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  1. Terra254
    You're Irish?
    You should have told me your were Irish!
    Yay !
    Post by: Terra254, Sep 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Terra254
    Actually better was the righter (I don't think that word is in the dictionary ) /better word to use. Meta doesn't mean good, it just means the ones that are/were used most often . And also, imagine how many people entered with Heros and didn't top.
    Post by: Terra254, Sep 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Terra254
    You can think that,But I don't.
    They may be good sometimes, But for the amount of support they have, they should be better.
    Post by: Terra254, Sep 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Terra254
    I don't think it's your luck Jaden, Hero's are just terrible IMO. I mean....They have so much support but hardly rank on things.
    I'm not even sure if Brooklyn could make them work. They're so over-used . . . People should stop trying to use them >.> .
    But I mean this is coming from someone who's run Cloudians, CB's, Venom's, And Inca decks. Oh. I need to re-build my Inca deck...
    But yeah . . . Using Hero's, You'd have a better chance of escaping a Vampire Force Grab... I wish they'd make more support for archetypes that have potential instead of archetypes that have reached their maximum.
    Post by: Terra254, Sep 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Terra254
  6. Terra254
    yay! Are you serious? because of course I'll duel you.
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 31, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Terra254
    Who wants to duel on DN?
    Its been like a week since I last dueled, I think.Not alot but far too much time for
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 31, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Terra254
    Okay, I'll have the better version of what ever Viva La Vida is in Portuguese (If Its not the same) later~
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Terra254
  10. Terra254
  11. Terra254
    1) Site rule.
    2) Homophobic maybe? Definitely sexist.
    3) Hah! Might as well just go outside, then.
    4) No.

    Post by: Terra254, Aug 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Terra254
  13. Terra254
  14. Terra254
    RED IS BACK ! rreeeddd!
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Terra254
  16. Terra254
    Yes. If Jaden allows it.
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Terra254
    I'd like to point out that neither Fred nor Brooklyn's Fabled deck's run Lightning Vortex <3.
    Atleast if they do, They don't use it.

    *Patiently waiting for Rulers of the Universe Jaden, Brooklyn, Fred, Red, SM, Styx, Yusei, Nemi, and Rafael to have a tournament*
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Terra254
  19. Terra254
  20. Terra254

    You never were the only Brazilian, Because Jesse was Brazilian. He never gets one though :(
    I might make a deck for Jaden's banlist in a second, Even though I didn't use most of the cards on it.[DOUBLEPOST=1345997207][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, Jaden, I think you didn't hit T.G. Striker...I think.
    Post by: Terra254, Aug 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground