"Its...Uh...well its probably the best thing that can happen to a werewolf...it really brings people togther...though it hurts like hel to be away from your object of imprintation..."
"Dont keep getting upset about him...he'll...be fine..."
"why?"He asked biting his lip trying not to laugh "No reason"she said quickly
"Hermia..."Mickey said River,seemed to be constentrating on not tripping over his feet,which didnt work,as he made his way into the kitchen
Okies ^^...
done and good Idea ^^
"River....whats....Imprinting like?"
"River...go in the kitchen...I'll be in a minute."
lol ill go post XD
ooc-yeah school
well...in the clash of races one they were going to see Lyra nd casey...you cant hide forever...river was drunk XD
yeah...think we should just continue where we left off? Umm...Hm...random characters?
I dunno something about hackers and whatnot thankies ^^ and Im gonna be off and on...busy
ooc-sure we can start now
ooc-your in^^
ooc-17...thats round about the age school finishes for people....well Ill be 17 when I finish anyways
ooc-14 or 15
ooc-your in
[I[/I]Felica and Heath Malcolm have always know that they were special in some way,so when they turn sixteen and they recieve their angelic powers they didnt think they were that special. Only one problem...they're only half angel meaning in order to become full angel they must go to a boarding school and learn to control their powers and such. But the school is a little unexpected as its divided into two groups, Light angels and Dark Angels,and you dont pick where you go....you'r put there...so what happens when the twins are split up and can no longer even look at each other? what happens when the dark angel's twist Heath's mind into thinking that light angels are goody-toe-shoes who should be destoryed permently? whats even worse is that they're planning an attack on the light angels...who are unsuspecting of them or their plans...can Heath really fight against his sister....and can Felica save Heath from himself? Rules: No power playing no killing or taking over anyones character without permission post ' to every darkness...there is light..." to show you've read this. no more than 3 characters (old characters dont count.) one must be on the dark if your characters are good and vice versa have fun. Name: age: parents: apperence: powers: Angel: Name: Felica Malcolm age:16 parents: Forrest and Harley Malcolm apperence: powers: Fire water wind and earth Angel: Light Name: Heath Malcolm age:16 parents:Forrest and Harley Malcolm apperence: powers: Lightning, Thunder,Hail and Ice Angel: Dark
ooc- I dunno...we didnt finish it....but...I dunno..