and Aqua, Stop harassing me.
I've never seen this "awful art" just appear. You guys must be doing something. Unlike Doctor Who...that **** is unescapable. It's just...Everywhere. Atleast they don't make "awful art" I suppose, They're just annoying. Not creepy though...
I'm only posting because Squidward. But that video was bad, and you should feel bad.
It's completely rational.
Synchro Plants without out Trish or Brio is hardly Synchro Plants ; ;
I think I've got my good edge back, So I'm the Double-Edged Sword again! because I made an ojama deck and my hand was: Poly,Two Ojama Country's,Ojama Delta, Yellow, Black. I set Black, Ended Turn. Then I assumed my opponent were to destroy Black, So next turn I drew into Green, Activated Country, Discarded Second country and Special Summoned Black. Then you could guess what happened next with Yellow, Black, and Green and Poly in hand. I only wish I could've constructed a way to safely get all of them on the field for Delta...Also, next turn I would've drew into Ojama muscle. /INB4JadenOjamaSuckRant Also, This wasn't a good field/hand per se, Just lucky.
She's mean? Also, *Meanie.
She said she was ... Hmm... I don't know how to say it. But she used a different term.
You don't like Fearless? Fearless is awesome, Though. And doesn't hate me to an extent. She's . . . Tolerant.
It's been brought to my attention that only being Fred 5 Evah is weird, So now, We are going to be Spoiler #5EVAHFEARLESS and of course #Fred5Evah and #BrooklynEliminatedUs5Evah We should work on that Brooklyn one; Its not very catchy...
The Stars are finally in place...I feel as if though I might not fail. The Sacred's are calling me. Anyone wanna duel? On DN. Hope I'm not wrong....
Yes. Live by the Fred, And when it is time,Become eliminated by the Brooklyn.
Your impressions people him are funny. And uhh...I don't think he meant it that way. Just that since you don't even duel any more you're statements are very credible . . . And that you should try new decks instead of using one trying to beat the same other deck over and over again. That's the definition of insanity.[DOUBLEPOST=1345482043][/DOUBLEPOST] I nominated him because It's what Fred would've done, And Fred 5 Life. Also, He's pretty funny. Even if he doesn't think so.
Oh and, Brooklyn is nominated for "Best Normal Member". Pretty cool, Huh? Just saying.
Maybe it's his opinion. If he's not trolling than you're making him feel bad,And then you become no better than he is. You guys just view things in a different way, And someone should not be accused of something because you don't quite agree with said thing. Rafael actually cares about your opinion, Or atleast he used to. If Rafael is trolling then I dunno. EDIT: Also, This is meant to be taken lightly. I'm just saying... I don't want you to feel as if though we're (although I'm not a part of any group in this situation, Since Rafael, Fred, and Brooklyn know alot more than me, And ... Other things.) Trying to making you feel bad. They're just trying to help in a kinda backwards way.
My Gishki's don't even run Gustkraken though, And I still have a hand loop, sorta. If you mean handloop of the player, not opponent.
I wish it was so.I just have the time set to Ireland because why not. lol Its raining outside and my time is set to it, So I'm halfway there. Now...