Thanks could've been better though
He rolled his eyes,"She doesnt seem so tough..."
He drew his sword in defence
"a girl version of Zack?"
Yeah....I failed 2 but got a B for art and for my cooking class and a C for Modern studies
yeah but its split into paper 1 and paper 2
OOC-I dunno she creataed a sheild in front of her,only small bits of water hitting her he pulled his sword out
Toby turned his head towards the door
"Yes."he grinned ooc-gotta go ^^
no :S dont think scotland does that
she put her arm into a T shape to once again deflect them,this time she turned them back on Ruko
"Yeah...."he sighed ooc-gotta go see you all tormorrow...maybe
she shot her hand sideways ad deflected it
Im dreading my maths one lol
He raised a eyebrow then grinned
"No...but its better if she hates me....she wont get rid of the child either..."
she whimpered but sent a jet of water to slap at him
I hating waiting for them lol
Dont apologize..."he grinned
Amy burst into tears again and tore off "No.I dont."