you have 5300 lp left now my rykos who now have 800 atk from my field card attack you dirrectly dealing 1600 damage leaving you with 3700 lp. then i place a card face down and end ~~~END PHASE~~~~ 1 card in hand MONSTER M&T ZONE FIELD CARD
read his ability he was discarded due to rykos ability
now i take six cards from the top of my deck to the grave giving my monsters a 600 attack bonus but thats not all i speacial summon my wulf lightsworn beast from the grave ~~~~~battle phase~~~~~~~ NOW WOLF ATTACK SHINING WHITE AXE ATTACK activate anything?
when a monster is destroyed by an effect its not flip summoned
no i mean im making modifacations to the deck NOW i flip summon my RYKO, LIGH SWORN HUNTERS I'll destroy your face down monster and a card activating anything
that deck is still under construction ~~~DRAW PHASE~~~~ ~~~MAIN PHASE~~~ activating anything?
no keep going
nope keep going
YES FEAR MY LEATHER CLADED TOUSHI ~~~~DRAW PHASE~~~~ lets duel ~~~~MAIN PHASE~~~~ I'LL PLAY REALM OF LIGHT Next ill activate double summon and put 2 monsters in facedown defense position. then i put a card face down and end ~~~END PHASE~~~
how about you
i'v been rping
got me there now i just need to try out the light sworn side of my deck
i have an epty hand
just keep going
keep on going
put a card face down and end
I activate battery charger to summon one of my batteryman AA now i sacrafice him to summon Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon AND BECAUSE I SACRAFICED BATTERYMAN AA MY DRAGON GAINS 1000 ATK GIVING HIM 3400 ATTACK ~~~~BATTLE PHASE~~~ NOW I ATTACK YOUR METAL RED EYES hIGH-VOLTAGE SHOCK WAVE Using anythin else
ya im scared MY TURN ~~~DRAW PHASE~~~~ ~~~~MAIN PHASE~~~ i activate heavy storm
nope not activating @ JADEN you sound like kaiba from the abridged series XD