~~~~STAND BY PHASE~~~~~ ~~~~DRAW PHASE~~~ -4 cards in hand- ok my turn i draw ~~~~MAIN PHASE~~~~ now i summon mirrage dragon in attack mode and flip summon Lord of D in attack mode next i put another card face down ~~~~BATTLE PHASE~~~~ METEOR B DRAGON ATTACK HER DARK NECRO FEAR!
ok ur turn
fine then ~~~~Main phase 2~~~~ now i activate my field card a legendary ocean and end my turn ~~~~end phase~~~~ ~~~~field~~~~~~ monster zone trap and spell zone
i draw ~~~~mainphase~~~~ now i summon a monster in defense ~~~~~Battle phase~~~~~ and attack with my meteor b dragon
oh ok well i use the game Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 shadow ill post my turn in a sec
shadow rocks never told me plus .... then how do you duel number the cards and use a randomizer? and no thats how i had learned
i use my videogame that has my exact deck to duel so i dont cheat. edit: it randomizes the deck and picks whats in my hand
fine i draw a card i put 1 card facedow(sideways) then i activate Fusion sage with this i draw polymerzation and shuffel my deck. next i put a card face down in the field card zone. and finally i use polymerzation to fuse red eyes black dragin and beastking of the swamps to summon meteor b dragonin attack mode ! and end my turn
ok florance (Shadow_Rocks) lets see who wins 8000 life points my videogame is on so im ready to go tell me when you ready ill go first
so are you going to ever post your move??
who wants a hug
Character sheet: Username: kuroku Name: blade ishtar Age:15 Weilder of a mellenium item: yes Mellenium item" the rod Spirit: yami marik Appearence: Wielder of a millenium Item: millennium rod Bio: he obtained the rod by stealing it from the family treasure. he also managed to obtain 1 of the 3 egyption god cards. he has a bad habit of wearing masks and has a large collection of them. DECK 1 :A Legendary Ocean x2 Axe Dragonute Baby Dragon Beastking of the Swamps x3 Blizzard Dragon x2 Blue eyes white dragon x3 Buster Blader Centrifugal Field Decoy Dragon De-fusion Diabolos, King of the Abyss double summon Felgrand Dragon Fusion Gate x3 Fusion Recovery Fusion Sage Harpie's Pet Dragon Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 Horus the black Flame Dragon LV8 Infernal Dragon Light and Darkness Dragon Lord of D. Luster Dragon x3 Majestic Mech - Ohka Masked Dragon x2 Mausoleum of the Emperor x3 Mirage Dragon x3 Parrot Dragon Polymerization x3 Red Eyes Black Dragon x2 Red Eyes Darness Dragon Summoned Skull The Flute of Summoning Dragon The Wicked Dreadroot Tornado Wall x2 Tyrant Dragon Ultimate Tyranno White Night Dragon White-Horned Dragon Wing Dragon of RA FUSION CARDS Aligater's Sword Dragon Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon Dragon Master Knight F.G.D x2 King Dragun Meteor B. Dragon DECK 2: Batteryman D x3 Batteryman AA x3 Batteryman C x3 Bateryman Micro-cell x2 Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon x3 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder The Creator Thumder Dragon x3 Divine Dragon - Excelion x2 Prime Material Dragon Judgment Dragoon Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x2 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin x2 Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon Freed the Brave Wanderer Cyberdark Horn Cyberdark Edge Cyberdark Keel Winged Dragon of Ra Marshmallon Gandora the Dragon of Destruction Gold Sarcophagus Beckoning Light Banner of Courage x2 Battery Charger Card Destruction Cyberdark Impact! Double Summon Polymerzaion Heavy Storm Hand Collapse Lightning Vortex Marshmallon Glasses Monster Reborn Luminous Spark Realm of Light Field Barrier Wave-Motion Cannon Mirror Force FUSION Cyberdark Dragon Twin Headed Thunder Dragon Evil,good,or both: evil Other: hes wears this mask He has a pet hawk named Mr.Tweetums. he uses it to see and talk to others using the puzzel and is his only friend
im changing my hawks name to mr.tweetums wow in ur rp i was being him without even knowing it cause i had already inslaved a hawk XD
ahhhhhh im having quote oveload
ok last thing on episode 25 I MADE THOSE BIRDS ATTACK YUGI yes i know contolling every bird would make me invincable
this guys a freakin genius
in america XD
that abrigide things halarious XD i see why you like so much the whole duke devlin thing was halarious
thanks for letting me join