~~~~DRAW PHASE~~~~ lets duel ~~~~MAIN PHASE~~~~ i start off with double summon so i can summon 2 batteryman AAs in attack mode due to their abilities they both now have 2000 attack ponts then i pu a card face down i end ~~~end phase~~~ 2 cars in hand field: monster zone M&T zone
okay fixed
want to duel i wanted to test my new deck
LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Yes Video Game Exclusives: Yes God Cards: Yes Hand Refill: No First Player: Me Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): cards we draw: 5 agree i'll be using my new deck
((i added a new deck))
ok thanks for testing my deck im gonna be spending all night making a new one [IMG]
never heard of it
O_O crap im dead no choice i end. no cards in hand or field -_- i knew i should have summoned light and darkness dragon
how is it that even though you post your still not logged in?
his effect destoys any trap card that trys to destroy him any other cards?
im a very patient man [IMG]
i'm no fool hahahaha lets see you stop me ~~~~Draw phase~~~~ ~~~Main phase~~~ First i summon lord of dragons next i activate http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/C/CL/CLA/CLAIRDELUNE23/ 1250175164_4636_full.jpeg flute of summoning dragon so i can summon TYRANT DRAGON hahahaa your not the only stratagist around ~~~~Battle phase~~~~ Now i attack YOUR BLADE EDGE ☢Tyrant Fire Burst☢ Got any last minute saves?
nope i have nothing continue
got me there i end ~~~end phase~~~~ 2 cards in hand field monsters M&T zone field cards
fine with me [IMG]
fixed and are you online or off make up your mind XD
you were mislead that i'm small fry huh? lets see you stop me ~~~~Draw phase~~~~ ~~~Main phase~~~ First i activate this mausoleum of the emperor thus destroying your field card now i sacrafice 2000 life points to summon white night dragon then i put 2 cards face down ~~~~Battle phase~~~~ Now i attack should i keep going?
theres differnt ways to play. who cares go first.
hell ya how many cards do we draw 5 or 7
hay there aster