"Let me know when We're getting picked up"he said rounding the corner
"sure honey....you know where it is."Lyra smiled "any body hungry?" "Yeah Me...andHermia too." "Swap? I've never had straight hair"she said tugging at a curl"Got these from Mum...River didnt you eat when you left yours...and at mines?"
"Dun haff too...'Ma big boy"he grinned up at her."
"dont be gross."he said walking away backwards
"Not all blondes....just look at River...sure he has fun...but he doest get all the attention...he was ginger when he was born y'know...like my dad."she giggled he nodded"Hi Grandma"
" Wont get hurt....'M tough."he mumbled shutting his eyes in a content way
he grinned again "Yeeah"he laughed "Just the girls though...not the guys...wouldnt go gay for anyone here.." "Ugh...your such a manwhore River!"she said shoving him away from them
"Ugh....to many blondes in this family.."she said "Little early..aint it?" Lyra smiled back
"Really? Aj just laughed at me...alot 'cause I fell."he said sounding like a small child "He's a meanie.."
"His eyes went wide "Your not...gonna tell him...right?"
his smiled faded "Your...planning another before the first is even here?" "Its not.its really pretty." "Hi River,Hi Hermia."
he nodded again,getting his dopey grin again
"Ow! Ocean!"he winced "Its a party..thats what happens at parties." "You song the face of your best friends girlfriend?" "and sister."he muttered "what?"
He was quiet for a minute then nodded " 'Kay. No more."
"Two cars sounds good.....why a people carrier?"he asked as he opened the door Calling a hi "I love your hair colour Amy."
"dont be stupid." River...you do know that was Rebecca?" "Yeah..." " Danny's Rebecca?" "Yeah." "are you wasted or just stupid?"
he shook his head " S'not....."
"aw your sh*tting me? I have to drive a mommy mobile..."He winced
" him?!"she cried "Its her! River! get off her...you'll catch something nasty!"it was obvious she had an imense dislike or the girl River let go of her,as he walked away she gave his butt a smack,he turned back to grin,then continued over to his cousin and sister "Sup?"he said taking Cadey's drink from her and downing it as if it were a shot
Mickey walked behind River as they made their way up stairs,River managed to trip,but keep his balance when he entered their room,Mickey shut the door behind him,he thought about putting the silencing charm on it too..but left it alone. "Hermia..."he said stumbling to their bed "I-im sorry....Im such a ass..."but he was slurring his word so much it sounded like "MslorryMsluchaashss"