You're Irish? You should have told me your were Irish! Yay !
Actually better was the righter (I don't think that word is in the dictionary ) /better word to use. Meta doesn't mean good, it just means the ones that are/were used most often . And also, imagine how many people entered with Heros and didn't top.
You can think that,But I don't. They may be good sometimes, But for the amount of support they have, they should be better.
I don't think it's your luck Jaden, Hero's are just terrible IMO. I mean....They have so much support but hardly rank on things. I'm not even sure if Brooklyn could make them work. They're so over-used . . . People should stop trying to use them >.> . But I mean this is coming from someone who's run Cloudians, CB's, Venom's, And Inca decks. Oh. I need to re-build my Inca deck... But yeah . . . Using Hero's, You'd have a better chance of escaping a Vampire Force Grab... I wish they'd make more support for archetypes that have potential instead of archetypes that have reached their maximum.
I stole one of your avatars. Because it reminds me of DH's avatar that I used to use, but that one's too small now. So...Just informing you of theft.
yay! Are you serious? because of course I'll duel you.
Who wants to duel on DN? Its been like a week since I last dueled, I think.Not alot but far too much time for So...Anyone?
Okay, I'll have the better version of what ever Viva La Vida is in Portuguese (If Its not the same) later~
I...never said that. I don't know what any of them would think, But I'm not sure if they'd care. I only really know Droid and Sora,And they are...
Hey, When you get angry you should turn your post the color green. I used have my post green all the time. Plus, it'd let us know when you're angry!
1) Site rule. 2) Homophobic maybe? Definitely sexist. 3) Hah! Might as well just go outside, then. 4) No. #Teamrat5evahbecausewhynot
Oh, well maybe we can duel later. Not now obviously since you're not on,
I'm sure you meet the requirements of awesomeness.xD And Yeah, I'd understand that.My Cyber Deck sorta got hit too >.>
RED IS BACK ! rreeeddd! 8D
Awesome enough to what? Duel Jaden? Or Be Irish?And Which Ban list? September one, Or Jaden's? Jaden has a ban list that you use to duel him on DN.
Yes. If Jaden allows it.
I'd like to point out that neither Fred nor Brooklyn's Fabled deck's run Lightning Vortex <3. Atleast if they do, They don't use it. *Patiently waiting for Rulers of the Universe Jaden, Brooklyn, Fred, Red, SM, Styx, Yusei, Nemi, and Rafael to have a tournament*
Oh! You're the Brazilian that Rafael was talking about. I was hoping you were Irish :(. Rafael is always sad because He says he can't translate...
Haha Naahh. I followed you because I think you're funny. Don't be alarmed, as long as you stay out of your closet , You should be fine =D.
@Rafael You never were the only Brazilian, Because Jesse was Brazilian. He never gets one though :( I might make a deck for Jaden's banlist in a second, Even though I didn't use most of the cards on it.[DOUBLEPOST=1345997207][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, Jaden, I think you didn't hit T.G. Striker...I think.