sure whenever you get back on
have you heard bakuras laugh in japanese?
yellow means yami marik/purple means blade (mean while on a boat) "so this is new domino city" "yes it is. the last time i was here my plans had faild me. but this time my plans will be realized ha hahahahaha" blade walked to the front of the boat"so the egyption god cards are here. and we plan to take them all, but." "What is it" "This time we shall steel the mellenium items aswell so are plan will be full proof. now my army of steves shall begin searching for both the cards and the items hahahahaha" (i'm going to start off like the last time i did)
oh ok i was just watching the episodes where bakura finaly puts his plan in action
??? -_- thought so forget what i said.
Ok i'm either confused or messed up in the head cause I'm not understanding whats going on here. also don't answer the question the answer is obvious im messed up in the head sooo can someone explain? kuro
no i mean in my deck
ill chang it
u see i used it for tornado wall. i thought the effect gave all water atributed monsters 200 attack and minus one star (cause you know theres alot...
so ya those 2 reasons.
i also combo it with tornado wall
oh that i realized the affect only effects aqua monsters i was using it for white night dragon and blizzard dragon. i had thought it was for water...
hay there im back i was watching the abrigid series from the begining. also im planning to by a microphone for the audition
what do you mean at least you dont have to do anything?
good game florance
Just checking now WHITE NIGHT DRAGON attack directly FROZEN SHARD TYPHOON! you have o life points remaining
~~~standby~~~~~ ~~~~draw~~~~~ NOW ITS TIME TO FINISH THIS ~~~MAIN PHASE~~~~ I sacrafice parrot dragon and mirage dragon to summon WHITE NIGHT DRAGON ~~~~BATTLE PHASE~~~~ METEOR B DRAGON attack his life points directly
ok ur turn again
now you lose 1300 life points (you have 6700) Next my mirage dragon attacks your statue causing 600 damadge (6100 left) with that my Lord of D attacks directly dealing 1200 damdge(4900) ~~~~MAIN PHASE 2~~~~~ next i activate my face down fLUTE OF SUMMONING DRAGON to summon parrot dragon from my hand and end my turn ~~~END PHASE~~~ MONSTER ZONE MAGIC&TRAP ZONE FIELD CARD ZONE --2 CARDS IN HAND--
i dont think so my Lord of D keeps all dragons safe from monster effects thatt allow you to pick the target which means you can only attach it to my lord of d ahahahaha