I hope so ^^ that late? O-O
"O-ok.."she muttered "It's ok....Im used to it...really...my whole life being a non-bender..."
"But...we cant be together....Not ever again...It would be best for everyone if you had the...fetus removed..." she held back a screm,she went white"what? get rid of it?" he nodded
I dunno how much longer I'll be on..I get my exam results tomorrow :D
"Battle?"she squeaked "Its fine!"he called back,looking embarrased "Im used to it.."
"So....she told you huh? Im not mad....Its time you knew..."
Lol yeah ^^
"Why am I always knocked around by benders?"he muttered picking himself up
"You could've told me what you were!"
Yeah onlyone of mines is XD
ooc_I'd be no good at that Hokada noticed Lina and waved at her she made the shapes he asked,sticking her tounge out in concentration
yeah ^^ we need more evil dudes XD
Toby...Im-" ""Pregnant? I sense it...."he sighed
Cool ^^ :)
is it ok If I make Hokada Like Lina??
ooc-most just found out that they're angels and amy found out she's pregnant to Toby...but she cant tell Zack. "why?"he said sharply Becaue....I need to tell you something..."she said from behind them
She moved her hands,the water forming the shape
ooc-yeah ^^ she took some of the water
"S"Sup?"he asked popping the P
"Yeah Please."