart from her aunt Katara,she is at a basic level of Water bending but is already proving to turn out to be a master.