I hadn't noticed, But I'd assumed so.
Jaden, The only reason that guy you dueled won was because he used a deck he knew would ensure his victory. He pretty much is loses most other duels. (Even though he claims to be a highly skilled duelist,Hah!) http://i.imgur.com/Ti4Ym.png http://i.imgur.com/xeEfk.png Oh, Thats the same person...Oh well. He's not very good. I'll destroy him Observe him and post more of his wins and losses, On News you don't care about. Oh, He logged out...He must have been embarrassed to have lost so badly. I think that's the same guy, he uses ninjas.
I have the tournament things saved in a file named "In Case Jaden Questions my statement". I can show them to you, but in a while. Maybe like a month or two, because I have a plan. I'll be entering more tournaments in between Homework and School events. And some random duel, too.I might even take screen shots. But I'll be releasing them all at once to Jaden, Because I don't wanna ruin the surprise I have. @Jaden Also, If you're wondering...yesterday actually was Rafaels birthday, he's not kidding. He asked me What an important date in South America was, And I said I dunno and He said 16/9 and I said Why? And he said because it was his birthday, Just in case you were wondering.
This is why I am Fred 5 evah. Err...I was going to say something else but I'll make sure I'm right or I can be right and am not just doing something.[DOUBLEPOST=1347853137][/DOUBLEPOST]Ah, yes, I was right! But I'm not sue how to word it, So I'll post tomorrow when I've figured out how to word it.[DOUBLEPOST=1347853194][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh...[DOUBLEPOST=1347853293][/DOUBLEPOST]/Just read Fred's post fully / carefully ...You made him leave,Jaden. You made Fred leave. He's gone. ... ...... .........
PM when you get on. Despite being the only staff besides Chev that ever gets mad at me for stuff, I think you're probably the only staff that...
Oh. Do you know he did?Like...that he hype'd you up?
Slaughter said something like that about you, actually. Except he said it less wordy. Ask Brooklyn, he might remember all that he said, But I remember him saying he was sorry if you hype'd him up.To rafael, In their duel
Uh...The God deck was Riku's, I helped him with it But I think It lasted like 5 turns. The CB lasted like 3 or 4, They had a nice deck. And I was using my old BW build, Its the one a dueled Red with, with two or Three changes. I'll probably edit it later,It was the BW deck I used when I first started. (The one You helped me edit later.) And didn't you win? So it's not like it matters...
You should have put Fred's card image in Spoiler tags.Rafael is going rageee And Only Fred and Brooklyn really duel each other, Rafael duels random people, I duel Star and Riku sometimes (I usually just help Riku make decks) , And Brooklyn And I only duel each other sometimes to test decks. And that's exactly my point, You shouldn't have made a big deal about it if I only won that way. You acted like it was the apocalypse.And I HAVE almost beat red. With my BW's, Like 234 days ago. But they're also "Bad", aren't they? Because they've lost to CB's, And God decks,Also. And you should practice with Rafael...Because You're never going to get better if you don't practice, and I'm pretty sure Rafael would be more than happy to duel you.
I beat red once, And I think Jaden almost had a heart attack. He was calling bullshit x10. I think the Yusei here before you was Styx. he used Flamvells, IIRC.
...I didn't even understand that. What?
Jaden, I've Placed second in two tournaments this morning, I've Only lost to A very Good exodia deck That I'm probably going to reverse engineer and the other because I disconnected. I've beat Exodia decks (there were two), Six Sams, DarkWorlds, Some CopyCat deck I'm suprised made it past the first round, A Warrior Equip deck (Which was actually good, But Zeal <3), and A Crystal Beast. I've also Outside of those tournaments beat Anti-Meta that kept destroying my Zeals and didn't let me add because of Rai-Oh, Some Dragon OTK deck that Didn't have good enough backrow for Zeal, And Star at 12 times (Other decks too but I forgot what they were, or didn't get to see enough to judge). But I guess I'm still a bad player, huh? You're still going to use me when talking about an example of a bad player? I've lost to you in the past, And now I'll never be even decent. I'm still shaking from nervousness of dueling random people pretty much just to show you that I've gotten better. But nothing will change until I beat Slaughter, I guess. But That's nearly impossible, since all these other people also want to duel him, And He's never on. I'm permanently a less than decent player then, I suppose. You can continue using me as an example like If I beat this person You wouldn't believe it, Or If I did this I'd be stupider than I already was. I'm hoping to duel Inzectors soon. Maybe if none of those impressed you, That will. /Ragebutnotrage /Sorrybutforonce,Notsorry Also, Lyris (I did that to get your attention if you were just going to skip over my post, because we've never really talked so I dunno if You care what I have to say) I dunno about the card, But if you're leaving because of something I did, Then I'm sorry. If it's anything the arena did (Outside of me because I already said I was sorry), I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt you either.I'm not asking you to stay if You don't want to, But if it was something we did, reconsider it. If you've just grown tiresome of the game then go ahead and let it go. I have a song for this! BRB re-writing it for you.
Jaden your thread's are so famous. Also, I've decided Brooklyn and or Fred wouldn't be the alt accounts of Jaden, But I still think that either Fred is Red and Jaden has someone else, I dunno who, but he does.AND I WILL FIND HIM! Oh, Hmm...Maybe Fred isn't Red.
You guys! I just remembered Red's DN name! I went through the Painful Process of reading all my VM's (In which I learned that Me and Riku's Girlfriend Need to block Nickelodeon for about a month because we talk about Spongebob Far too much and that I was more annoying in the past, Legasp how is this world still existing) And Saw that on about the time I got my "t" capitalized, I got less annoying! And Jaden still hated me back then too. Anyway, his Username is KilledHeart, And he was on 279 Days and 5 hours ago. Unless he changed it.
Don't you have to manually update YGOPro? It seems like a lot of work...For kind of a small difference.
Rainshine! <3 rawr :3[DOUBLEPOST=1347413353][/DOUBLEPOST] I kind of thought you did this because he said "I don't appreciate shout-out threads like this.".
This "Heart of Cards" Thing doesn't ever work for me.
Thread involving America....There will be Machina.
Yep xD Is DN working for you?
Where do you people live? (that's a rhetorical question, You don't answer it) I mean...Everyone seems so mean there. Where I live pretty much everyone is accepted,No matter what size,Skin color, disability or Anything else. The meanest thing people do here is laugh when someone gets's hurt. Also Jaden, I'd like to point out that if you feel feel that way then you're kinda being a hypocrite. Half of these people are saying you don't suck, That you're good or atleast decent and you reply telling them how stupid they are. That's how " bully " 's are made. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the dictionary term.